Friday, October 10, 2008


Today was beautiful so Shalene and I packed up the kids and headed to the stockyards!! We thought we missed the cattle drive but we got there just in time to watch the cows come down the road!! Ryan was in HEAVEN!! He loves horse and cows, he just kept yelling OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOOOOO!! All the cowboys are so nice and really let the kids touch the horses and answered all our questions.
Look at those horns, there were cars parked all along the street, talk about keying your car if one of those guys walked by too closely!!
Ryan got a little pumpkin time, he thought it was a ball though, he just kept saying ,"ball,ball, ball, ball." and trying to pick up these huge BALLS.


Melissa said...

How fun! You're so good to get out and do things with Ryan. I hope I'm that motivated when Grant gets older. Thanks for the post on the stockyards. It makes me even more pumped for the UT v. OU game tomorrow. HOOK 'EM. We still need to get together for lunch sometime.

Katelyn said...

so fun. I want to do that next time we are out your way! And we need to have y'all come and we can go to the arborteum ad see the pumpkins!
Oh and what about the fair... wanna go this week?

Lisa said...

what a fun field trip! I am always up for a trip to the stockyards.... cant wait to see you and Ryan.... Love you! mom