Another week has passed and, as always, I'm chasing my tail with work. I'm in the middle of making 6 Memory bears with a further 6 due through my door at any point so it's a quick round up of smiles this week....
At the weekend Amy, Dave. their 3 children plus their friends with their 2 boys had a couple of nights at the Welsh coast and yes it was cold and windy but it didn't stop these 5 donning their coats, hats, wellies and gloves to enjoy fun on the beach and making a sand castle....the weather never gets in the way of their fun and that always makes me smile.
On Wednesday night Lulu went to a birthday party which included pony rides....of course she had a wonderful time and would really like one of her own now. :-)
It's been really cold here lately and we have treated Milly to a waterproof she is trying it on and she seems very happy with it.
Yesterday morning was the coldest day of the year here and the ground outside was frozen hard but just look at the tulips shooting up through the gravel....isn't nature wonderful?
And finally I saw this on Facebook this week and for a moment thought it was Jo's dishwasher....she has so much wool I thought she had been hiding it again :-)
I hope you have found something here that has made you smile too and will now link up to your own smiles below.
Have a good week and stay warm and safe wherever you are.
Annie x