Here we are at my weekly round up of what's made me smile this week. We have been away for a long weekend adventure in our motor home and this time we went to a lovely 'tranquil site' over near Boston in was an adult only site [hense the tranquility!!]. It was a lovely site with lots of trees and birds and there was an enclosed dog run so Milly could be let off her lead to run.
It was really hot while we were away so we enjoyed the shade of the trees around us and we bought Milly a new cool mat [as you can see she quickly found out how good that was]. There might have been a few glasses of Pimms drank [well you do have to keep hydrated in this heat]. We enjoyed several BBQs and hubby even had rainbows on his legs at one point although the photo doesn't show it as clearly as we could see it.
While we were away Theo was in charge of watering our tomatoes [with his daddy and mummy of course] and as you can see his reward was a yummy carrot out of the garden :-)
I just love that little face :-)
Lexi has taken on a pink and purple look for her holidays [it's only temporary so wont last long].
I'm not sure what colour I will go yet :-)
There's been lots of this going on in this heat this week....bliss. For those wondering, Theo has a special waterproof protector on his arm for the water.
Steve has been for trials to play for Shrewsbury under 10s this week....hes a brilliant little goaly and really loves his football....even in the heat!!
Finally, for those that enjoy my garden updates. There's colour in every corner and I love it so just have to share it with you all.
And that is all for this week. I hope you're all managing to stay cool in this heat and have lots to smile about. Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and then link to your smiles below.
Oh wow that week has flown by. We managed to get away in out motor home for a few days last weekend so there was much to smile about. We went to a lovely campsite at Slimbridge just south of Gloucester....apart from the first night when it poured with rain all night the rest of the time the sun shone and we enjoyed many walks with little Milly. Heres a few snaps to share with you...
We were close to the canal and were able to enjoy a glass or two while watching the life on the canal.
Amy, Dave and family had a couple of days down in Cornwall and I really love the photos they sent to us.
Lexi and Sam had a day out with their mum and dad at the West Midland Safari Park and the twins made a new friend. :-)
Steve has been missing his football training sessions during lockdown but they have now started up again....I think the smile on his face says it all don't you?
I always love to see the girls enjoying a baking session together...they are making cheese cakes for their daddy's birthday today.
That's all my shares for today. If you can please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and then link up to your own smiles for the week below.
Another lovely week and I've more smiles to share with you all.
I was treated to lunch out on Saturday as part of my birthday treat from Amy, Dave and family then Amy had booked for me, her and the two girls to enjoy a couple of hours of crafty fun at Splat and Splodge in Shrewsbury...
What a lovely afternoon we had painting our chosen ceramics. I painted a little Father Christmas to hang on our Christmas tree....can't wait for it to be fired so we can collect them....the girls are growing up so quickly now and are really lovely company to spend time with.
The schools around here have been on half term holidays this week so they have been having Halloween fun....
The twins have been decorating the house, carving their pumpkins and enjoying time with their friends.
Amy's three have been to choose their pumpkin and have been making scary face masks.
On Wednesday Steve went with his Mum and Grandad to Walsall to play in a football tournament with Shrewsbury Football Academy. There were 13 teams taking part and Steve's team came fourth. He plays in goals and they said he had made some really good proud of him.
Of course rather than standing on the side of the football pitches in the cold the two girls asked if they could come and spend the day with me.
I know I was working but they are now so independent and love playing with Nanny's crafty stash so of course I said yes.
I did have customers and had sewing to do but it was really lovely to have their company here and we had a lovely time crafting and creating together....they managed to finish knitting their squares and then made their little bunnies with them. They then moved onto making pom poms and creating different characters out of's so lovely watching them dipping into my craft supplies.
Little Milly often makes us smile and here she is sitting on one of the plants in the garden....I have a feeling she thinks I am growing cushions for her to sit on!!!
Those are my smiles for this week. Please leave me a little comment so I know you've called by and if you can please link up below and share your smiles with us too.
On Saturday we all went to see Lexi on stage at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury at a performance of Madagascar. Sadly we aren't allowed to take photos there but it was a wonderful performance and we all came out singing....'we like to move it move it' :-)
Lexi played the part of a visitor at the zoo and a piece of steak....guess you need to have watched the film to know!
Amy, Dave and the children went to London for the weekend and organised a black taxi tour around all the sites...they say is was brilliant and would highly recommend it because it allowed them to see all they wanted to and the taxi driver was able to stop for them to take photos.
The girls love the Harry Potter books so whilst there they went to the Harry Potter experience....a great time was had by all as you can see.
The boys are Arsenal fans so while the girls did Harry Potter they went on a tour around the Emirates football ground....what a treat.
Of course Steve was then treated to a new Arsenal kit as an early birthday present....he looks rather pleased with it too.
On Monday Theo and his mummy went on a nature walk near their home to gather Autumn leaves and other treasures...and also jumping in muddy puddles and climbing trees....just what children should do eh?
Our men went to watch Shrewsbury town play after the theatre on Saturday and when they came home Mark had treated Theo to one of the away football's actually a lovely purple in colour but looks rather blue in this pic. They are off to watch a game together in the near future so I have a feeling Theo will be wearing his new kit then :-)
I hope you have enjoyed my smiles and will leave me a little message before sharing yours and linking them up below.
Another week and I've had lots to smile about so I will share a few pics with you....and hope you will all leave me a little message to say you've called by and will hopefully then share your own smiles with us.
Little Theo has been on holiday this week with his Mummy, Daddy, Uncle and the other set of Grandparents so they have sent us many photos to share what a lovely time they've been having together.
While the cat's the saying goes :-)
While Theo was away we popped round to their house to fit the little curtains I made for his new play house and as you can see Grandad had to climb inside to fit was a bit of a squeeze but I'm pleased to say he managed to get back out :-)
We had a few days away at the Welsh coast at the weekend in our Motor home. Sadly Michelle, Brent and the twins, who were supposed to join us but on Saturday they tried and failed to get their tent up in the strong winds and ended up breaking one of their tent poles and going back home. The weather was awful and I was so glad they weren't in their tent on Sunday night because in the middle of the night it was blowing a gale and we were woke by a very heavy rain storm.....I really wouldn't have wanted to be in a tent in that!
The middle photo shows how the sea was whipped up by the wind....and if you zoom in you will see in the bottom right photo that Biscuit bear, Milly and I stayed warm in the motor home while my darling hubby took the photo. :-)
The top two photos were taken on Monday at Aberdovey and it was a much calmer day and we actually saw some sunshine. :-)
The twins very proudly picked the peas they had grown from seed, podded them themselves and added them to their pasta tea.....yum yum.
And last but by no means least here's the latest photos of our little footy star. Steve's been going to football training each week during his school holidays and really loving it.....he was chosen to go for a full day's experience at Shrewsbury Town FC where he went on a tour of the ground/changing facilities, met the players and also played on the pitch at half time during the game. His big sisters, and Mum and Dad proudly went along to watch him play.
His trainers have requested that he also went to special training sessions for goalkeeping in Ludlow because they say he has real ability and skill for it.
He was given a skills award during his last session and they have now passed his details to the development team at Shrewsbury so watch this space....I'm so proud of him and love just how excited he is about it all.
That's all my smiles for this week. I really hope you are all fit and well and have lot of your own smiles to share with us below.
Now that's a nice round number 333. What a lot of smiles we've shared over the years too....keep them coming folks cos it sure makes the world a better place to be.
This week has been full of smiles for me so I've lots to share with you...
Sunday we had a ride out in the motor home to Bala and Biscuit bear posed for me to snap a pic looking out at all the people enjoying fun on the lake....we even saw a couple of dogs body boarding but Milly declined.
Amy's three have been enjoying days out in their camper van ....I love seeing them all playing together and doing just what children should be doing.
Steve has enjoyed a day's football training each week and this week he was asked to join in a special goal keeper's training session because the trainers can see a lot of potential in very proud Nanny Annie here.
The twins and Theo have been away camping on the Welsh coast with their mummies this sounded like they have had lots of fun together....if maybe not quite as much sleep as their mummies were hoping.
For her Dad's retirement Amy and family gave him a voucher to use at a really nice country pub which we enjoyed a meal at on Tuesday lunchtime this week...and the best thing is that it only used half of the voucher so we will be going back there soon to enjoy using the other half. Thanks Amy and co. xxxx
We both had salmon and monk fish with new potatoes and salad for main then just had to enjoy one of their yummy desserts afterwards [I have to say mine was really yummy but a little too sweet for me so Dod had to finish it off for hardship there].
Finally, last but by no means least was this thank you card I received this week. It was so lovely to have feedback on a quilt I donated to raise money at our local children's hospice. It was really nice to think my quilt had, in a small way, helped to raise such a huge amount for such a good cause.
That's all from me for this week. If you can please link to your own smiles below and I will pop over to see what's been making you smile this week.
What a lovely week it's been here at Sewing by Annie's. It's been a week filled with smiles and proud moments so I'm here to share them with you. I'm hoping that my smiles encourage you all to look at the life around you and that you will spend a little time focusing on the good things and you will share them with us too by linking them up at the bottom of the page....everyone is very welcome.
It was our 37th Wedding Anniversary on 17th. We got married on my Dad's birthday and this year he would have celebrated his 99th birthday. Sadly I lost him when I was only 31 but I am blessed to say that for those 31 years I had something many folk never have. We had a very special relationship and for that I'm eternally thankful. This July my darling hubby will be retiring so it plans to be the start of another exciting stage in our lives [if only I could retire too eh?].
It's the Easter holidays for our Grandchildren and, as you can see the twins have been enjoying some creative time....I do love that all 6 of our grandchildren are creative :-)
On Tuesday night we went to Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury to watch Lexi perform in the Wizard of Oz. She goes to a Get Your Wigle On drama group and this was her first stage performance. She was one of the group of Munchkins and we were so proud to see her up there on stage singing and dancing.....sadly photos were not allowed. :-)
Steve has been to another days football training and yet again he was awarded player of the day.....he really loves his football and they can obviously can see he has a talent..... we have so much to be proud of. :-)
Amy and Dave have just had a campervan fitted out just how they want to
suit a family of 5 [and two dogs] and Wednesday night they brought it to
show us. It's just perfect and I'm sure they will have many happy days
spent using it....I'm so thrilled for them. :-)
Finally, I saw this on Pinterest and thought I'd share it with you....I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels like this at times.
Have a great week folks and please share your smiles if you can.
Oh what a week filled with smiles it's been for me this week. It's been half term holidays for my grandchildren so there's been busy, fun filled days for them and of course they share them all with me so here's a few collages of what they've been up to this week...
Lexi and Sam had a few days taking in the sights of London with their mum and dad and were so excited at all they saw....
London eye
Science museum
National History museum
Madame Tussauds name but a few.
Steve had been encouraged to attend a goalkeeper training day because the trainers at his after school sessions had seen real potential in his playing. So on Friday he attended a day of goalkeeper training ....and at the end of the day he was given yet another award for player of the day....he really loves his football and we are all so proud of his achievements.
On Tuesday night Steve went for his matchday experience at the Shrewsbury Town ground for the Shrewsbury v Doncaster match. He was one of the flag bearers when the players came out onto the pitch and then, during half time interval, the children played a game on the pitch...Steve in goals of course.
He not only made several really good saves but the crowd cheered him when he me when I say there was a very proud Daddy and Grandad watching him play....he's a star.
Not only that but Shrewsbury Town went on to win their game too so a very happy hubby came home Tuesday night.
Lulu was really chuffed Tuesday night when she gained her Golden badge at Brownies....more sewing for Nanny now I guess. :-)
We have a new family member this week Molly puppy. Amy and family have been searching for a while now for another puppy, a friend for Poppy dog. They searched and chose very carefully and managed to find the perfect litter bred with children in the house and fetched little Molly home on Sunday morning.
We popped over to see her on Sunday afternoon and she is simply adorable and as you can see has settled in very well at her new home.
On top of all that excitement we also went with Mark and Gina for a second viewing at a 4 bedroomed house they fancied and I'm really pleased to say they have now put in an offer and it's been accepted....please keep everything crossed for them.
So, as you can see it's been a really busy week for me and the family...and it doesn't stop there because Sunday is 3rd March and my darling hubby will be 65....he will be retiring in July so there will be lots of smiles and celebrations up and coming. Happy Birthday gorgeous you to the moon and back.
Oh wow these weeks sure do seem to fly by. Here we are at my weekly catch up of what's made me smile over the week....and although I'm still coughing, wheezing and having broken nights sleep I have lots to smile about.....that even includes grabbing a bottle of cough medicine in the middle of the night in desperation only to look the following morning and see it expired in 2015!! I survived!!
So here's a few snaps of what's made me smile this week.....
We have more signs of Spring in the garden and that always makes me smile....warmer, sunny days to come now :-) :-)
Amy's youngest, Steve went on a football training day this week and was so chuffed at the end of his day to be chosen as player of the day. He has now been given the chance to have a matchday experience for the Shrewsbury v Doncaster match....this means he will get to wave the flag as the players enter at the beginning of the game and play a game on the pitch at half time....he's so excited.
Lexi has chosen to have her long hair cut this was quite a surprise to see it so short and doesn't she look so grown up now?
She will be starting tap and street dance classes after Easter and moving up to the junior musical theatre classes to start rehearsing for their next show...Madagascar! ...I like to move it...move it.
She's always doing her gymnastics or dancing around the house. :-)
Our little Theo has started potty training this week and is so proud of all the stickers he's got in his book for dry pants....they grow up sooooo quickly don't they?
Mark and Gina put their house on the market this week and it's sold in just three days....hoping to move to a bigger house soon.
So, as you can see, I've had lots to smile about. please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and, if you can, then please link up to your smiles below. Have a good week and stay clear of these nasty bugs if you can.
My darling hubby and my hunk of a son, for their third time, got together for some male bonding to play football at the Shrewsbury town football Prostar Stadium yesterday. They are season ticket holders so this is a real thrill for them. After the end of the football season they are given the chance to raise money for the club and they pay for the pleasure to play on the hallowed ground! My son organised the team which included dads and sons and the occasional guy who can really play :-)
It all looks very professional doesn't it?
It was a beautiful day but when they started it was 22 degrees and only got hotter. It was a brilliant hour's entertainment of men and boys all encouraging each other and playing to their best abilities. The play was really very even between the two teams but the score said otherwise....our team lost 5 0 :-( :-( Of course there was disappointment but I have a feeling this has only driven them on to play again next win of course! [it's a man thing :-) ].
There is nothing nicer than seeing a football kit hanging on the line in the sun after a fab day,