
Showing posts with label 10 on Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10 on Tuesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ten on Tuesday

1. It is finally warming up here. Yesterday it was almost 60 and is to remain in the 50's for the foreseeable future! I'm ready for Spring!
2. I recently tried the, shamrock shake from McDonald's. It's only brought out in the month of March and a fan favorite...except for me, I wasn't a fan. Maybe the crew member didn't make it right?!
3. What I am a fan of though is the Snickers Frappe from Starbucks! Its a Java Chip with 2 shots of toffee nut, caramel in the cup and caramel drizzle-yum!
4. Saturday, my newbie is going to be 3 months old? How? Where did that time go???
5. I would post a pic; but haven't watermarked any recently. And yes the pic would normally go here!
6. We are now a 2 car family! So happy and thankful! We were able to purchase a 2007 Buick Rendezvous, bucket seats in the middle and a 3rd row seat! Much roomier for our family than our Jeep and I feel so much safer now that the kids aren't literally crammed in.
7. Klayton has now lost a total of 5 teeth...crazy kid. I owe it to the fact that he was an early teether. Hoping his permanent teeth come in stronger.
8. Justus is getting his words-slowly; but surely they are coming! My guys are just late talkers and that is okay!
9. Speaking of Justus, he has become quite the climber. This is a new experience for me and I can safely say it makes me slightly nervous.
10. Tomorrow, I PROMISE to be back with a Wordless Wednesday picture!
Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How I Know I'm a Boy Mom (Ten on Tuesday)

1. My teaspoons and tablespoons are used as toy guns.
2. If someone passes gas the sound it makes is hilarious and draws laughs from the littlest guy.
3. I know who all the superheroes are.
4. There is constant dribble on the toilet seat.
5. Even I know that if there is a totally awesome sports car in the store parking lot that I should park next to it. Even if it is the furthest spot from the front entrance.
6. We go to stores with toy guns and rocks in our pockets.
7. I can usually find one of three items in each room a ball, car or a toy gun.
8. When I have a great hair day no one notices.
9. Our seasons are defined by football, basketball, baseball and golf.
10. Even after grocery shopping there is still not enough food in the house.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

10 on Tuesday

1. I really am back to blogging; but I have slacked in disappointment because my watermark program is giving me issues.
I love to use photos on my blog, so trying to figure out that little bug.
2. The last couple of weeks have been super busy and it has been hard keeping up with everything.
3. Found out that we will be meeting Kolton on 12-12-15, unless he decides to make his appearance sooner. Though, I am not counting on that as my boys don't believe in being early.
4. Slowly getting my Thanksgiving dinner menu planned for my little family.
5. Klayton had his first earache last Friday and I discovered those come fast and suddenly. So grateful for an excellent hospital and walk-in clinic! Awesome doctors and nurses!
6. On Friday evening, Klayton came to me in my room and said, "Mom, thanks for taking care of me today to get me better-you did a good job!" I may or may not have teared up a little bit. Those moments make up for hard days.
7. Since learning that Kolton will be here in basically 5 weeks, I am in major nesting mode. I can't wait to tackle the boys room tomorrow. Yes, I realize it will only stay clean for about 5 minutes.
8. I am so grateful for my husband. He works hard and does his best to provide for our family. I know he would prefer not to work a secular job; but he does to provide for his family.
9. Last week I received a phone call that Klayton won a prize from the fall festival that the local police station hosted. I was SO excited and decided to walk there with the boys after the receptionist stated it was only a couple of blocks away. About 1/2 way on our walk, I realized it was more than 2 blocks and checked my phone GPS. The station was 1.2 miles from our apartment. We decided to keep walking-after all we were just SO excited! When we arrived I learned that BOTH boys had actually won a prize. And the prize Justus won was quite large...lets just say I am sure we looked like quite a sight walking home. Two boys, a pregnant woman pushing an umbrella stroller and me trying to balance a big box on top of the stroller as we walked home. The whole journey from start to finish lasted about 2 hours...we were exhausted.
10. Well, Tuesday is almost over. I hope your day was well and that you all have a great rest of the week.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ten on Tuesday-Bring You Up to Speed

1. We are now living in Wisconsin and have been here for almost a month! We are loving it.
2. Justus is now 16 months!
3. Klayton is getting ready to celebrate his 5th birthday and is in pre-K!
4. I am 28 weeks pregnant! And I "get" to do my glucose test on Friday.
5. We are excited to meet this little guy in December.
6. Klayton has lost 2 teeth while Justus is getting 2 new teeth.
7. Thursday my hubs will celebrate his 36th birthday. Upward swing to 40-he's getting old.
8. A little laugh for this Tuesday, courtesy of Klayton! My mom had a deer in her garden that she told Klayton about. He told her that he needs to get his gun (don't worry he doesn't have a real one) and come shoot. She asked him, "why? are you going to eat it?" His reply, "I don't like deer meat-I like people meat!"
9. God gave those little children to you, Mama-to you. No one else can mother them like you can. You may have your work cut out for you, but you're the one cut out to accomplish it.
10. Have a Happy Tuesday and I am promising to be back this week!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ten on Tuesday-Moments with Klayton

1. "I am king!" We hear this often lately...whether Klayton has climbed to the tallest part of a jungle gym or simply accomplished something. His ego does NOT need to be stroked!
2. "Catch it with hand!" After watching an episode of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where I believe Goofy or Mickey caught a fly with their bare hands...it is now expected that Daddy, Mommy or Grandma and Grandpa can do this as well.
3. "Klayton gone. Paint Klayton on picture." Klayton is really fascinated with Joseph and I's wedding picture and that he is not in it. He has come up with a solution to paint himself into the picture...I suggested that maybe I replace it with a family picture someday!
4. While at Wal-Mart a few weeks back an older woman began unloading her shopping cart behind us and my little gentleman without being asked or told to began helping her. I was SO proud.
5. "Road broke the wheel!"
6. "Mommy, you cute!" Yep, he knows how to melt my heart!
7. After finding out we were not having tacos for dinner. "Mommy store get tacos with coins!" He refers to all money as coins and is pretty demanding about the food he eats! He also makes his own tacos now-seriously he is so independent.
8. He now recognizes McDonalds and shouts for it! I think every kid at some point in their life becomes excited about Happy Meals! When we go there he will ask for a Coke.
9. I may be repeating myself on this one; but a few weeks ago we went to lunch at Red Robin. The waitress came for our drink order and without prompting Klayton ordered his own drink and food! He said, "milk, burger and cheese!" As he ordered each item he pointed to it in the menu.
10. "I fix it!" and "I help!" are two phrases that my Mister utters often! I am literally on the sidelines watching this boy going from believing he can do anything and not being afraid of anything to learning, "I scared."

Be still my heart.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ten on Tuesday

1. I came across this quote on Pinterest tonight, Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, its the place we find our deepest heart ache. So, sad to me that this is often the case. Why do we bring heart ache upon the people we are closest to?
2. Klayton is just cracking me up. This past weekend he has started proclaiming himself, "I am king!" We have no idea where he picked that up from; but we hear it often!
3. Tonight we went to K-Mart and they had a bloodied costume hand. I pretended it was my hand and showed Klayton, he stared at it for a minute and then decided to be scared. It just cracked me up as after a minute long pause he looked at me and said, "I scared." I don't think he was, its just that he has become very aware of the meaning of the word scared in recent weeks.
4. I am thankful for God's provision. I was able to pick up a house keeping job to pay for Klayton to attend preschool. Its only for a few hours a week; just enough for me not to be away from my boys for to long but enough to provide the preschool bill.
5. Yes, I revisited the 80's and got a perm; but it's a life saver! I still don't know how to completely function with two kids so anything that can become a time saver is worth it and having a perm has cut my self-prep for the day to not very long at all...too bad I can't use that "extra" time for sleep!
6. I love good deals. This week I bought a wooden toddler bed for $5! I am SO excited! The woof finish has some scratches so I plan on stripping and refinishing the wood; but seriously other than that its in great shape and still a steal of a deal! Can't wait to get to work on it this weekend!
7. Reading? How I miss having time to read and when I do have the time my eyes are so tired they can't see the words. So, I will just ask, "what are you reading?" Please share!
8. In less than a week my littlest guy will be 4 months old? Um, how is that possible?
9. Sometimes I really appreciate this Tuesday post because I really want to blog; but don't have much to say and this gives me the perfect opportunity to be completely random.
10. Please pray for me and some very important unspoken requests. Thanks and have a Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ten on Tuesday-Baby Notes

1. I asked Klayton if he wanted a baby and he said, "No, dog!"
2. I wish I could remember how I felt during my first weeks of pregnancy with Klayton. It's like I either don't feel pregnant or I have a full day of being exhausted with severe waves of nausea.
3. As of yesterday I am 7 weeks.
4. I haven't had ANY caffeine since I found out my news! Trying to replace the caffeine with flavored water that's aspartame free!
5. No food cravings yet!
6. Baby is the size of a blueberry!
7. Sometimes we will ask Klayton where baby is and he will lift his shirt to point to his belly!
8. Joseph is convinced that Rainbow Baby is a girl. I am on the fence about baby gender.
9. The crazy dreams are back! I had very weird dreams with Klayton and well they are back in full force...like dreams of me decorating my home in paper plates!
10. I'm anxious for a doctors appointment just so I can hear the baby's heartbeat! I did go and get the official confirmation that I am pregnant last Friday; which was exciting and a relief!
Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1. Is this an optical illusion of my husband slam dunking a basketball?

2. There is a reason I am a city girl-I can't handle the odor of cows relieving themselves.
3. Found a new eye shadow color that I love, Golden Halo by Maybelliene. I like to use it with purple or black eye shadow in my crease and outer corner of my eye!
4. It is often best to keep your opinions to yourself.
5. A while back I mentioned my concern about Klayton's lack of speech...don't think that will be mentioned again! There will be an upcoming post about this!
6. With children come humbling moments...
7. Bragging moment: While in Kohl's the other day a lady was going to put her shopping cart away when Klayton went up to her and did it for her. The lady congratulated me for already raising a gentleman-and told me that he is already more of a gentleman than most men today. I told her we are doing the best we can by God's grace!
8. Apparently, I have a brain disorder!

9. Ulta is one of my new favorite stores and it helps that when I bought a gift from there, they gave me a gift! A rolling weekend suitcase!
10. And just for fun, another pic that serves as a reminder that I am indeed a Scentsy consultant!

I hope your Tuesday is happy and that your home smells yummy!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1. Busy week ahead as I prepare for Klayton’s grandma and grandpa to come visit!
2. This photo really puts into perspective how tiny my niece is!

3. I must confess that I was nervous about the post I did on infertility. But, I am SO thankful that I did, I received comments and private messages from some sweet ladies that are now added to my prayer list!
4. Keep praying for my Grandpa Collins, he is still in the hospital with some bleeding on the brain. We are hoping he will be released sometime this week.
5. I am thankful for friends who have become adopted family! We have a sweet couple in our church, Adam and Afton who love Klayton and well Klayton just LOVES them as well. He loves them so much that he may have thrown a fit when they told him goodbye.
6. Klayton and I have now read over 60 books for the summer reading program! Woohoo! One of our favorite books has been, Goldilocks by Dom De Luise! Such a cute version!

7. Dear Candy Crush, Would you please consider letting me pass level 169 sometime VERY soon? Pretty please and thank you for your consideration! Sincerely, Defeated Player of Two Weeks.
8. I am working on a post about Obedience and I would LOVE for you to answer this question, why is obedience important?
9. So, I'm just going to say it...when is Kendra going to get into shape? I'm hoping she will start making an effort yesterday!
10. What is a post without a picture of Klayton? Not happy...so to make things happy here he is!

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 on Tuesday

1. So proud of myself, I cooked dinner for the whole family last night and it cost me $6! We had grilled steak, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes! Yummy!
2. Yesterday my Grandpa was in a motorcycle accident. That was scary to hear about. He should be released from the hospital tomorrow and I am sure he will be in lots of pain.

3. I enjoy going to the Farmers Market in the summer time. I was anxious to check out the Farmers Market here, what a bust! Only a few tables did I see and no veggies or fruit...
4. You know you live in a small town when: you go to the grocery store to scope out if anything is on sale so you can bake, the owner and cashier scurry to the front waiting for you to come up with your purchases. Sadly, nothing is on sale ;but you now feel obligated to purchase something as you are the only shopper in the store. So, $1.29 later and 2 drinks you come out with nothing to bake...
5. I am proud to say that Klayton was accident free today! Finally, a successful potty training day is in the books!
6. Still unsure about how I feel upon hearing someone refer to my child as a, head banger.
7. I have really enjoyed participating in the summer reading program at our library with Klayton. To date we have read 51 books!
8. Spurs, Bruins, Heat and Blackhawks...do those names mean anything to you?
9. This was our Father's Day project with Joseph on Sunday! Love how it turned out!

10. Stay tuned tomorrow for a post about my niece, RoseMarie! Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 on Tuesday

1. Can I sneak 10 random thoughts in before the clock strikes 12 and it becomes Wednesday?
2. Potty training boot camp Megan today. We had more success than accidents! Yay Klayton!
3. Next week my parents come for a visit! Pretty sure the grandparents are excited to see Klayton!
4. I had a wonderful Mothers Day and was definitely spoiled!
5. Um....4 minutes until a new day and I'm already at a loss of random thoughts.
6. Made a new cookie recipe today, cookie suicide?! Well, that's one name it's called...three layers: chocolate chip cookies, Oreos and brownie batter! Yummy!
7. Candy Crush Saga anyone? Yep, I'm addicted to the stupid game I said I would never play.
8. Really in the crafting mode. Maybe I can sneak some scrapbooking time in tomorrow.
9. Tried a new conditioner called, Not Your Mothers! Yep, in love with it, leaves my hair super soft!
10. It's a minute till 12 and I'm done! Woohoo!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1. Busy is a current understatement. I kept thinking yesterday was Tuesday!
2. Our library is doing a summer reading program and I'm excited that they are going to let Klayton participate! I think it starts Friday...
3. Saturday is a ladies brunch at church. My job is to make a breakfast casserole, any suggestions? I've never made one before.
4. Thursday my Scentsy order should arrive! It always feels like Christmas even though its not for me!
5. I watched the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Lets just say I really want a juicer of my own now.
6. Am I the only enjoying Happy Hour at Starbucks? The Caramel Ribbon Crunch is my new drink of choice!
7. I think Monday might be a good day to start potty training boot camp!
8. In just a couple of weeks my parents will be here for a visit and then we all get to help my nephew celebrate his first birthday.
9. Klayton was napping and then decided to fall back asleep on my lap. Sweet moments as I listen to the pitter patter of rain.
10. Well, I hope this finds you all having a Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

10 on Tuesday

1. Since yesterday morning I have been in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri with our final destination being Kansas this evening.
2. Joseph has not been feeling 100% but seems to be doing a little better today.
3. My sister Kayla is in need of prayers. She has been in the hospital since Sunday and doctors are still searching for answers to why her body is swollen and covered in lumps and red dots.
4. My brother Caleb had surgery this morning. Praying for a quick recovery for him.
5. Wow, health issues have found its way to our family.
6. Also, just pray for God to lead, guide and direct in some decisions that will be made concerning our family.
7. This past month I've cut my caffeine intake considerably. It's been easier than I thought, I really didn't suffer any headaches. And I've only had a few caffeinated beverages here and there.
8. Do you realize we all have a past? It seems easy to remember and it seems many people like to remind us of our pasts. I'm thankful for a God who forgives and doesn't hold my past over my head as a constant reminder.
9. Someone asked us if we garden...we don't. But it's something I would actually like to try my hand at someday. What is your favorite thing to plant?
10. I know this hasn't been the most exciting post; but never fear I have a Klayton post ready for tomorrow or Thursday! Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 on Tuesday

1. I want to say, Happy Birthday to my friend BobbiJo! She turns 30 today!
2. I have kept busy unpacking and unpacking some more. Still realizing we have so much stuff.
3. Thursday we take off to Michigan. So, in the middle of unpacking I will be packing up as well!
4. Klayton is doing well. Our only road block still to conquer is his new room. He doesn't like to go to bed alone and wakes up in the night.
5. I really am tired, yet here I am in the night blogging.
6. Our van had to go see the mechanic. Because of this we have a "loaner"-a brand new truck! Needless to say, we took it out for a spin last night.
7. I'm learning, "you don't have to have it all figured out to move forward".
8. I've neglected my Scentsy biz as of late. Anyone in need of any Scentsy? Comment for information and for a good deal!
9. Another lesson I'm learning, do not let the opinions of others consume you. Usually, when a person has an opinion about you they have already made up their mind and there's no changing it.
10. Have a Happy Tuesday and don't live in the past it can't be changed now.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10 on Tuesday

1. This month I am going to strive to post at least 2 times a week on my blog.
2. Last night we got a hotel with a whirlpool in it and I think Klayton thought we got that feature just for him!
3. I should mention that we are in the process of moving...like to another state TODAY. I will post details later.
4. I should have taken pictures when we loaded the moving truck yesterday. Klayton loved the truck and walking the ramp...he even loaded a couple of boxes! I wonder if when we unload anyone will notice the empty box that has been packed?!
5. I really need to get working on my reading list of 12 books to read. Any book suggestions?
6. Last week we had to renew our car tags. As I walked in I saw my notice said they expired on the 31st of January. I went in and told the clerk that I must not understand the system because my current sticker said 2...so I thought it didn't expire until the end of February. She apologized for their error and I was very understanding about their error and was thankful that I wasn't charged a penalty. But, then I felt foolish as I walked to my van and noticed our current tag did indeed bare the number 1! It was not their error; but mine...oy.
7. Has anyone ever made a slip cover for a couch or chair from a sheet? If so, please share!
8. I'm looking forward to enjoying the 60s at the close if week...winter can leave in my opinion.
9. Since starting this post I drove across Nebraska into Kansas and our moving truck is unloaded!
10. Okay, seriously coming up with 10 random thoughts shouldn't have been that difficult; but it was.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10 on Tuesday-Moments Not to Be Forgotten

1. Last week while I was cleaning the kitchen, Klayton was in the living room playing with his Grammy and Grampy. As I knelt down to put a pan away, I suddenly found a little boy at my side! Klayton gave me a quick hug and ran away just as quick!
2. Yesterday, once again cleaning the kitchen and Klayton was playing with his shoes. He loves shoes and is frequently found putting mine or his daddy's shoes on. This time however, he was trying to put his own shoes on and succeeded! He even managed to put them on the right feet!
3. We are bad about taking drinks into the living room and leaving our empty glass on the end table. Well, little mister has taken it upon himself to clean up after us and take our glasses back to the kitchen sink. He also does this with his own dishes when he is done with dinner!
4. Every morning Klayton comes down stairs and goes to the dining room window to check on the puppy that lives in the yard behind us. Sometimes he even waves good morning to the puppy!
5. This morning about 6 I woke up to a little boy in my bed talking to me. I popped my eyes open and Klayton was laying on my pillow at me smiling as he talked! Cute; but I was SO tired!
6. There are some moments of naughtiness. We were at Walmart right before Christmas roaming the basket of $5 DVDs when out of the blue you picked one up and flung it at the lady searching across from us. She immediately walked away laughing in shock and we immediately walked away in embarrassment.
7. Sometimes when picking up Klaytons toys he will follow behind and remove the toy from the toy box. I will hear a sudden, "uh-oh!" As if its an accident that the toy is now out! When I look at him, Klayton will quickly cover his mouth as if he are in shock of what just happened!
8. This Christmas Klayton really got into the spirit of opening gifts! I think he enjoyed tearing the paper more than receiving the gift! However, he opened a box of hot wheels from my parents and his face lit up and he went from person to person to show them what he had just received! It was so cute!
9. Last week I cut Klaytons hair and I think it was for the first time that he realized when I do that it's removing hair! The first chunk of hair that fell to the ground that he saw resulted in a bout of tears and not even a sucker could comfort him. Poor kid...it's already growing back!
10. I feel like I'm already forgetting some moments...these days are passing so quickly. But, I don't want to forget one moment with this little guy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10 on Tuesday-Instructions

1. This weekend I am going to an overnight ladies retreat. What does this mean? Klayton will be staying behind with his daddy and grandma. How do I feel about this? Nervous. So this post is dedicated to some instructions for his caregivers to heed!
2. If you take him to the mall he must be either kept in the stroller or holding someones hand. Klayton must not leave your sight.
3. Make sure he remembers at all times that his mommy misses him and loves him very much.
4. Remind Mommy often with pictures that he is doing ok...I want lots of pictures.
5. Don't let him walk the stairs with his arms loaded down. He is pretty good at walking the stairs; but can become wobbly when weighed down with his toys. Someone should be near him when he is going up the stairs for sure.
6. No juice after 8-he will be very hyper and will not go to sleep for a LONG time if he has juice late into the evening.
7. Please be sure he gets a nap in of some sort.
8. Don't leave Victor the Bear behind.
9. In the mornings he likes to eat cereal, no milk in it. Klayton is a grazer in the mornings, so I don't confine him to the highchair.
10. Cuddle and love on him lots. Mommy will do her best not to be paranoid; but you need to remember he is my little boy that I love dearly and with all my heart.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 on Tuesday

1. We leave for ND bright and early in the morning. It's an 8 hour drive, hope all goes smoothly.
2. From the clothes basket to the wash machine, to the dryer and finally to being folded our socks seem to complete a disappearing act. I'm going to buy small mesh bags for each family member to store their dirty socks. Then all I have to do is throw the bag in the wash and the socks should stay together.
3. I am looking forward to receiving a Bible study book in the mail that deals with the struggle to conceive. I found a group on the Internet and they are sending me a free copy! Yay!
4. Yesterday was a successful day of getting things done. I'm really hoping today follows suit.
5. I am thankful for giving people. A lady in my church gave me 2 scrapbooks and paper for the albums!
6. Did you know Burger King has the best chocolate chip cookies?! Yummy!
7. We enjoyed a couple days with my sister and brother in law this past weekend.
8. How often do you clean out your refrigerator? I cleaned mine out yesterday and I'm thinking it needs to become a weekly chore.
9. Did my garage sale this past weekend. It was a total bust. Pathetic.
10. Ok, I'm hoping that I will actually accomplish another blog post this week. Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 on Tuesday

A little different today...10 little funnies! Hope you laugh a little today!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1. Good morning Tuesday. I must admit I would have preferred to be asleep while Tuesday was welcomed; but alas, that was not to be.
2. Looking forward to a good day. Hopefully spending time with a friend, getting a much over do hair trim, and just spending time with my little man.
3. Did you read my Lazy Cookies recipe from last week?! If not scroll down...they were scrumptious! Next time I might cut back on the chocolate chips since I didn't do the mini chips. Yesterday, I made them again with white chocolate chips and chocolate cake mix...yep, still scrumptious!
4. Last night I pulled out my scrapbooking supplies and actually scrapped 4 pages! Oh how I've missed scrapbooking...
5. Apparently, I've been in a blogging spirit as of late. Have you noticed ALL my postings in the last week?
6. I shop at the Dollar General quite frequently...I realize it's not a good idea to buy some things there. But, to not even be able to buy a cold bottle of Dr. Pepper? A little disheartening. I made said purchase yesterday and was eager to enjoy the cold drink with my popcorn as I watched a little Monday night comedy. The enjoyment dissipated quickly when upon the first swig I realized it didn't taste right and upon reading the label it expired over a month ago!
7. Trying to decide if I should just go ahead and renew my library books or take the time to find them all so I can return them?
8. Really enjoyed having my brother and his little family here for a visit. It was to short...wish they lived a little closer. Added bonus: my lil nephew!
9. I kind of wish it was pouring rain right about now. I love to lay in bed with the windows opened just right so as not to let the rain in; but yet allowing me to listen to its pitter patter against the window glass.
10. Ok, 20 minutes later I'm obviously still awake; but I do feel a yawn coming on. Yep, there it is...have a Happy Tuesday!