Showing posts with label Guest Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guest Blogger. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Featured Author - Liz Borino

Liz Borino, Author of Contemporary Romance, M/M

Liz Borino is the debut author of Expectations, which has received rave reviews that reads like a novelist's dream. "Riveting" - "Amazing" - "Addicting" One lucky winner will have a chance to win a copy of Expectations.  Just leave a comment below.  A random winner will be drawn on Tuesday and announced on Friday by, none other than Miss Liz Borino, herself.  So, kick back and enjoy the interview and find out more about the woman behind the words that evoked so much emotion.

Q. When you envision your main characters, do you see "actual" people you know or are they totally fictional, made up from your own imagination?
A. Combination of the two. My characters look like celebrities. Matt and Chris (identical twins) are modeled after Matt Lawrence and Aiden is a shorter version of Colin Farrell with long hair. Carley is the only main character who came from my imagination.

Q. You have a fun treat for us on Wednesday for the release of your new novel "What Money Can't Buy." Do you want to share a little bit of what we can expect or do you want us to be totally surprised? Note: I loved it and it must have been loads of fun for you to do.
A. I put my characters on a Jerry Springer-esque talk show called ‘Terry Tringer’. It was an interesting way to get their personalities out and give a few plot points away. I loved it and laughed along with the boys. Carley is just a pain in the ass.

Q. Besides writing and reading, what are some of the things you do for fun?
A. You have time for reading? I jest. I like to watch some mindless television once in a while. House and Modern Family are favorites of mine. I also love to travel. In the beginning of April, I went to Paris. I spent three weeks in Italy and a few days in Spain. However, my favorite city I’ve been to is London. On my bucket list is seeing Les Miserables at the West End.

Q. Which one of your characters in "Expectations" and/or "What Money Can't Buy", closely matches your personality?
A. They’re all a reflection of some part of me. Be it the problems I grew up surrounded by (Matt), my love of theater/art (Aiden), my overly optimistic outlook (Chris), one of my greatest fears, being controlled (Robert), or my early innocence and Catholic upbringing (Carley). You know what? They all rise above the adversity they face. So, maybe it’s who I hope to be too.

Q. Which of your characters would you be most attracted to and why?
A. Can we smush Chris and Aiden together? I’d like someone with Chris’s unfailing optimism and Aiden’s ambition. They’ve both gotten through everything they needed to and came out stronger.

Q. What message do you hope to convey through your books?
A. Love is not rough. There’s not one person controlling the other. It’s a supportive and trusting partnership. A love that truly works is one in which the two people stand together against the trials of life, as opposed to letting them tear the relationship apart. Yes, there will be problems in any relationship, but in a really good one the people involved work to see the best in one another and work it out. Why shouldn’t a love like that get equal rights?

Expectations depicts the struggle between what we desire for ourselves and our familial obligations. The struggle is personified by Chris and Matt Taylor, identical twins, who are trying to win their overbearing father’s approval and acquire their trust funds. Love, money, and desire collide as Matt and Chris decide what’s really important to them. Amazon: B&N: 

Where can you find out more about Liz Borino?  Click here