Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Okay seriously what 1 year old tells you he wants to go to bed? At first I thought it was a fluke but now that it has happened 3 or 4 times now....Ryan will come over to me around his bedtime with his arms folded(like he wants to say prayers) and I'll say to him Ryan do you want to go to bed? Ryan says Ezzzz(please) and then he say aen(amen). We say prayers and off to bed he goes!!


Melissa said...

Awesome! I can't wait til Grant can talk and hopefully he'll to do the same. =)

Arianne said...

That is so awesome!!! What sweet little guy.

Leah and Mike said...

That is the cutest thing ever - how he comes over with his arms folded and says Amen!! Love it!

Jacqui said...

Emily King??? I can't even remember your maiden name. This is Jacqui (Smith) Rees. I lived in TX around 1999 or 2000 and we were friends! I totally randomly found your blog off of a friends. How are you? You have to email me and we can catch up. My email is - I'll send you an invite to my blog once I get your email address. It's so great to know you're doing well! Hope to hear from you soon! :)

Laur said...

What an AWESOME baby!!! Love that happiest baby stuff! Kiss him for me. He's an angel. Love, Laur

JS said...

So awesome. My nephew said that to me once when I was babysitting him and I thought, how do I get a child like that :)