Showing posts with label Women's Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, December 3, 2011


So here it is the end of the big birthday bash for my blog.  It’s fitting the last stop is on the blog of an author that helped me out from the beginning.  I owe a lot to Val Maarten.  She’s co-admin over on my page, she’s given me solid advice ever since we first met.  She always keeps us in mind when there’s a freebie or a good deal she sees. 

The next couple days will be deciding winners for contests.  Honestly, I’m glad this is over.  Not in a bad way, in a I think I should plan for huge disasters sort of way! My GOD could anything worse have happened?  Of all things my back started acting up again.  Maybe if I plan for a tsunami or an earthquake, that’ll make things go smoother.  After all, they say plan for the worst and hope for the best!

I think it has went out with a really cool bang.  I’m giving away a lot of awesome stuff today.  Things that should have went up before this had things gone as planned.  It’s okay’s like a grand finale in a fireworks show or something.  Only at the end, I’m gonna collapse in a great heap and go whew!

People have been saying that I put an insane amount of effort into this and some of them wonder why.  Well, you only turn 1 once.  But I’d still push myself anyway because authors and readers have made my blog THE PLACE to be.  We have our fingers firmly on the pulse of this awesome time.  Scott Nicholson just said to me today that there’s so many good reads out right now that he feels bad for new writers trying to start out.  I told him I’m loving it, because right now is a GREAT time to be a reader.  I will never say no to an author for the same reason he mentioned.  I might miss something great to pass on to you guys.  I’ve given you a large variety here with this two week shindig.  You’ve gotten some things I’ve read and loved, my absolute favorites and some things I’m looking forward to getting to.  Believe me when I say that when I get to them, I’m going to love discussing them with you.

So here’s to a new year for The Top Shelf.  Here’s hoping that we manage to soar even higher in year two.  Because it is of course my style to outdo myself. 

I leave you all with a question and a giveaway..  but question first!

What would you like to see happen at TTS?  What authors would you like to see?  What books would you like reviewed? 


I’m giving away two e-book copies of The Gift of Joy on Val’s own blog.  Why?  Because it’s almost Christmas, I can and I thought it would be funny!  All you have to do is leave a comment by Sunday December 4th at 8pm eastern.  And ya know what?  I’ll let Val pick the winners however in the heck she wants to.

When Joy Tate was just a naive, little girl who still believed in dreams and wishes, she had only wish for Santa Claus.  It was a selfish hope that caused her to lose the most important person in her life.  Now all she wishes for is...THE GIFT OF REDEMPTION

Gabriel Hawthorne spent his entire childhood ignoring the sad, lonely girl from across the street, but could never fully keep her from his thoughts.  But after reuniting with her, he's impressed with the strong, fierce advocate she's become.  And when he's with her, she gives him the greatest gift of all...THE GIFT OF JOY