Showing posts with label pun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pun. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh so punny

Some of you my remember by post about visual puns from much earlier this year. Well, I'm back with more puns to challenge your brain. See how many you can guess!

(hint: pay special attention to the numbers and the way the lines look)

(all found on


1. Duck Tape
2. F-bomb (like the F word)
3. Friendly fire
4. Lost control
5. Mug Shot
6. Tan (tangent) lines
7. Como te llama(s)? (The animal is a llama, and "como te llamas" means "what is your name" is Spanish)
8. A pimp and his hose (hos)
9. Watching a little football
10. Rubber duck E (rubber ducky) 

Hope you had fun! Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Visual Puns

A visual pun is a "a pun involving an image or images (in addition to or instead of language)."-Wikipedia


A salt with a deadly weapon = Assault with a deadly weapon!

Bollow, you will see a collection of some great visual puns from Try to see how many puns you can guess by looking at the pictures!


    Hint: its a Mercedes


1. Hairspray
2. Egg plant (Eggplant)
3. Mercedes Bends (Mercedes Benz)
4. Dr. Pepper 
5. World Peas (world peace)
6. Cereal Killer (serial killer)
7. Palm Pilot
8. Assaulted Peanut (a salted peanut)
9. The steaks (stakes) are too high OR high steaks
10. Brain dead
11. Grandfather clock
12. Maid in China (made in China)
13. Bird brain
14. Fork in the road
15. Organized crime
16. Robin hood
17. Loan Shark
18. World Wide Web
19. Pigeon Toed
20. Onion ring


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