1. Since its a hour and a half until Wednesday, I decided that I just might want to post on Tuesday...per the title of this post!
2. Today my dad surprised us and came for a visit. He took us to lunch and just enjoyed some time together.
3. Last week Joseph's parents were here for a visit. We had a good time with them, don't know when we will get to see them again.
4. During my inlaws visit we accomplished lots around the house. We painted the dining room, changed locks on one of the doors, put in a motion light outside and I really feel like we did something else; but its just not coming to me right now.
5. Tomorrow I get to go to the doctor. Ugh. Its a good thing I like my doctor. Just going in for a check up.
6. Looking forward to Friday and getting my hair trimmed. Klayton will also be getting his trimmed as well.
7. I have been wanting to get rid of a lot of my cleaning products because of all their chemicals and because I have a little boy that gets into EVERYTHING! So, I have been switching to vinegar, baking soda and Dawn dish soap. Vinegar has so many amazing uses, as does baking soda.
8. Its been gorgeous outside and we have been loving it. Today we went for a walk and it was so enjoyable. Unfortunately, "they" say snow is in the forecast tomorrow.
9. I have not been a good blogger lately. I really do have so much to say; but yet I just can't right now. Hate times like these.
10. My daily reminder to self: God IS good, God IS right.
2 years ago