9 year old male child for follow-up scan of an incidentally detected right temporal lobe cyst.
Choroid fissure cyst is a benign intracranial cyst, which is a location based diagnosis, rather than a histological one. Cysts can be an arachnoid cyst or a neuro-epithelial cyst. The cyst shows signal characteristics that resemble CSF in all sequences. No enhancement on contrast is seen. There will no surrounding hyperintensity.
The choroidal fissure is the CSF space between the fimbria of hippocampus and the diencephalon. This is normally a shallow fissure that curves posterosuperiorly from the anterior temporal lobe to the atrium of lateral ventricle. Tela choroidea is a double layer of pia mater that invaginated through the choroid fissure to reach the lateral ventricles.
Ref : MRI of CSF-like Choroidal fissure and parenchymal cysts of brain, AJNR 1990.