Showing posts with label artfire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artfire. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pointy Paws

We received a wide array of items from Pointy Paws, including some awesome kits to make your own jewelry! Such a cool idea! These little kits intrigued me and I had to take another peek at their shop, they contributed in the past....but shops change, new items get added and my interest re-sparks! I absolutely love those little elephants!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Donations Needed For Animal Sanctuary Raffle FOR THE ANIMALS

For The Animals is an animal sanctuary located in Montclair, New Jersey. For The Animals gives sanctuary to victims of the food farming trade.

This morning when I woke up I saw a post on Vegan Etsy that For The Animals is looking for handmade items for a raffle they plan to do to raise money for the animals!

Perfect, we happen to have 1 regular sized sample bag left and ready to be shipped to For The Animals!

I really hope that the raffle goes well and whomever wins enjoys all of the items from handmade folks who love animals and creating!

If you are interested in donating items for the raffle please contact Deb:
or simply mail your items to

for the Animals sanctuary
8 Cherokee Trail
Blairstown NJ

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today's Pick Of The Pack from Vegan Craft Samples Chocolate Soap?

Yes, thats right, todays pick of the pack is a bar of chocolate soap....yum how I love chocolate!

Earth Natural Essentials has a wide array of delicious natural soaps, lip balms, lotions, bath salts, body butters, bath oils...etc. etc. etc. When I look at Earth Natural Essentials I get so excited with all of the awesome choices and great bath opportunities! (we all know I love bath items!!)

I absolutely love their lip balms, I have the citrus one from a previous sample bag..yumm

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Youtube Video Promotion Of Vegan Craft Samples, etsy promotion!

I just finished putting this together, please leave comments, show love, and most importantly share with your friends and family! Our bags are on sale now, 100% profits go to help Peaceful Prairie Animal Sanctuary.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Teas the Season, pull up a chair and lets sip to stay warm!

The water is on, the fireplace is burning, lets sit down for a nice cup of hot tea with SBS Teas.

We recently received a big box of fragrant bliss from Sbs Teas, who sent in tea samples and reusable tea bags wrapped up in cloth and ribbon.

I try really hard to wait for the first day of sales to grab my bag of samples, but the teas are driving me wild, especially with this cold dreary New York weather!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Giveaway! Enter to win your very own It's All In The Bag- full of indie handmade samples from around the world!

What do you get when you take indie handmade samples from around the world, pair them up with 16-19 other samples and put them into handmade reusable market totes?

It's All In The Bag

I've been holding on to our very last August bag for the perfect time for a giveaway, and I think now is the time! Our August bags sold out so fast that I didn't even get time to do a giveaway, but hey that's a good thing, right?

With our holiday bags quickly approaching, and artisans signing up left and right, its time to give away 17-20 samples in a nice little bag!

Ok Ok quit rambling, how do I enter to win a bag?
There are quite a few ways to gain entries!

First, check out the current contributors section of our website, come back here and let us know about a shop you clicked on and your favorite item in their shop. That's easy enough, right?

How do I gain more than one entry? Well, here's a list of things to do that gain entries for a bag, please comment seperatly for each entry!

Follow us on twitter, and tweet about our giveaway

Become our fan on facebook

Place our ad on your blog or website

Blog about our giveaway

Sign up to be in our holiday bag, handmade artisans! It's a great way to advertise your shop and help animals! If you are already signed up, that counts too!

Pretty easy giveaway, good luck!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Feeling Chatty on this lovely Sunday morning

So I have entered into the realm of Etsy Chat, and decided that I will feature an item from each shop in chat! So now is the time to peruse all the shops and find what I love from everyone! Hope you enjoy checking out these shops as much as I have.

What little one wouldnt love a ladybug purse from coocoos, so cute!

"Cherish the small things in life" bookmark from Freshline

Cute pink polka dot switch plate from Rathina

Sweet little hair bobby pins from Sugar Rain Drops

A cute owl necklace from Nature's Spirit

Well, I tried to get everyone, but people come and go so fast in chat, its practically here's just a little taste of what we have in Etsy Chat today!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Indie Handmade Item Reviews

If anyone wants to have their items reviewed on our blog, here is the info that you will need!

Please send only vegan friendly items, not sure if you item is vegan, please email me

Mail your items to
Heather Snogles
po box 147
marcy, ny

Please make sure to write review me somewhere on the package or inside the package on a little note.

Want to exchange items for review? I am also willing to do that, I will send you a sample bag, for a review on your blog and you can send me something of equal value to review here!

Lets help each other support handmade indie items, and new finds!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's All In The Bag- on sale now!!

The day has finally come, August 16th, and our latest indie handmade sample bags go on sale! So exciting, these bags are awesome!

makeup, lotion, scrubs, lip balms, papercrafts, jewelry, keychains, face creams, cat toys, recipe cards

Each order comes in a handmade reusable bag and includes 17-20 crafty samples!

Get yours while you can, the last bag sold out in a matter of a few days!
100% profits from each bag go to Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary

Want to promote your handmade goodies in our HOLIDAY bag? Check out our website and sign up!

Interested in buying a bag? You can go to our website, or purchase a bag here in the blog, in the right margin!

Support indie handmade and help animals!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My birthday is coming and I am already shopping for myself on etsy!

Every year around this time I start to shop for myself online for my birthday. I have one of those families that gives money or gift cards, and since I dont shop at walmart or best buy, I choose the cash. Now it comes down to, what do I want to get for myself that I couldnt normally afford...So here's a list of this years dream birthday gifts!

This is such a cool idea, leave it to Vessels and Wares to come up with the perfect way to display your summer flowers!

Anyone that knows me, knows how much I LOVE GARLIC. I put garlic on everything, I would even try it on vegan ice cream!! So this garlic keeper from Vessels and Wares, would make the perfect gift for a gardenin', garlic lovin' gal like myself!

What kind of birthday would it be without some delicious truffles from Sweet Fritsy? These are seriously the best truffles that I have ever had, and I cant wait to get more.

I have had my eyes on this pair of shoes from Mohop for about a year now. Cute, stylish and I have heard nothing but rave reviews about these fabulous shoes! So versatile, these shoes come with 5 sets of ribbons that you choose, making it like buying 5 pair of new shoes! Not to mention the almost infinite ways you can tie these shoes, its like an entire shoe collection in one! What girl wouldnt want these for her birthday?

A nice new pair of earrings from Starrlight Jewelry is in my near future. A couple of months ago Starr and I did a trade, where I received the prettiest earrings. For once I can actually wear them without my ears hurting like crazy. Starr makes some really great jewelry and Ive done a handful of trades with her, but these earrings are by far my favorite!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Samples Came Rolling In, for It's All In The Bag

The samples are a flowin'! I went to the post yesterday morning, they are open for 2 hours on Saturday, and I wanted to make sure that if someone sent something kind of melty that it wouldnt sit there all weekend. I got 3 boxes in the mail yesterday, all of them with cool different items.

The first box I tore into was from Camille Wanders, they sent in cute little organic hand dyed pouches, very cool and well made!

Bella Pure's box was next, I opened it to find samples of facial moisturizing night creme, vegan of course, and even a bag of items for me to try and review! Our very first submission for review on this blog! It's easy, send in any item you would like me to review, my mailing address is on the sidebar! So far so good with the items she sent me for review, keep your eyes peeled this coming week. My skin is super sensative and it is loving Bella Pure so far!

Last but not least at all are Veganessas awesome felt pouches, they are all so cute. Some have little animals, some have sayings, some are circles some are squares. Very creative and cute! Jessi still uses hers from the last round of sample bags!

The bags will go on sale August 16th and they will be AWESOME! 100% of profits from the sale of the August bags will go to Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary. Please if you havnt signed up to be in our holiday bag, swing by our website and check it out, we will me donating 100% to a sanctuary, and we have an anonymous donor that is willing to match whatever we raise! Promote your craft around the world, while helping animals!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Looking for a laugh, something to cheer me up, on a gloomy miserable day!

It is raining outside, again, we still havnt had a summer, and now I am having problems with my jaw. Who knows what it could be, but I am in P-A-I-N. So this morning I woke up, tried to eat some breakfast (my mouth barely opens) and now I am looking for funny shops to cheer me up! First thing I found while looking on Artfire was this funny little magnet, says it all about sisterhood!

This magnet really gave me a giggle so I decided to check out the rest of picardcreative's shop, and there are so many funny creative magnets that it was hard to choose which ones to include in this post!!

Also known as chub rub, this one just makes me laugh out loud!

This one really reminds me of my grandmother, she says shes too old for things she doesnt want to do, then the fun stuff....shes the perfect age for!!

Mommy Dearest! When I was young and my mother would yell at me, I would call her mommy dearest! I always loved that movie, and NO MORE WIRE HANGERSS! I used to try to get my mom to say it, then I would laugh and laugh and laugh, then rewind the movie and watch that part again and again!