
Showing posts with the label Remains of Ancient Vaishali

Remains of Ancient Vaishali and Ashoka Pillar , Kolhua ,Vaishali, Bihar , India

  Remains of Ancient Vaishali , Kolhua :-             Stupa & Pillar :- Kolhua, a part and parcel of ancient city of Vaishali marks the spot where a local chief of monkeys had offered a bowl of honey to Lord Buddha. The event is regarded as one of the eight most signigicant events of his life. According to the Buddhist literature, this was the place where Buddha spent many of the rainy seasons, Allowed Nuns to the Sangha for the first time , announced his approaching Nirvana and converted Amarpali from a proud court dancer to a nun.         The recent excavation conducted by Archaeological Survey of India have revealed remains of Kutagarshala , Swastika shaped monastery , a tank, number of votive stupas and miniature shrines in addition to main Stupa and the Ashokan Pillar which were exposed earlier. The pillar locally known as Lat is 11.00 meters high monolithic polished sand stone column surmount...