Showing posts with label screen door. Show all posts
Showing posts with label screen door. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hailey "The Neighbor Cat"

Hailey is orange and white in color. She is very big in size. Even bigger than me and I am big (being part Bobcat you know). I have huge feet. I have 7 toes on each front foot and 6 toes on each back foot. Mom says I am a POLYDACTYL CAT. That means I am special.

Oh... I forgot this was suppose to be about Hailey.

She came to visit yesterday and laid at the back screen door. The glass door was open, so the only thing between her and me was the screen door. She was swishing her tail

back and forth

back and forth

swish swish swish

I don't have a long tail, I have a bobbed tail, naturally bobbed I might add.

I was in a mischievious mood yesterday

watching that tail swish back and forth, swish swish swish

I decided I needed to pounce on it.

I scrunched down real low to the ground - o.k. carpet I was in the living room.

I was almost flat.

I ran... I ran fast...

I forgot there was a screen door.


I shook my head, I shook my right paw - I meowed real loud - mom said I jammed it

Hailey said I was a nut case. I told her the nuts were in the bird feeder. Hailey ran away.

Game time over.