
Showing posts with the label Blog-biz

Happy Happy Easter!

Just want to write a quick note to greet everyone a happy Easter! Wishing all mommy bloggers and other blogger friends happiness, a renewed sense of hope and more opppssss! :-) LOL. God bless you all!

More Pleaazzz...

My blog turned 3 months old last Feb. 7 and since then, I've been into blogging with benefits . Ok na ok pala noh? I'm really looking forward to more stuff to write about (not to mention more da-tung !). Thanks to my online friends for getting me interested to be in the loop!

How Do I Love Blogging, Let Me Count the Ways...

How do I love blogging, let me count the ways...first: I've gained new friends, second: I've gained a new sense of direction (blogging helped me reflect on things), third: there's paid blogging. Hahaha. I've been contemplating for a few days now whether I should venture into the paid blogging business or not. Being a mother with a full-time job in a bank, I feel quite unsure whether I can juggle my time with the many things at hand. First and foremost, there's my family. Then I have my job. But then I also realized that if I can have more order and discipline within myself, I can manage our home, do my job well and still have time for more things. Besides, I guess it won't hurt to be doing paid blogging coz I really love blogging. It's my new-found hobby. So why not then? I've actually tried registering at . This site has given me a good feeling about writing online. It made a good impression on me with its personal touch and warm welcom...