Showing posts with label Gondor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gondor. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

SBG: 1k of Good & Evil

Tonight i completed 1000 pts of good and evil forces. Both are compact forces designed to both fit together in a small GW carrying cases. Both are also all metals and include models whose rules i believe are better in SBG than in WotR.

15 fountain guards + shields. yes shields, making them D7!
2 warrior of minas tirith with banner (i like placing a banner on either end of, but behind my battle line)
1 avenger +/- captain
1 captain
1 Elendil + shield
1 gandalf the grey
along with
15 dead warriors
1 dead king

15 black guards
1 black guard banner
1 black guard captain
1 black guard taskmaster
1 generic ringwraith
1 witch king with crown of morgul
2 castellans & 2 bat swarms (1 of each together to hold my flank)
1 shade (the anti banner)
1 warg chieftain (fast responder)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LotR: Gondor & Rohan Colors 2

Started painting Gondor. My current thoughts on colors for Amon Barad (Gondor led by Cirion & Madril) & Eastfold (Rohan led by Erkenbrand) are now.

primer: boltgun metal
armor: boltgun metal
shield: deneb stone
weapon: chainmail
clothe: charadon granite
cloak: knarloc green
bow & arrows: khemri brown
arrow feathers: white
leather: black
wood: calthan brown
flesh: tallarn flesh
hair: Iyanden darksun
wash: ogryn flesh

primer: black
armor: boltgun metal
shield: charadon granite
weapon: chainmail
clothe: deneb stone
cloak: knarloc green
bow & arrows: khemri brown
arrow feathers: white
leather: black
wood: calthan brown
flesh: tallarn flesh
hair: tausept ochre
wash: devlan mud

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

LotR: Gondor & Rohan

My current thoughts on colors for Amon Barad (Gondor led by Cirion & Madril) & Westfold (Rohan led by Erkenbrand)

primer: boltgun metal
armor & shield: boltgun metal
weapon: chainmail
clothe: charadon granite
cloak: knarloc green
wood & arrows: calthan brown
arrow feathers: white
leather: black
horse: brown
wash: thraka green

primer: black
armor & shield: boltgun metal
weapon: chainmail
clothe: deneb stone
cloak: knarloc green
wood & arrows: calthan brown
arrow feathers: white
leather: black
horse: brown
wash: devlan mud