Producer: Paul Jones
Director: Hal Walker
Awards: It was nominated for Best Writing at the Oscars.
Interesting Fact: Originally the scene with the bear was used with a tame one. When they first shot the scene the bear did not sleep next to Bob like it had been trained. Instead it began to sniff at him and growl. Bob & Bing refused to do the scene with the bear and the next day it tore off the arm of its trainer.
My Favorite Scene: I love the part when they come in and act tough in the middle of the posse. What gets me most of all is when Bob asks for lemonade... IN A DIRTY GLASS.
Chester Hooton: Everything is cold! My nose is an iceberg.
Duke: Iceberg? That's a glacier.
I know that Road to Morocco is the popular one, but I love Utopia more than any of them. Though many of their films contained an element of breaking through the fourth wall, this one tops them all by adding a narrator and random comments concerning the filming industry. My favorite scene of this type of writing is when Bob tries to cuss on the screen and all you see is animated lip movement. Bing then says in return: "I told you they wouldn't let you say that." Below I have included a clip of Bob Hope commenting on the film in 1983.