Showing posts with label Colors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colors. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2011

40k Kroots

I love these models. Their rules are ok, a bit too easy to kill, but the ability to shoot with rapid fire 2 and fight with two weapons in hand to hand at strength 4 is good.

Colors as follows:
Prime: desert yellow
Hounds: Khemri brown
Ox: Calthan brown.
Belly: Tau sept ochre
Eyes: orkhide green
Maw: red gore
Nails: orkhide shade
Spikes: bleached bone
Jewelry: dwarf bronze
Cloth: knarloc green
Cloak: dark angel green over, orkhide shade under
Fur: gretchin green
Bones: bleached bone
Leather: bestial brown
Containers: scorched brown
Guns: chaos black
Weapon grasp: scaly green
Blades: gun metal

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Painting To Dos

With WotR, I recently placed a large order to field all my armies at 1.5k. I am having second thought on the blue color scheme of my easterlings and so will leave them alone for now without painting new easterlings. I am midway through painting Gondor and thus far am satisfied with their color scheme. They are second to next on the painting list. Next on the painting list will be:

Tau primer: white
Tau highlight: bleached bone
Tau weapons: scales green
Tau Heroes 2nd highlight: dark angel green

Kroot primer: black
Kroot inner sphere: deneb stone
Kroot outer sphere: charadon granite

Nicassar primer: black
Nicassar: Fenris grey

All washes: sepia

After the Tau i hope to finish Gondor, then move on to:

primer: black
skin: tallarn flesh
armor: dry brushed bolt metal
weapon: chainmail
cloth: Iyanden darksun
highlight: hormagaunt purple
wood: brown
arrow feathers: white
bow & arrow: gretchin green
leather: black
horse: grey
wash: sepia

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LotR: Gondor & Rohan Colors 2

Started painting Gondor. My current thoughts on colors for Amon Barad (Gondor led by Cirion & Madril) & Eastfold (Rohan led by Erkenbrand) are now.

primer: boltgun metal
armor: boltgun metal
shield: deneb stone
weapon: chainmail
clothe: charadon granite
cloak: knarloc green
bow & arrows: khemri brown
arrow feathers: white
leather: black
wood: calthan brown
flesh: tallarn flesh
hair: Iyanden darksun
wash: ogryn flesh

primer: black
armor: boltgun metal
shield: charadon granite
weapon: chainmail
clothe: deneb stone
cloak: knarloc green
bow & arrows: khemri brown
arrow feathers: white
leather: black
wood: calthan brown
flesh: tallarn flesh
hair: tausept ochre
wash: devlan mud

Friday, December 12, 2008

LotR: Shadow in the East Colors

Khamul & Shadowlord:
primer: black
armor and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: necron abyss
cloak: black
leather: charadon granite
horse: black
wash: black

Mouth of Sauron:
primer: black
armor and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: red
cloak: black
leather: charadon granite
horse: black
wash: black

primer: black
armor, shield, and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: mordian blue
cloak: orkhide
wood: calthan brown
arrow feathers: deneb stone
arrow: knarloc green
leather: charadon granite
horse: grey
wash: blue

primer: white
armor, shield, and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: Iyanden darksun
cloak: orkhide
wood: black
arrow feathers: deneb stone
arrow: knarloc green
leather: charadon granite
horse: grey
wash: yellow ink

Saturday, June 14, 2008

LotR Colors

Just a note regarding my LotR color scheme.
Unless otherwise stated, all are using GW foundation paint.

armor, shield, and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: mordian blue
cloak: orkhide
wood: calthan brown
arrow feathers: deneb stone
arrow: knarloc green
leather: granite?

armor and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: necron abyss
cloak: black
horse: black

Mouth of Sauron;
armor and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: red
cloak: black
leather: granite
horse: black

armor, shield, and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: red?
cloak: orange?
wood: calthan brown
leather: granite?

armor, shield, and weapon: dry brushed bolt metal
clothe: iyanden yellow
cloak: deneb stone?
wood: calthan brown
leather: granite?
horse: tallarn flesh?