Showing posts with label The Watts Prophets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Watts Prophets. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

There is No Hope for White America: The Watts Prophets

The Watts Prophets

When Watts was burning and roiling with rage back in the 60s a group of street poets got together to rap. Their subjects were drugs, sex, police oppression, violence, blood, racism and every other form of urban shit ever invented.

This is one of the albums of the Watts Prophets, a group that shares the sobriquet, inventors of rap music, with Gil Scott Heron and the Last Poets.

As the great American election circus glows white hot in the final dash to the first Tuesday of November, this collection of songs by local street politicians and philosophers, is a timely reminder of how much things have or have not changed.

Essential listening. Repeat.

         Track Listing:
         01 Listen
02 Part – E.S
03 Black Pussy
04 Kill
05 Funny How Things Can Change
06 Falstaff
07 Pimping, Leaning and Feaning
08 Keep You Doing Things
09 The Meek Ain't Gonna
10 The Days, the Hours
11 Taste.
12 We Must Love Black People
13 I'll Stop Calling You Nigger
14 Saint America
15 They Shot Him
16 Nearer My God To Thee
17 Clowns All Round
18 Response to a Bourgeois Nigger
19 Things Going to Get Greater Later
20 Trees and Del Prodo's
21 Pledge of Allegiance

Monday, May 30, 2011

Grandfathers of Hip Hop: The Watts Prophets

With the passing of Gil Scott Heron the net is alive with references to his being the “grandfather of hip hop”.  The New York Times ended its obituary with a quote from GSH himself that sets the record straight: “[rap is] something that’s aimed at the kids. I have kids, so I listen to it. But I would not say it’s aimed at me. I listen to the jazz station.”

Along with Gil, commentators are (correctly) pointing out that there were other grandfathers responsible for hip hop, most notably The Last Poets, a band of urban street poets from Harlem who "With their politically charged raps, taut rhythms, and dedication to raising African-American consciousness, almost single-handedly laid the groundwork for the emergence of hip-hop."
The Watts Prophets
Less feted, less famous and hailing from the other great African American con-urbation on the other side of the American continent, south central Los Angeles, the Watts Prophets, also played a huge role in raising black consciousness, exposing the nightmarish aspects of the American dream and generally, freaking people out with their uncompromising, ballsy rap.  With poems like, Fucked (My name is fucked/fucked/ I was given that name because of my luck/you might think its cool/but I’ll break all your windows as soon as you move) and Amerikkka, a litany of famous African Americans who have died in less than dignified circumstances in ‘one nation under God’, it is hard not to feel your knees quiver slightly.  Especially, when you consider these raps were first put out in 1969!

Put this record on and sit back and listen to it without leaving your seat. It’s the only way. 

Hip hop ain’t got nothin’ on these granddads.

         Track Listing:
         01 Sell Your Soul
         02 Take It
         03 Instruction
         04 Amerikkka
         05 Dem Niggers Ain't Playing.mp3
         06 Pain
         07 What Is A Man
         08 A Pimp
         09 Tenements
         10 The Master
         11 Hello Niggers
         12 There's A Difference Between A Black Man And A Nigger
         13 What Is It, Sisters
         14 Everybody Watches
         15 Watch Out Black Folks
         16 The Prostitute
         17 Fucked
         18 Celebration
         19 What Color Is Black
         20 Black In A White World

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