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Books by Lee Smith

I have just finished Lee Smith's new book Guests on Earth . It was beautiful, thought-provoking, and haunting.  But then, that's just what I expected, having read all her books.   This book is a fictional account of a mental hospital near Asheville, North Carolina, and the fire that killed several of their patients, including Zelda Fitzgerald. I can't remember the first book I read by this writer, but I have loved them all.  I think my favorite is Saving Grace , or maybe it is Oral History . Her first book, The Last Day the Dogbushes Bloomed , was published in 1968, and I found a copy of it a while back at Loaves and Fishes, the local thrift shop that I frequent way too much.  The people around me seemed quite surprised at my enthusiasm upon finding this book, but they just didn't know that now I have all of Lee Smith's books. Oh, Happy Day!