IAMs dry cat food and tuna that's all i ever eat; IAMs dry cat food and tuna that's all i ever want
I have become more curious in my older years
I search the food bags as they come in from the store, i love to play with the bags but mom is afraid I am going to strangle myself
sniff sniff oh the smells are soooooo good
Bananas intrigue me;
pears, well i can't get them in my mouth;
grapes i steal and then play wit for hours on end,
they r better than kitty toys and ice cubes
at least until mom steps on them - yikes run away, fast
In the summer i luv corn on the cob - i luv the husk;
it makes me puke, but i love it anyway.
When mom is cleaning the corn and the husk falls on the floor i take it and run,
run like the wind, but mom finds me when i puke.
Lately I found something new and it wasn't in the food bag; it was on the counter top. It came out of the oven with a food frisbee on it.
Sniff Sniff Sniff
Mom and dad had dinner and then went for a walk. I decided it was time for some countertop detective work.
Sniff Sniff Sniff
Oh the pan is warm, just a little not alot.
Sniff Sniff Sniff - oh it smells wonderful, but its not tuna
Little lick, faster licks, ohhhhh yummy.
Door opens, I look up. Hi Mom
"What are you doing licking the pizza pan?"
Stupid kitty look. More please.