
Showing posts with the label Ukkacala


Ramchaura,Hajipur, Vaishali : Ramchura is situated in Hajipur town in Vaishali district of Bihar.  In ancient times Hajipur was known as Ukkacala . The Buddha is known to have taught only one discourse in at this place, the Cula Goplalaka Sutta, which you can find in The Middle Length Discourses. However Hajipur is also of interest because a portion of Ananda's ashes were enshrined in the town. When Ananda knew that his life was drawing to a close he set off from Rajgir and headed north. King Ajatashattru heard about this and, accompanied by his entourage, went after him with the intention of begging him to stay. Meanwhile the people of Vaishali heard that Ananda was coming to their territory and they flocked to the banks of the Ganges to welcome him. When king Ajatasattru caught up with the aged saint his boat had already reached the middle of the river Ganga. The crowds on both banks were imploring him to come to their side. So as not to disappoint either party and to a...