Showing posts with label Canon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canon. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Speedy at Two!

It was fun and challenging photographing this little guy!
Two-year-olds can certainly move fast.

Throw changing sunlight and shadow patterns 
into the mix and manual camera mode was discarded in a jiffy.

The first and last images are my favs,
 but I took some conventionally cute images for his mom, also.

Looks like when you're two,
 you gotta smash your face against the screen...
because you can!

Hope your summer is rolling along with great times and 
interesting challenges.
Comments are off.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Summer Greetings!

Life has been busy -
a good kind of captivating busy.
The fact that I just edited these Mother's Day flower images pretty much confirms this!

I've mentioned that our daughter was going to be graduating from college.
Well, the day came and included a special honor for her,
as K was included in an additional "Evening of Distinction" ceremony.
What an amazing group of young adults! 
 I believe they are going to change the world, or at least make a stab at it.

Next came moving K into her first apartment, with the help of her friends.
Picture a charming old building with deep mahogany colored wood floors,
cream plaster walls, and beautiful light.
Gone are the days of college dorms and slum lord rental homes 
shared with friends.

A couple more trips for family get-togethers, my niece's HS graduation party, 
kayaking on the lake, biking, a studio bead project, photography in the garden, 
and watching thunderheads from the dock - 
that's how time has been rolling along.

I hope this finds you enjoying the good times of summer.
Take care and as always, happy creating!

Comments are off while I soak up more summertime fun :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014


I've mentioned before that I love books.
My earliest booky memory is of the floor to ceiling bookcases 
that lined a living room wall in the Dutch Colonial house that I grew up in.
These built-ins were white painted wood and flanked a window that faced the back yard.

The expanse of jumbled colored spines read as a modern art painting 
with your eye seeking pattern within the chaotic exuberance.

Shelves were arranged like a chronology of life,
with little kid picture books on the bottom,
then story books, fiction, biographies, and art tomes,
all the way up to the ceiling where the most valuable,
 or least read, pieces languished.

Furniture sat in front of this wall of books, 
while the space behind the furniture became a kid's "book fort" of sorts,
 a place to secret off to and read.
Such pleasant memories!

Although I read some ebooks, there is nothing like a printed book -
the weight in your hand, the touch of paper, 
and the turning of pages.
Hopefully, future generations will enjoy the pleasures of printed books, too.

How about you... are you an ebook reader, library user, or book collector?
Or maybe, you embrace books in any form :)

Happy reading to you!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Farm Fresh

Farm fresh eggs in wondrous shades of creamy tan to mellow rust
plus buttery light and a 50mm lens...

a combination that made me happy!

Wishing you a blessed Easter.

Comments are off.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Snowbanks are slowly receding,
winds are gusting,
birds are noisily chattering...
it looks and sounds a bit like

Could it finally be here?
I do believe the answer is yes!

Enjoying asparagus on a spring day :)

Hoping spring is in full swing at your house!

Comments are off.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Seeing Beyond

An expanse of green, sparkling bokeh, and a lone droplet conjures up thoughts of vastness,
 wilderness, aloneness, loneliness, singular strength, light, enlightenment...

Maybe I think too much,
maybe you see freshly rinsed kale and selective focus on a single droplet.

Hope you have a great week full of wonder!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Oh, the Light!

We continue to get snow. 
 I shake my head.

On the plus side, the weather has caused some crazy good light.
The snow-falling days have produced a giant soft box outside my window -
quiet, low lighting that reminds me of Dutch still life paintings and Rembrandt's work.

 So, I'll take advantage of that for now...
while I dream of spring.

Wishing you a week filled with amazing light!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

City Heights

I'm off to the big city for business and fun,
or maybe just the business of fun.

Either way, I'm looking forward to good food without cooking, 
museum visits, and catching up with my favorite peeps!

Have a great week!
Comments are off.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

30 Spring Photo Prompts

I wish I could say our woods are touched with hints of green,
 bursting buds, and spring flowers...
but, truth be told,
 my world looks very white, while the dream of spring lies buried 
under mini-mountains of snow and cold. 

Hopefully, spring is no stranger at your house and you will enjoy my 
30 Spring Photo Prompts!

As for me, I guess I'll just have to continue
 dreaming of spring...

Friday, February 21, 2014


Time travel today, back to the month of July and a city trip.

It was hot.
The kind of hot that negates the freshly-showered and clean clothes
 feeling in a matter of minutes.
A hot that lingered in shadowed alcoves.

The sun glared, cars honked, and pedestrians bustled.
I crossed the street and entered a sanctuary.

Inside it was dark with jewel-toned tinted light, and cool.
A refreshing cool that made me sigh in relief.
And, it was peaceful.
A peace born of 150 years of prayer within its walls.

I made pictures.
I marveled.

Wishing you a bit of peaceful sanctuary today and all the year through.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day!
Wishing you a day filled with love and sweet treats.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Rose

The delicate beauty of a rose is the perfect contrast
 to the harsh temps outside.

Hope you're keeping warm!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bead Frenzy

There is a whole lot of beading going on in my studio
 as I'm working on an elaborate project for a show.

Since I want you to think I'm very neat and tidy,
there will be no studio photos today.
Instead, I'll tell you about what you'd see ~
Swarovski crystals - the ultimate in bling,
Pyrite stone beads with an AB finish - subtle shimmer and texture,
seed beads - bags upon bags of them in a rainbow of colors,
drawings, tracing paper mock-ups, Ultra Suede,
 and the usual beading tools -
long beading needles, Nymo thread (size D), plus scissors.

If you're wondering what this amazing peacock street art mural
 has in common with my project....
well, they're both colorful,
both large (my necklace only in relative terms, of course),
both stop you in your tracks!
(hoping this necklace will when it's done - we'll see).

Wishing you a colorful, creative week!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Winter Dreamscapes

Reality = 20 below zero most mornings.
Sound appealing?

How about a dreamy winter wonderland instead?
That's my vote!

I hope you've got some marvelous plans and dreams for 2014,
and they all come true!

Enjoy this creative life -
it's the best!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Outside the snow is gently falling,
cloaking the landscape in serene stillness and 
a monochromatic mantle.
Indoors, our home smells of freshly cut pine and 
sparkles with the colorful bokeh of holiday lights and ornaments.

It's looking like time to enjoy family, friends, fine food,
and the blessings of the season.

Wishing you joy and happiness
during the holidays!

I'm taking a holiday break.
See you back in the New Year.
Comments are off while I help Santa wrap  presents :)

Monday, December 9, 2013


It's a mountaintop forest?  Maybe.
It's a miniature forest?  You're closer.
It's a miniature frost forest?  You're much closer.
It's a miniature frost forest on top of a Subaru?  You've got it!

I kinda love my macro lens
because it opens up a whole tiny, tiny visual world 
for me to explore.

Feeling a bit like Gulliver, today.

Hope your world is filled with wonders,
both big and small!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

This is a Test!

Last Saturday, I was grocery shopping.

With a full cart, and this banal chore almost done, I zipped into the checkout line
 expecting to be back home in no time.  It was then that I noticed the woman in front of me.
She was moving reeeaallly, reeeaallly slooooowly as she placed her groceries on the counter.

I looked for an escape route behind me, but two women already stood in line
(why is it most of the grocery shoppers are women?  Don't men eat?).
Trapped, I turned to watch the sloooow woman.

As I watched, my frustration turned into fascination.
Under her hand, all like-height cans stood together.
 These cans were also sorted by diameter size, with all labels facing one way.
Similar shape fresh veggies and fruit were grouped together, etc. 
Then came the bread... 4 loaves of cheap, gooey white bread
(ok, I admit I'm a bit of a bread snob since I like to make healthy bread in my bread machine).
Oh my God, one bread end was facing the wrong way!
Luckily, this was quickly rectified and all the butt-ends were matched up.
I bet you get the picture - 
this woman had a serious case of OCD!

So, here's the test - How are your OCD qualities looking these days?

1) Can you match or top this woman when you go grocery shopping?
(not me!)

2) Do you compulsively keep all your pencils sharpened to the same length?
(true story - a guy at my husband's old office)

3) Do you only drink coffee at pre-set times of the day
 and only from a freshly brewed pot?
(another former co-worker)

4) Is your clothes closet arranged by color family groupings?
(I confess, that's me.  After years of messy closets,
 I decided mine could at least look like an attractive rainbow)

5) How about your spools of thread, beads, or any other item you collect - 
obsessively arranged by color, size, or some other quantifiable  characteristic?
(bet you can guess my answer when it involves color!)

6) Do you sit in the same seat on the bus each day?  Pew at church? 
Chair at the business meeting table?

7) Is your work or studio desk/table perfectly organized and 
continually kept that way?
(guess that's not beading table currently looks like a bomb hit)

8) Do you always park in the same lot at the mall,
 preferably in the same relative spot?
(pass on this one, no malls in my world)

9) Finally, here's a fill in the blank question.
What's your favorite OCD activity?
(tell us please... we won't think you're nuts -  
apparently mine is picking out colors for the word OCD

Life's crazy, so why not channel a little OCD-ness today!!!
Happy, crazy day to you :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

November Dawn

It was early, and crisp.
Mist was swirling across the lake as golden 
light cut through the haze.

A magical bit of lighting,
there one moment and gone the next.

Wishing you great light,
if only for a moment!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trick or Treat!

First the trick, these aren't designs on paper or canvas,
 but rather drawing and marbling in royal icing on cookies!

Although cooking and baking don't generally qualify as fun in my book,
making fancy holiday cookies does.
Guess it's because I get to draw and make something beautiful,
with the added bonus that these cookies taste amazing!

If you're interested, here are two other posts that talk a little about the how-tos ~
here and here.
And while you're at it, check out the ultimate cookie queen,
She's got all the answers!

Finally, a couple images purposely defocused with creative color,
just for fun.

Happy Halloween!
Hope your day is filled with treats :)