Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

QWAC 2015

Like the start of school in September, my involvement in the Queen West Art Crawl art show in Trinity Bellwoods Park, is another indication that another year is drawing to a close.

It was a grey, cold and wet weekend, marked by a few highlights. One of which was to finally meet a fellow Toronto urban sketcher and to find out yet another one was showing her wares a few booths down from me.

 My new body of work. 21 6x8 in. up close and personal portraits of friends.

 The 21 portraits hung in my tent waiting to be bought (and btw, are still available for purchase if interested. Please email me directly.)

 The sumos. Maybe I'll do a few more since I had so much fun painting them. Stay tuned.

 Bumping into a Facebook urban sketcher friend who I've never met before and excited to see yet another urban sketcher showing her stuff at the same show a few booths down from me.

My best imitation of jazz hands in my tent.