normal = normalize((gl_ModelViewMatrix* vec4(gl_Normal.xyz,0.0)).xyz);
tex_tan = cross(normal.xyz,vec3(0,-1,0));
tex_cotan = cross(normal.xyz,tex_tan);
tex_uv = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
For the fragment shader, we need to first get the direction of the texturing by using the derivatives before we can compute the pertubed normal vector as follows:
vec3 bump=vec3(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0)+2.0*texture2D(texBump,tex_uv).xyz;
vec2 tdx=normalize(dFdx(tex_uv)); // tex coord derivative in x
vec2 tdy=normalize(dFdy(tex_uv)); // tex coord derivative in y
vec3 n =bump.z*normal // Z-direction of the normalmap
+bump.x*(tdx.x*tex_tan+tdx.y*tex_cotan) // X-direction
+bump.y*(tdy.x*tex_tan+tdy.y*tex_cotan);// Y-direction
Its obviously an approximation, but so far I am satisfied with the result.
Note that mirrored UV's will need special treatment which is not included above.
Update: Using the geometry shader for computing the (tdx.x*tex_tan+tdx.y*tex_cotan) terms might improve the performance.
Note that mirrored UV's will need special treatment which is not included above.
Update: Using the geometry shader for computing the (tdx.x*tex_tan+tdx.y*tex_cotan) terms might improve the performance.
Very interesting, is this based on the work of Morten Mikkelson or Christian Schüler?
David, thank you for the links, I didnt know them yet.
AntwortenLöschenThe formula above is the result of investigating the camera tangent-space vectors and developing the most simple solution for the problem.
I believe its even possible to use the geometry shader to compute the normlized dFdx(tex_uv) and dFdy(tex_uv), which might increase the render performance further, since the entire term (tdx.x*tex_tan+tdx.y*tex_cotan) can be removed from the fragment shader.
Ok, thanks. I did not yet implement the approaches given in those links but I'm interested in doing so. They are quite heavy on the maths though so I might start with something simpler as you have done here. I much prefer shader code to maths so thanks for that :-)
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