The Image of Mormons

First, a note to congratulate the one, the only, J. Spencer Fluhman, whose book A Peculiar People: Anti-Mormonism and the Making of Religion in 19th-Century America, won the best first book award at the just-concluded Mormon History Association. And congratulations to Christopher Jones, winner of Best Article Award for his piece Mormonism in the Methodist Marketplace: James Covel and the Historical Background of Doctrine and Covenants 39-40" in BYU Studies Quarterly. Also, congrats. to our contributor John Turner, whose biography of Brigham YOung won the Best Biography award.

And, a note from Jared Farmer, whose wonderful and pedagogically rich e-book Mormons in the Media, 1830-2012 we blogged about last year. 

Dear fellow followers of Mormon (and/or Utah) history,

Please excuse the impersonal nature of this note. I simply want to call your attention to a newly launched website that serves as the permanent home for my two (!) free e-books:

• Mormons in the Media, 1830–2012 (revised edition, now in iBooks format as well as PDF)
• The Image of Mormons: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students

Feel free to share this link with anyone who might be interested.


Paul Harvey said…
Your ideas welcome here for what the "J." in "J. Spencer Fluhman" stands for. Suggestions so far have included "Joseph," "Jesus," and "Job." My suggestion would be "Ginobili," since the Italian G sort of sounds like "J."
John G. Turner said…
I love Jared's work. Incredibly helpful for anyone teaching (or seeking to understand) Mormonism.

One of the great things about the recent MHA conference was the presence of so many up-and-coming scholars of American religion (and things Mormon in particular). Our friends at Juvenile Instructor cleaned up and also contributed to a host of great sessions. It's not every year that the MHA attracts Ann Taves, Ed Blum, and Leigh Schmidt. This and the great fruit punch served with lunch.
Paul Harvey said…
Also, congrats. to John Turner for winning Best Biography award -- just now adding that into the post (belatedly).
John G. Turner said…
I figured you were penalizing me because of my intense addiction to coffee.
Paul Harvey said…
John, when you retire you should move to Salt Lake and open one of those hipster drip coffee places that are showing up everywhere now.
John G. Turner said…
The Salt Lake Roasting Company in the capital of the Beehive State takes care of my coffee needs while there.

As probably the least hip contributor to this very hip blog, I don't think I'm quite the person to start a hipster drip coffee joint.
Paul Harvey said…
Mystery solved, thanks to Seth Dowland: the "J" stands for "Jimmer."
Christopher said…
Jimmer, definitely.

And thanks for the shout-out. MHA was, as always, great fun.