
Showing posts with the label Founders

David Sehat on The Jefferson Rule

Pieces in Public Discourse

George Will and American Religious History

First Freedom: The Fight for Religious Liberty

David Barton's Fall From Grace? Or, What Do Elitist Professors Have in Common with Adolf Hitler, Saul Alinsky, and Brett Favre?

In the Founding Fathers We Trust?

History Now Features Colonial American Religion

The Founding Fathers and the Debate Over Religion in Revolutionary America

Including "Religious Others" in the Christian Nation "Debate"

Back to the Future: Christianity and the American Founding

Faith of the Founders (My Review of John Fea in the Christian Century)

John Fea on the TV

Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

Glenn Beck, Methodism, and "Black Founders"

Surveying Religious Knowledge: The Founding Fathers, and the Pew Poll

Rebunking the Pilgrims?

New Book on John Wesley and Methodism

The Eyes of David Barton Are Upon You

Civil Society and Religion in the Early U.S.

Christian Witnessing