Wilderness Wildlife Week offers excursions to various places in the Smoky Mountain National Park and the surrounding area. These excursions are highly desired, and you have to enter a lottery to get a seat on one of them. On lottery night, Hub and I got tickets, and mine was one of the first ones called. You could register up to four people, so Hub got to go with me. Two excursions are allowed per ticket; I chose the American Eagle Foundation/Bush Beans trip and a photography trip with a professional photographer as our guide. Today, I am going to tell you about our photography trip, which turned a little differently than originally planned. We were scheduled to be at the LeConte Center at 8:15 AM for the 8:30 departure. After we got there, we were told the trip would be delayed for at least an hour. (The bus driver told us later that the tour company didn't bring enough buses, and he had to go to Knoxville to get the one we were on.) I...
Bloggy Randomness. All text and images copyright of wandastricklinrobertson.