70Y old female patient present with low back ache. MRI of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed.
The whole spine T2 sagittal image is showing an isolated lesion involving the S2 vertebra and superior part of the S3. Lesion is appearing slightly hyperintense in T2, iso to slightly hypointense in T1 and markedly hyperintense in STIR. It is expansile, causing anterior and posterior contour bulge of the involved vertebrae and also the destruction of anterior cortex.
Lesion is shown in the axial T2 and STIR coronal images here. T2 Axial images is showing near total obliteration of the the sacral spinal canal at the level, with marked compression of the remaining nerve roots.
Biopsy of the lesion was performed, was found out to be metastatic lesion from adenocarcinoma.