Showing posts with label Bruce Springsteen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Springsteen. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2011

Double header: Johnny Cash and Bruce Springsteen

It’s a doubleheader tonight!

Johnny Cash released a record in 1983 which was in the shops for the same amount of time as the proverbial snowflake in Hell. The critics ignored it. Of course the radio stations, especially those specialising in country music, did the same. They were into blow-dried glossy candy music not real songs sung by a man of experience and depth.

Johnny Cash
Cash had had a rough decade. His glory days as the Man in Black and sanctified sinner of American music were well behind him.  In the 1970’s  times changed. Cool people turned away from country music. Even Clapton went middle of the road and soft. Raw country music had no market. Alt country, Americana and roots music were not even a twinkle in anyone’s eye.

Bruce Springsteen

In 1982 another guy named Bruce Springsteen made a dark ominous record called Nebraska. A deliberate attempt, it seemed at the time, to become as obscure and marginal as his hero Johnny Cash. No E Street Band, no drums, no sax no nothing. Just Bruce with fragile voice and acoustic guitar. The record became an instant classic hailed as a master stroke for its searing, paranoid, violent and yet somehow redemptive vision. When you’re hot you’re hot.

And when you’re not you’re not. Just ask Johnny Cash.

Cash had always championed young songwriters. Neil Young, Bob Dylan, and Joni Mitchell had all been invited to share the stage with Johnny on his hugely popular weekly television show in the late 1960s/early 1970s. While his country music peers were bemoaning the long-haired hippies Cash was publicly defending them and promoting their music.

So it should have come as no surprise that he covered two of Springsteen’s Nebraska songs on Johnny 99, his ill-fated 1983 record. He always had great taste. But even that didn’t get Cash visibility or respect in those bleak days of deep Reaganism. The record disappeared without a trace.

A few years later Cash joined forces with a few other country music rejects (Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson) to form a supergroup that played the sort of insipid musak Nashville and Madison Avenue demanded. After limping along that path for a few years he seemed to genuinely retire. Cash was no more.

Of course, he then hooked up with Rick Rubin to make a record in1994 that cracked out of nowhere like lightning on a summer’s day. The rest (5 American Recordings) is history. Cash was back, still singing the songs of young songwriters.

Johnny 99 is a truly wonderful record. The song selection is diverse and his singing is sure, solid and as powerful as his early work.  Stand out tracks, beside the two Springsteen covers are Joshua Gone Barbados and the duet with his beloved June, Brand New Dance.

For your listening pleasure I post Johnny 99 and Nebraska. Two fine American recordings.

            Track Listing:
            Johnny 99
 01 Highway Patrolman
02 That's The Truth
03 God Bless Robert E. Lee
04 New Cut Road
05 Johnny 99
06 Ballad Of The Ark
07 Joshua Gone Barbados
08 Girl From The Canyon
09 Brand New Dance (Album Version)
10 I'm Ragged But I'm Right (Album Version)
Listen here.

            Track Listing:
01 Nebraska
02 Atlantic City
03 Mansion On The Hill
04 Johnny 99
05 Highway Patrolman
06 State Trooper
07 Used Cars
08 Open All Night
09 My Father's House
10 Reason To Believe
Listen here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another farewell: Clarence Clemons

Clarence Clemons

 A few days ago Clarence “Big Man” Clemons passed away at the age of 69.  In his honor I post the greatest set of recordings he ever made which also happens to double, in the Washerman’s Dog’s opinion as the greatest rock ‘n roll record ever, Born to Run.

Born to Run is the album that in 1975, blew Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band into the mainstream of American music. It won accolades from all over the place and won most critics Best Album of Year gong. While the title track did crack the AM airwaves for a short time the entire album was played repeatedly on the FM frequencies where ‘real’ music was the order of the day.

To my youngster ears, the wall of sound that was the album was like an aural tsunami. It was desperate music played desperately in a crash boom way by a band that seemed unable to do anything at less than 100 miles an hour. Springsteen’s guitar was thrashing, slicing and unrelenting. The drummer, Max Feinberg’s beats drove the band forward and Roy Bittan banged out major chord after major chord like he was holding on for dear life. And holding it all together, wrapping it up in sonic hope was the Big Man’s full throated sax blowing.

The central role Clemons played in Springsteen’s music and appeal was evidenced by him sharing the cover of the album. You could even say the very fact that Springsteen was leaning on the shoulder of Clemons indicates just who considered whom The Boss.

Clemons did lots of other things as a solo artist and sideman.  All of them were good and fine. But he never played better than he did with Springsteen and especially on Born to Run.

He summed it up best himself. His friendship with Bruce was as intimate as two people could get without having sex!

One night we were playing in Asbury Park. I'd heard The Bruce Springsteen Band was nearby at a club called The Student Prince and on a break between sets I walked over there. On-stage, Bruce used to tell different versions of this story but I'm a Baptist, remember, so this is the truth. A rainy, windy night it was, and when I opened the door the whole thing flew off its hinges and blew away down the street. The band were on-stage, but staring at me framed in the doorway. And maybe that did make Bruce a little nervous because I just said, "I want to play with your band," and he said, "Sure, you do anything you want." The first song we did was an early version of "Spirit In The Night". Bruce and I looked at each other and didn't say anything, we just knew. We knew we were the missing links in each other's lives. He was what I'd been searching for. In one way he was just a scrawny little kid. But he was a visionary. He wanted to follow his dream. So from then on I was part of history.

So long Clarence!

            Track Listing:
01.  thunder road
02.  tenth avenue freeze out
03.  night
04.  backstreets
05.  born to run
06.  she's the one
07.  meeting across the river
08.  jungleland

Listen here