Showing posts with label assemblage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assemblage. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Been working on my accordion stitched Journal

Been working on this here Accordion Stitched Journal.

This has been a fun little project.  I'm taking the on-line class from Dispatch from LA by Mary Ann Moss.  This little accordion booklet is stitched onto canvas.  It started out as the weekly lesson exercise but now has turned into this very personal little gift for my sister in Germany.

Today I will make a little protective cover for it.  Then off in the mail it goes. Oh' I forgot it has secret pockets, that I will fill with special little momentos.  

Thursday, April 06, 2017

The Journey continues on............

Doing a lot of hand sewing on this little lady!  Yesterday I started the forest. Not sure quite how to begin?!?  But then it just happened.

I love how where this is going!  Trees are made from a recycled T-shirt, as is the little mushroom. I think its time to give her shoes and hair and then maybe a few more forest things.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Boro stitched Pouch

It took a while, but I finished my Boro stitched bag.  It was a lot of hard work pushing the needle thru the layers of denim.  I really enjoyed the process.  I will try it again with lighter weight fabrics.  I can't wait to use it and show it off.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Only Time Will Tell

Today I spent the morning finishing my time piece or is it a piece in time?!?

This unique piece is an assemblage of spare parts.  Starting with the heads, the empty Mantel case and an Alarm clock that I took apart for the parts.

The front view you've seen many time as I was building this piece.

I'm totally thrilled with the outcome and thought I would share a few pics.

Here is a view of one of the sides.  Oh' and yes I even used some power tools.  Had to drill holes for all the parts and pieces.
Covered the back with a stiff cardboard that I covered with fabric and made a fun label for the back.  Then here is the other side of the clock that I did not want to disturb, as I didn't want to loose the .50 cent mark on the side.

I will submitting this piece to Steampunk Vol. 3 and who knows maybe, just maybe it will be published.  All in all this was a fun project and I want to make more.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Still working on z clock

Hope you're not getting too tired of all the pics.  Today I secured all the heads inside the clock.  Stuffed it with spare body parts.

Made a back, which is still drying.  Glued on some watch parts.  Time to let it sit for a few days, as I have other things to do.  Such as work my turn at the Gallery and get ready for AFICC.

Never a dull moment.  Thanks for looking and your kind words.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Last head...............yeah

Now the hard work begins................keeping the heads in place.  I have put a tab on the back of three of the heads and then have a wire rod going through the tab.  That way the head doesn't fall out of the hole.

I have to do that to the last two.

The head with blonde hair is needle sculpted using an old T-shirt and was quite a bit darker than what I normally use.  So far I'm real happy with how it all looks.

I'll be adding some gears to the front of the clock case and then I need to figure out what to do with the back side.  I have a few ideas.  More soon!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Four Heads

Wow, four heads in one hole and I have one more to go.  Wasn't sure if I like the last one that I added but it's growing on me.  He/She definitely has attitude.

The eyes are bought from an artist on Etsy, sorry can't remember her name, but they're pretty wicket.  I have one more head to work on and add.

Stay tuned............

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today I tried something totally new.  I painted the eyes and then used 3-D Crystal Lacquer to seal the eye. At first I thought I had ruined the eyes, but I like how they turned out.

Added an ear and some crazy hair and her you have another head.  I have two more heads to do.

I'm having some great fun with this project.

More to come..........................

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

two post in one day, two days in a row

I know you might find it hard to believe...........two posts in one day?!?  Anyways, I thought I show where I'm leaving off for today.  I love the direction its going and can't wait to see what happens next.

Oh' one more thing that is the same head on the left just added color to the face and hair as the one in the previous post.

Have a great day!

Assemblage in the works

OK, so I figured the best way to start on my assemblage is one head at a time. LOL

I will finish each head give them eyes, ears, hair and whatever else I think they may need.  After I get all that done, I will have them all in the Clock face.

I will try to post often.