Verdict: I think Little shmoo sucked every last smidgen of icing out of that plastic bag. He ate all the Brussels sprouts, but only half of the soup. My husband really went all-out on this great photograph -- our dining room looks like a photo studio! 5 Ho Ho Hos!
P.S. The kids are on vacation until next year, so see you in January!
NOOOOOOO!!!!! Weeks without the Vegan Lunch Box (you're known in my home as the Vegan Lunch Box Lady)??!!! But you must take pictures of Little Schmoo's lunches at home. What you will serve for Christmas dinner? A picture is in order.
I absolutely love your site!
That's the thing I miss most about Germany! At the Christmas Market you can get a bag of roasted chestnuts and some hot apple cider to walk around with! Ah...the old country! Thanks for sharing these And Happy Holidays! Enjoy your break!
Hi Jennifer,
I've been following your blog for ages, and I've even contacted Laptop Lunches (from bonny Scotland!) to find out how much it would cost to have a couple of them over here.
I find your ideas refreshing and your writing inspiring - and Little Schmoo is my hero! Your love and care really shines through in your posts.
I hope you all have a wonderful family Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous new year. Thank you for cheering up our evenings!
Gillian (from Edinburgh)
happy holidays but i'm definitely disappointed about the lack of vegan lunch box. see u in 06 :-D
Merry Christmas Jennifer! Enjoy your holidays!! :)
if you get a chance, please post your christmas dinner. i would love to see it. thanks :-)
Ginger-vegans with icing and sprinkles? fantastic! What fun!! Who ever siad don't play with your food? Nonesense! Happy hollidays!!!
What a feast! I absolutely adore the Gingerbread Vegans with the tiny piping bag!
such a pretty lunch. I'm also gonna be missing it..
the gingerbread people are too cute :>
happy holidays to you as well!! and thanks for brightening them with the awesome vegan lunches :D
I'm just dying for your cookbook to come out! HURRY!! :) Happy Holidays everyone!
Thank you so much for the Christmas recipes! Happy Holidays and all that, I continue to love this site. Thanks again.
erislaughs on livejournal
Happy Holidays and thanks for this blog, looking forward to new lunches in 2006!!
Another adoring fan that's dying to buy your cookbook, here! :)
Thanks for posting the recipes! I'm thrilled to see the Ginger Vegans recipe... I was about to search for one! Thanks!
We are all going to go thru withdrawl. Ek! Well, I will still stop by and leave comments and questions between now and then. Happy Holidays!
i thoroughly enjoy your site & look forward to reading more next year!
have a wonderful & safe holiday!
My kids and I love this blog.
I also will be twitching from vegan lunch box withdrawal. But I wish you and yours wonderful, peaceful holidays!
I agree that the simple pictures are better. You can see everything better. The fancy ones are prettier but you can't see the lunch contents as clearly which I think is more important. Just my opinion though.
I love this blog. Thanks!
Thanks for this great site, Jennifer. I know it must be a lot of work. It really inspires me to do better, food-wise. Hope your book comes out soon, it's about time you made a profit :-)
:sobbing: No lunches until January??? I'm so sad.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday. See you in two weeks!! Take care!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Your little family has become part of ours during 2006 and we will look forward to hearing from all of you next year (perhaps with a once a week dinner menu?? hint, hint)
Arline in L.A.
Fabulous holiday lunch, Jennifer!! I can't blame lil schmoo for not eating all of his soup this time--if I were him, I'd have gone for the Gingerbread Vegans and Silk Nog first! With his short lunch time, I don't know how he manages to eat as much as he does. I'm sending my best holiday wishes to you and everyone who frequents this site. I'll miss you and look forward to seeing you in 2006. P.S.--I'd love to hear any Christmas and New Year's food ideas you come up with!
Great lunch. Thanks for the xmas gift to us.. fabulous. I love silk nog and the ginger bread people with do-it-yourself frosting is perfect. How great! Thanks for this fab last post of 05 and see you next year.
I think it is so exciting and great how popular this blog has become! I have been a faithful lunch-boxer since almost the beginning and the increase in the little community that you have created is fabulous Jennifer, (and I guess it means that you can expect some success with your cookbook too!).
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very happy Holiday season...I have a feeling it is probably a very warm, loving, and yummy-food-filled time in your house. Enjoy and we look forward to the return of the lunchboxes in 2006!!
Heard about you from Erik's Diner. what a great site
I love this blog and all the great vegan meal ideas. Inspired by the Vegan Lunch Box, I have my own blog: outofmyveganmind.blogspot.com. Similarly, I show what I eat, but as a vegan who lives alone and works full time. Please drop on by!
Happy Holidays, Jennifer!
May you and yours enjoy all the best of the Season!
I extend good wishes to the chatty commentators who post here as well: thanks for a lively and interesting 2005!
I raise a glass of Sparkling Apple Juice to you all and toast to a splendid 2006!
See you all next year! :-D
I like your blog, happyvegandoc. As a retired livealone, I hope to pick up some tips there also. As to your note about the news about Bush authorizing spying on US citizens without getting search warrants, I read in the Washington Post that one group the FBI was keeping under surveillance, along with the anti-war folks, was a vegan organization. Well, one can only hope the FBI picked up some good recipes :-) Shades of J. Edgar Hoover and Nixon, I feel like I'm twenty again :-)
Mommy Schmoo! We made your Ginger Vegans today and loved them :) Soooo great! Thanks so much!
I love your site!! I here there will be a cookbook out soon? Do you know when you are expecting it to come out? I can't wait! Just a thought...include your awesome lunch ideas and pictures, they are very helpful for those with kids! I love and use your ideas all the time. Thanx!! =) =) =)
I LOVE your site! As a transitioning vegan I find it very inspiring. I work at a school as a child counsellor, and I love how invested you are in your child's health and well being. As someone who sees kids walking around with jumbo bags of chips and junk food every day, your site is very refreshing to me!
Amen! And happy holidays to you and your wee family! And a joyous, kind new year!
Missing your posts!!! Happy New Year!
I've admired Vegan Lunchbox for a long time... (I'm in awe of your endlessly resourceful ideas!!) I've recently been inspired to start my own blog. It's full of vegetarian recipes and movie reviews, my two passions.
Check it out at:
Film Stock
I love love love this blog! It's such a great idea, and it makes me want to pack lunches like these for myself. :P I linked you in my blog's side bar.
Happy holidays!
the ginger bread cookie were fantastic!!
we ate them so quick i never even frosted them!
my only comment would be that i would add more spices next time, although then my kids probably wouldnt care for them as much!
Wow! You make the coolect lunches ever... and I'm not even a vegan, don't get me wrong I love my veggies though...
Now I'm hungry...
PS: Snagging tons of recipies and I found you through Livejournal..
My Livejournal
LOL...I think this site has inspired quite a few of us to start veggie blogs:) What a fabulous site:)
Oh the suspense!
Can't wait for more lunchboxes!
Yes, when does little shmoo go back to school? Tomorrow? next week?
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