Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2009

Coming soon: jabot madness

I failed to get pix, but I saw my friends Wolfgang and Michele during their 6 hour layover in Newark. Never has an airport been so much fun! Plus they brought me chocolate and 3 cow buttons, and we discussed wedding photography. I also saw the chiropractor again (knee pain: 0/1, back pain, 2/3), went grocery shopping and took yet another nap (really, I'm becoming the queen of naps) and chatted with not one but two neighbors. Whee!

As Antoinette would say, ready to get your jabot on??

The basic tank bit is sewn up (it took an hour and a half to reach this point. Next time I will not do armhole facings. Double knit is so dreamy, armhole facings are really not necessary--fold over and sew down will be my quick method.)
Jabot excitement coming soon!

I've drawn the lines on:
Lines for the jabot!
It was difficult to stop myself here, but I think sewing the jabot on, and hemming, is a project best left til morning.

I reduced the size of the carriers on my bathrobe. So the bathrobe is officially done. And this is officially the weirdest angle I've ever taken a picture of on myself:

Well, just one more

Sewing to do list:
  • fix the brown ruffle shirt
  • finish the gray jabot shirt
  • make the other ruffle/jabot shirt--in pink!
  • hem gray pants again
Yeah, I probably won't get all that done this weekend. But I definitely can't wait to finish the jabot in the morning!!

Bon weekend and bon sewing, everyone! And how's your three day weekend???