Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We've moved and all is well~~ I didn't switch the internet, and I can't find my battery charger for me camera, so I'll be back once I've unpacked everything, I'm close really close~~

Friday, October 17, 2008

15 months and growing....

Ryan had his 15 month check up today! I can't believe that he is that old already!! He weighted in at 23lbs 10oz. and 33inches long and a huge head!! The doctor said that he was very friendly and happy!! He is still sleeping like a champ, but a very picky eater(which still drives me crazy!!)He loves to dance, talk on the phone, finally he is getting some hair on top to balance out the mullet he is getting in the back with his curly hair, he thinks anywhere we go the people there are there to see him!! Ry is a huge flirt and still LOVES blonde's. He is BUSY, his little boy is ON THE GO, the only thing that can get him to hold still for more then 15 minutes is the movie 101 Dalmatians, he loves all the dogs and barking, he will sit still for the ENTIRE movie! He loves to read books and can be found many times sitting in his room reading, he also loves singing or music of any kind(the wheels on the bus,he does most of the motions and patty cake)! He is always moving and getting into anything he can reach, luckily he hasn't learned to climb(knock on wood) because once he learns I'm in huge trouble! Ryan loves his blanket and his binkie which he would take anywhere if I let him! He waves and says "Hi" in a cute little high pitch voice to anyone in his vicinity until they say hi back to him. Now please don't get me wrong he's not always a perfect angel, and is starting to throw temper tantrums, plays in the toilet(which is less then lovely especially when he comes out of the bathroom brushing his hair with the toilet brush-great parenting moment I must say!) We have just a couple more months until he can go to nursery, I'm counting down the Sundays. Sundays are miserable for me, he is so busy and I don't get to listen to ANYTHING, I don't know why they don't have a nursery for mobile babies. Ryan has a bunch of words, hi, bye, ttee(tv), go go, down,ook(book), uu(up),eat, mom, dad, drink, amen, nini(night night), duck, eazzz(please)egg, katie, laney, lene(shalene), gra(grandpa,grandma), mimi, bebe(baby), yeah, boo(zoo), hat, dog, cat, phone, keys, ball, ba(bath) and he knows when he needs one, what some animals say-monkey(while pounding his chest), fish, sheep, tiger, lion, dinosaur, cat, duck, horse, dog, giraffe,elephant, and we are working on some others!! We love Ryan and our so thankful for him and that he is a part of our family, I'm excited to see him as a big brother and I know he will love his new baby sister! We love you Ryan, stay a happy boy!

Ryan and Gramps at the BYU TCU football game last night!! Ryan is NOT afraid of strangers and was passed up and down our row!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

OH how I hate packing!!!

Why can't I just throw everything away and start all over again?? I've decided that most things are going to go into storage because our lease is up in August and I don't want to have to pack EVERYTHING all over again with two babies, that doesn't sound like any fun at all!! Did I mention I hate packing??
We are moving to a bottom floor apartment in our same complex, because I can't carry two babies up three flights of stairs

Friday, October 10, 2008


Today was beautiful so Shalene and I packed up the kids and headed to the stockyards!! We thought we missed the cattle drive but we got there just in time to watch the cows come down the road!! Ryan was in HEAVEN!! He loves horse and cows, he just kept yelling OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOOOOO!! All the cowboys are so nice and really let the kids touch the horses and answered all our questions.
Look at those horns, there were cars parked all along the street, talk about keying your car if one of those guys walked by too closely!!
Ryan got a little pumpkin time, he thought it was a ball though, he just kept saying ,"ball,ball, ball, ball." and trying to pick up these huge BALLS.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 down 50 more to go....

So today I finally started packing, I've really been putting this off....
I think I've been putting it off because I don't like my house undecorated, look how boring my bathroom is now : (

Say a little prayer for my baby brother!

Please say a little prayer for my brother Brent!! Today Brent is having knee cartilage replacement surgery from a donor. Brent hurt his knee almost two years ago Christmas and my parents have been battling the insurance company since then for the experimental surgery which is the ONLY option for Brent to regain his normal active lifestyle. We found out a couple of weeks ago that they might have found a match for Brent and since then we have just been waiting for the all systems ago from all the different doctors!! His surgery will be tonight and then he will be totally immobile for I think a month!! If you would like more medical info you can read my mom's blog for total information!! Again please say a little prayer for my brother and hope that everything goes according to plan and he will be back to his normal outdoor self in no time!!! I love you Bobo!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Out on the town

So yesterday I went to Dallas to spend the day with everyone, we had planed to go to the State Fair, but it rained all day, so we decided to go shopping instead!! That always sounds like more fun to me anyways! We met at the Allen Outlet Mall at 11, every child had at least 12 hours of sleep, so we had well rested children or so we thought.... we got into the first store and Delaney melted down, being the oldest is really rough sometimes(I can feel her growing pains!!) So Katie(who was all dressed up and looking really cute) decided that she needed to take Delaney home!! Mom and I felt so bad for her since she was excited to get out of the house and looking so cute and frazzled with Delaney not knowing what to do!! Well mom seriously stepped up and said she would take Delaney and Reese home so we could enjoy our morning shopping!! Mimi is the best!! It was such a nice day with Katie!! I was so worried that as soon as mom left with the other kids Ryan would melt down and our fun shopping day would be totally over, luckily for us Ryan held it together!! Katie did some retail therapy and felt much better by the time we headed home!! We bought lunch for mom to pay her back and had a nice time while ALL the kids took a nap!!
Lesson learned-Going out is getting harder and harder with each child we have, by the time I have my baby we will be reduced to phone calls and keeping in touch with our blogs!! That's why you NEVER see anyone out with more then two children at a time! Oh well, we will keep trying, it might get worse before it gets better, but it will get better right? As soon as Delaney grows out of it, it will be Ryan's turn, oh joy!!

This was the best picture that we could get of all three!

Hopefully he will be that sweet and excited about his new baby sister!!

He wasn't that sweet and happy the whole time we were taking pictures, at one point he scraped her nose while tryng to point at it, and she started to scream, at that point Ryan didn't know what was happening!!

I'm having a girl!! I think it just sunk in that I'm having a girl, I always thought I'd have a house full of boys, I'm not sure I know what to do with a little girl!! Ryan falls and I tell him that it's okay and stop crying.......and then I realize he has a black eye and his is on to the next thing, now can you do that with a little girl?? The clothes are really cute, it's fun to see all the sweet things a little girl can wear, but it's weird because I find myself looking at the boy clothes and thinking they are pretty darn cute too.... I'm not sure I'm ready for this???

Friday, October 3, 2008

What an awesome day!!

Here's the lion and three of her cubs, the other one was running all around!! Ryan was happy to wake up from a power nap and be at the zoo!!

The mama and her babies!
The Gorilla was scratching his hiney, too funny!!
Ryan Loves the birds, and the birds were hungry today, they attacked Jared before we even made it through the door.

Look at that excitement in his pretty little eyes!!

Today was a great day!!! Jared and I went to my doctors appointment and had a great time, then Jared surprised me and said he took the whole day off!! What a great husband, just when I was feeling like we hadn't seen much of him lately!! We went and picked Ryan up from my friends house and headed to the zoo!! What a fun day to watch Jared, watch Ryan enjoy the zoo!!
Oh by the way we are having a girl! We are so excited, so bring on the handme downs, since we now need a whole new wardrobe!! I get to shop for a little girl!! I get to sew cute dresses!! Cute hair bows the list goes on and on!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

High School Tag!!

1. Did you date someone from your high school?: Umm, yep I went out with Mike Rebers and Thomas Brown, there might be some other people I went on dates with.
2. What kind of car did you drive?Car, okay people I'm the oldest, so that's a big fat no-(ask Katie, Brent and Scott if they had their own car...)I shared a car with my dad, luckily for me he worked right down the street. I didn't get my license until I was almost 18 though because I got in a really bad accident and was terrified to drive until my parents threatened to take me to a shrink if I didn't learn to drive.
3. What is your most embarrassing moment in high school? Well I was very loud and obnoxious so I always got in trouble it slowed down a lot by my sophomore year, the one that really stands out is when our whole basketball team was riding the same bus(fresh,JV and Varsity) and we all lost, so our coaches were really mad!! It was a long bus ride and they expected us to sit totally quite for at least an hour-well I blew it and the WHOLE bus had to do 5 minutes of pop-ups when we got back to our gym!! Lets just say I wasn't very well liked that night!!! ( I was a freshmen, like I said I got better as time went on!!)
4. Were you a party animal? Uh, no my friends wouldn't even tell me about them
5.Where you considered a flirt? Ummm.....I don't know???
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? No, sports
7. Were you a nerd? No but I wish I tried a little harder!!
8. Were you on any varsity teams? Don't even get me started about this one-I'm still bitter and saw the varsity V-ball coach out in public last year and I want to beat her face in!! Opps that was a little strong but I still have strong feelings about that one
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Surprisingly no, I skipped ALOT of school especially my Senior year but, I sweet talked my principal
10. Can you still sing the fight song?Nope
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Naylor-Spanish teacher-She loved me, but I don't know I lick of Spanish.....
12. Where did you sit during lunch? Depended if I was at school or not, senior year we could leave campus for lunch!
13. School Mascot? A Maverick-Not McCain, a horse!
14. Did you go to homecoming and with who? One year with Mike and senior with a bunch of girl friends
15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? I Loved high school, I would go back and try harder but also have more fun!
16. What do you remember most about graduation? It was awesome because I graduated early,so I flew back and went to prom and graduation, I was on my own for two weeks, but it also sucked because I think it was the only time I fought with my best friend Alison.
17. Where did you go senior skip day? Uh... there was a certain day to skip on?? I think we had senior prank day??
18. Have you gained weight since then? UGH...I was almost back down and then I went and got myself pregnant!!!
19. Who was your prom date? Junior year- Jarron Langston, Senior year- Thomas Brown
20. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?I was until my wingman couldn't make it(Jen) and then my wards Super Saturday is that Sat and I'm in charge, and last but not least I'm moving to a bottom floor apartment that weekend. So I'm a little busy!!
21. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Try harder, I was smart enough I just needed to try more, and focus hard during volleyball and then maybe I wouldn't be so bitter against my coach even though it wasn't for lack of effort or ability!!

I tag Katie, Jen, Shalene(maybe she'll actually update her blog), and Leah

best buddies

As these two have gotten older they have gotten way better at being friends. I like Costco because, the cart holds two babies, so that means we only have to push one cart!! I missed the best pictures because by the time I got the camera out they were cheesing it up!! They kept putting their arms around each other and giving big nice kisses!! So Cute!!
Also check back tomorrow and I will reveal what I'm having, if the baby is feeling immodest!!

silly cheesy smile

Ryan's giving Jordan kisses but she is running away!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm waving the white flag, throwing in the towel, tapping out etc...

For some VERY aggravating reason Ryan is an EXTREMELY picky eater!!! Today for lunch I gave him some chicken nuggets(I was totally against giving my child chicken nuggets, before I had children but now they are looking pretty good) the ONLY meat I can get him to eat!! Well he hasn't eaten any meat in about a week so, I thought I would try it out again and see how things went. Well, for lunch he just sat in his high chair and screamed. This really puzzles me because I really tried hard to expose him to all different types of food but the only things he will eat are, eggs(sometimes, if NOTHING else is presented),waffles, yogurt, bananas, grapes, blueberries,watermelon, cheese, peanut butter sandwich, grilled cheese, and any sort of cracker, cookies, pretzels anything along those lines!! This may seem like alot to some but this menu is very limiting and I ALWAYS have to plan ahead, I can't just buy him something to eat while we are out and about!!
Okay, back to today, so he didn't want to eat his lunch, so I decided that he was going to have it for dinner, well he cried through his nap (because he was hungry) and then proceeded to scream until 7o'clock tonight!! I felt like I was about to go CRAZY!!! I put him in his high chair at 6 and he screamed bloody murder until 6:35 when I finally took him out of his high chair for a break, after that any time I walked past the highchair he would scream, so I gave up and made him a grilled cheese-he ate every last bite!! I'm usually pretty good at sticking to something once I've made up my mind but today I just couldn't do it!! The blood curdling scream was more than I could handle!! What do I do about a picky eater?? If he doesn't know what it is he wont even open his mouth! I guess there are trade offs for having a great sleeper right??


Okay seriously what 1 year old tells you he wants to go to bed? At first I thought it was a fluke but now that it has happened 3 or 4 times now....Ryan will come over to me around his bedtime with his arms folded(like he wants to say prayers) and I'll say to him Ryan do you want to go to bed? Ryan says Ezzzz(please) and then he say aen(amen). We say prayers and off to bed he goes!!