Showing posts with label snow day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow day. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2011

8 Things to do on a Snow Day

This is me, way back when :)

I woke up this morning to find that there was ice on the roads and that classes were cancelled until 10am. So I went back to sleep. Later when I was getting dressed for my 10 o'clock class, I got a text from the school that said that classes where cancelled for the day. SNOW DAAAAY! Here's a list of seven things to do if you find yourself stuck at home on a snow day.

1. Take a long shower. This is the first thing I did when I found out the news (after the happy dance of course). Usually my showers are short and rushed, but not today :)

2. Build a snow man

3. Play catch up.  Are you behind in your schoolwork? Laundry? Knitting?  Dishes? DVRed television shows? Today is your chance to get caught up!

4. Do some spring cleaning. I don't know if it's just me, but I can't be happy when my world is in chaos. Sadly usually is. So today I'm definitely going to take some time to get my room in order. There's a place for everything, and everything should be in its place, I always say.

5. Do some online shopping. It's always nice to shop on your day off, but since you'll be stuck inside on a snow day, you can shop online instead. By the way, I know of this cute little online shop called Tyler Handmade, you should check it out. Wink wink ;)

6. Read a book. Its rare for many people to find enough time to curl up with a good book. Hey, if you're snowed in, why not? I recommend Hide in Plain Sight or Stuck in the Middle. I've read them both on Kindle for free and you can download a Kindle app for just about anything from PC to Android :) (Sorry for the infomercial, but I <3 my Kindle.)

7. Exercise. Get your heart pumping with an exercise tape. If you don't have one, this website has some great videos.

8. Do some DIY projects. If you click on the DIY tag on my blog, you'll find plenty of great projects to try.

Now I'm off to catch up on some knitting!
("Ultra Femme" from the book "Stitch n' B*tch Nation by Debbie Stoller)


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