Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMO Monday

Monday was a very messy day for me... not saying it's the first day of work after my vacation but also an interesting day for me... Why?

Car emo
My car was emo on Monday. Never wanna to get started, even i tried and tried and tried. The car still cannot start. So, i have no choice but went back up to my condo and took out my lappie to continue to work. The moment i wanna to send out the Work From Home message to my team....

Internet connection emo
The internet suddenly gone emo and could not get connected... :( So what next? No car, no internet... how to work? So, i tried to call for help... guess what?

iPhone emo
My iPhone just emo on me... i could not slide open my iPhone to call. No car, no internet and no communication. WTF! So how? I tried and tried and tried... finally i managed to slide and called up my boss, informed him my situation and told him i will work offline reading my mail @ home at the same time tried to contact the mechanic for my car...

Electricity emo
Minutes later, the whole building ran out of electricity... oh god, why was this happen to me. No electricity, No car, No internet and limited communication (cause not all the time i could slide my iPhone)... at the end...

TZ emo
I was sad and emo... but still have to try my best to solve the situation. I went down to the car park again and gave the car a try... finally i was able to get the car started. Hurray! I could head to the office...  i quickly took shower and headed to the office.

What a day eh~

Friday, May 20, 2011

Penang Free WIFI

Registering an account for accessing wifi within the Georgetown. The state government of Penang finally gotten Penang with free wifi for all penangite and it's visitors. I'm not sure how much the state government need to pay for the service but definitely this is a good decision. So anyone know who is the provider of Penang Free Wifi? The Penang Free Wifi is powered by REDTONE. The speed of the Penang Free Wifi is fast ~~~

Now look at what 1Malaysia have given? Nope... Do we have 1Malaysia Free Wifi? Nope... We only have 1Malaysia email which the provider company charges the government RM0.50 for each of the email. Imagine one email... how many mail you sent per day? just talking on you yourself?

Let's go back to Penang Free Wifi... I was impress with this free services that the Penang state government has provided. This has benefit to all people from various age, group and races. Anyway, on your next visit to Penang, don't forget to sign up your own a/c and access internet via the PENANG FREE WIFI.

Dear Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, 
As the citizen of Metropolitan KL, when are you getting our KL FREE WIFI? this is NOT acceptable which the metropolitan / capital of the country. DO NOT have free wifi like Penang. Sigh~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm back ....

Everyone... I'm back I'm back... let's celebrate!!!!... 

How i passed my night without internet. Hmmm... watching the NTV7 chinese drama My Kampung Days 家在半山芭 until 11pm. Later, listened to my iPod and lying on the bed trying to get myself to sleep. Unfortunately i couldn't sleep and decided to walk out to the balcony to look @ the nice view of KL.

The weather was so hot... no wind at all. While listening to my iPod, I did some reading and also texting... until about 12am when the Twin Tower started to turn off their lights... 

Hehehe... I definitely know whether it's after or before 12am. Just look out from my living room and look @ the landmark of KL... :p Next time i should record the moment the twin tower shut off their lights and share with all of you. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dial 100 for Service

What would your reaction when you see this pictures?

I see a bad service, products not reliable, support number could only access by certain phone, no instruction on the website to help people to search for support via mobile phone ...etc ... oh yes, another one , SLOW RESPONSE.

okie back to my story... 

I was extremely pissed this evening when i came back... my streamyx and land line were down... yes land line was not working. I tried to use my mobile phone to dial 100... A sweet nice lady voice say " The number you dial is not in service" Damn, i could not use my mobile to dial. Thanks to the Telekom Malaysia with the Malaysia Boleh attitude, i really don't have any other method to call. Luckily, my condo poolside is WIFI enable. So i brought my Macbook down to the poolside and google on "How to dial 100 from Digi" I managed to get two numbers... really wanna to thanks to my best buddy GOOGLE. 

Anyway please wish me luck as i'm going to call them after dinner. Hopefully these two numbers 1-300-888-123 and 1-300-889-515 are working, otherwise i will go to TM Point first thing in the morning tomorrow to screw them upside down. Don't play play with TZ eh~

TZ has no internet connection @ home... :(  sigh~ sigh~ sigh~ sigh~

this entry is updated from TZ's condo poolside... blek~

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Modem went haywire...

My modem was haywire after i restarted few times due to Streamyx connection... I was so frustrated with the Streamyx connection as i was happily chatting with my friends via MSN. All of the sudden i got disconnected ... yes DISCONNECTED. What the #@##@$#$@!!@#!

Anyway, after some investigation... i finally reset the whole modem back to its factory default and start the setup all over step by step ... hehehe... as good as buying a brand new modem. 

Wah la .... the modem worked again and 
I finally gained back the Streamyx connection after 2 hours of downtime... sigh~ Sigh~ :(

Monday, July 7, 2008

Streamyx Down Again...

Not even up and running for a week... the Streamyx is down again. I'm extremely disappointed with their services and looking forward to have the WiMax in KL... 

I don't mind trying the WiMax when the WiMax is implemented in KL... If the WiMax is good... will say goodbye to Streamyx... hehehe
P1 beyond broadband has been granted the license to operate the WiMax... I saw an advertisement in The Star last Saturday... 

Please boost up the WiMax implementation in KL asap... I'm looking forward the WiMax in Malaysia. Otherwise the unhappy customers will become what you will see in the picture ... hehehe :-p

PS: thanks for my kind neighbor's connection... i'm still not as bad as what it looks ---->

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Faulty Report Closed without issue solved...

My Streamyx connection is still down... This is the 3rd day without internet connection. Guess what? I called up TM NET a moment ago and check on the status of the the Faulty report that i have launched on last Saturday... The answer that the person whom attended me was " Sir, the report has been closed and the problem have been solved". "What?" i still could not get the streamyx connection" What is this... I was extremely unhappy when i heard this statement. This was not acceptable... no one actually call me to check whether my connection is okay before closing the report.  *sigh*

If i was not calling them a moment ago, this problem will drag for days maybe months and years... so how efficient is TM? Can we get any compensate for the time that the connection down? 

Anyway, we need to thanks to the stupid and short sighted leaders in the Malaysia Boleh Government. They have led the citizens on suffering for so much inconvenience ... 


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Streamyx down again ... DAMN!

My streamyx down again a moment ago... now using my neighbor's connection .... ;-)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Internet up & running... Phone line is down

I got back my internet line on Last Friday evening... but guess what? Today i found out the phone line is down. I belief the phone line has been down since last Friday after they got the internet up and running. This was not the 1st time with the TM and Streamyx... This is how the Malaysian largest telecommunication company service. One up and one down. *sigh*

I have no choice but have to call them again. Have to waste time and energy to follow up again... what a bad service on delivering the internet line without doing lot's of testing... BTW, the internet line was not up to the previous speed... especially the Upload speed it was only 128K and i have paid for RM77 which suppose to be 1.0mb / 512K package... need to ask for rebate if they continue to give me this lowest service.

Do you encounter this situation before?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

No internet!

aaaaaaaaaaa... give me back my broadband connection!

Service Interrupted...

Half way updating my blog, all of the sudden my laptop hang... later i was trying to connect to Fitness First website to view my class for today... damn! the internet was down again... tried to restart my modem but the service still not came back up. I have no choice but to contact the StreamyX help center 1-300-88-9515. Made a report and now... hehehe... I'm borrowing from my nice neighbour. This is the advantage of staying in the condo with a wireless enable laptop... :->

Talk about StreamyX... I have already lost confident with them, i read lots of blog and i have lots of friends were having tons of problem with StreamyX... the monopoly internet provider. So what do you think? Have you face lots of issue with StreamyX? Or you are very happy with their services... :-p

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Back to the acient world...

I was going back to the acient world since yesterday, the world without internet... :-(

My Broadband connection down again... i was so angry with the internet service Provide (ISP) STREAMYX... I was STREAMING at the ISP service center... :-( I called up 1-300-88-9515 Option 2 (for English) Option 1 (for Streamyx) Option 3 (for technical support) to report the faulty, it's their problem again. See i have remembered the number, you know what i have made more than 20 reports via the call center for problem / issue within the 1st 6 months of this year, see how the failure rate of this ISP... TM NET sucks! I have no choice, the only ISP... :-(

My friend Winniethepooh mentioned that Canada telephone company suck! wait till you come to the boleh-land to experience the TM NET service... you would appreciate Canadian service then... Anyway, my whole weekend without any connection... I could not update my blog... no MSN, no surfing the net etc... You must be asking how i update this entry then...

Just between you and me! Don't tell anyone eh! I borrow my neighbor's connection ... special thanks to my neighbor for doing this charity work... :-) Anyway, gotta to go to hit the bed shortly. i'm going to take the train to work tomorrow as i will be traveling with my boss to Penang tomorrow evening. She is going to drive and i will be going to take a nice 4hrs nap in the back seat. Don't worry, there are another 2 colleague could accompany her while she is driving ... my mission : Sleep!. :->

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lazy Saturday... Hanging out @ Starbucks

It's Saturday again... Mom went to Seremban with friends to have an art/painting exhibition there. I was at my parent house waiting for the gardener to cut the glass and beautified the garden... :->

I don't have any plan, maybe will sit in Starbuck for the rest of my day to wait for my mom to come back from Seremban this afternoon. Need to pick her up from her friends house. Still not sure what time they would be back.

I planning to go for BodyAttack class at 1545 @ Fitness First - SPK. Jackson's class. I attended his class once ... it was a good and motivated class. I got this video about latest release on BodyAttack from YouTube...

I'm @ Starbucks Midvalley now. What are you going to do in Starbucks? Surfing and Checking out! These are the common things to do lah! What else? I just wondered why the starbucks over here is so noisy... the whole starbucks is like hawker center. Noise.. Noise and Noise... :-( Fortunately i brought along my headphone that i could listen to some nice music myself :-)

Despite the noise, the environment is very happening with lots of pretty lady and handsome/cute guys walking in and out for coffee... All the tables have been taken... :-> Anyone wanna to share a table with me? hehehe... One chair just gone and a huge size guy actually asking for that chair... fortunately he is not going to share a table with me ... hehehe... I'm so bad :-p

Half an hour later, my another chair gone... left only one chair which my beg is sitting on it... Aiya... i could not share table with others already... :-( Anyway, i also not intend to .... hehehe... Let's see anyone come and get the last chair that i have :-p

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Finally! 1 mbp connection ...

After two weeks of screaming at TM-NET. Finally, i got 1 mbp connection but this doesn't come easily :->

I signed up on June 15th 2007, 15 days later i got the connection. This is what the 1st sales person TM point told me. "Sir, you will have the 1Mbp connection three days later"... I was so happy as after my business trip in Penang i expected my connection should be ready for me to use. But what i got on Sunday nite June 24th 2007 was again less than 512K connection. So i was not happy and called the Streamyx care center. Then the care center support person checked for me and request me to make a report @ TM Point.

So, I managed to pay a visit to TM Point on Wednesday June 27th 2007. The person that served me did mentioned that the application has been issued and there were no job order being created. The person go ahead to create the job order. Come on! After 7 days, they only realized that the job order was not created. What is this business doing.... *Frustructed* So i called the TM-Net help center to make a report. The person asking me to wait for another 2 days and expect the 1mbp connection to be ready on Friday June 29th 2007. Guess what? TMNET put me down again :-( i made another called and this time i really blusted my frastruction and screaming. Surprisingly, the customers service person is very professional... he managed to cool me down and explain to me with some recommendation... Good job! Finally i cool myself down and discuss with him on what is the next step.

In summay, total 4 calls and 2 visits to TM Point to get the upgrade. You must be wondered how long or how many calls / visits to TM Point to get a new account for Streamyx? You guess... i would say lots more :-p If i rated the services provided by TM NET / TM POINT.. 10 out of 10. I would score them 0.5 hehehe...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Busy Busy and even busier

I was tight up with the whole day F2F with the customers team to understand in more detail on their business process so that i could provide some solution to solve their hot button. I was not able to keep my blog updated on time for my dear readers... :-(

BTW, i was not very busy after get back to my hotel but unfortunately the broadband provided by the The Krystal Suite of Penang sucks! They claimed that broadband provided but at the end the broadband is like the dial up... even slower than the dial up during the prime time (9pm-12am). I only managed to connect to my blog and update rite now... i think they shud not advertise on free broadband unless they upgrade their bandwidth with TMNET. So, I'm busy with my F2F but the broadband in the hotel is much more busier than my job... could not access to the internet ... :-(

I will have a long day tomorrow and need to present some of the finding / outcome from the previous F2F. Catch up with you later ... sayonara!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Successfully connected to WWW again...

My Broadband has been downed for about 48 hrs. Finally, the Internet Service Provider managed to fix the problem yesterday after a daily follow up with them. Yahoo, I got my Broadband connection back. This means I got the flexibility back again... Attending meeting from home, checking email before hitting the bed and Working from Home (WFH)... etc.

Anyway, this is what i like about the company that i worked for. If you compare to a lot of company in Malaysia, the company that i worked for has the flexibility in term of working hour and good infrastruture for you to plan your work, execute your work without having to be physically in the office. e.g. I would be able to work from home and still be able to attend meeting and execute my work. This has help me to adjust my working life and the life after working hour e.g. gym session. (Work / Life Balance)

Thank you to my company for providing such flexibility... So my friends, don't jeolous eh!... :->

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No Internet No Life!!! ... :-(

My home broadband is down again... If i not mistaken, the last time i called them up was six months ago. Guess what Internet Service Provider that i subscribed? Bingo! Streamyx...

If i have a chance to rate the services provided by Streamyx, i would rate their services extremely unsatisfied. I wanted to change ISP but unfortunately i don't have much choice thanks to the telco policy set in Malaysia. Thanks to those who made these policy.

Anyway, the problem is that I could not obtain an IP from Streamyx Server with a stable ADSL line. I could see the status from my D-Link Modem this means in technical the physical communication layer is working fine. When coming to request an IP address, the server could not assigned one. Base on my network experience, I suspected the server is run out of IP because of overloading of request for IP. Do you have this problem since yesterday?

I called up the help desk last nite, and gone through the whole standard instruction before they were willingly help me to launch a report. To fix the problem they need two working day i.e. 48 hrs. Hey come on just the IP address issue, need 2 working days... what kind of service are you providing ... :-( I really have no further comment... This is Malaysia business.