Showing posts with label waiting for Tyler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waiting for Tyler. Show all posts


One Year Ago Today....

This cute boy was on his way home from Russia for the first time in 2 years. I had no idea what time his plane was coming in. I randomly (thanks Jeni) had the day off so I planned to go to the pool. As I was leaving my phone started ringing and it was Tyler's sister Heather. She told me Tyler's plane was coming in around 9 that night and that I could meet them all at the airport if I wanted. After I went to the pool I went home and got ready. It only took me about 3 hours haha it was worse than getting ready for prom. I was SO nervous! Bridget drove me to the airport and we were freaking out because we were getting off the exit as Tyler's plane was supposed to be landing. She dropped me off and I ran to the baggage claim. When I got there I didn't see any of his family. When I finally found all of his family, I was coughing so bad from running. I had been so sick after my vacation to New Jersey the week before. I didn't even have a voice. My eyes wouldn't stop watering. I was a mess. Finally after waiting about 30 minutes (which felt like a lifetime) this handsome boy walked around the corner and made his way down the escalator. My heart stopped. I remember thinking that he was even more handsome then I remembered. It was so amazing to finally have him in front of me instead of having a letter or an email. He hugged all his family, then finally made his way over to me. We had "the handshake" and after both going red, we sat and talked. This was SUCH a happy moment for me. I tried not to stare at him but I couldn't help it. I knew right as he was coming down the escalator that I was going to marry him.

I can't believe he has already been home a year! Time goes by so fast! Last summer was such an amazing time! I am so lucky he fell in love with me and things went so well for us!

To celebrate him being home a year, we went to the secondhand serenade concert! It was at Thanksgiving Point and we met a few of his mission buddies down there! As we were walking in I saw this huge building I liked and went to take a picture of it and this is how it turned out. I kind of like it!

This is the field where the concert is. It is SO big. We were just hanging out during the first 2 bands trying to pass the time.

My hot husband. He didn't know I was taking this he he :)
We finally found Tyler's mission buddies. They were doing all kinds of hilarious things to keep us entertained. I was laughing so hard. These boys are awesome!

Such a fun night! I love being with my husband! Happy one year of being home!!


Summer of 09

Tyler returned from his mission on July 17 2009. I was so anxious I could hardly stand it! I was lucky enough to go to the airport and see him as soon as the rest of his family did. I have never been so anxious in all my life!! I was SO excited! As soon as I saw him come down the escalator, a feeling of peace came over me. It was one of the best moments of my life!

I never got a picture with him at the airport :( but here is one of him with his cute family. What an awesome experience this was. He was not released yet so he couldn't hug me. So we got to shake hands :) haha that was interesting. I kind of stayed back and let all of his famiy talk to him but I could not stop staring at him. Not only was he more handsome then ever, he was real. Seeing someone for the first time in 2 years is a pretty big shock. He kept telling me to come stand by him and talk because I was too shy to walk over to him myself. He walked by me on the way out of the airport and told me he would call me the next day. I was ecstatic. My friend Bridget drove me to the airport and when I got back in the car we both started screaming at the top of our lungs. Tyler later told me he could hear us haha. On our drive home I told her everything that happened minute by minute. At the end of my story she told me that she saw the whole thing. I was a little confused. Come to find out, her and my mother made this master plan earlier that day. Bridget snuck into the airport with a disguise and a video camera and filmed the whole thing! So I have it all on video! She told me she snuck in right after I got out of the car. She was at the top of the escalator, laying on the floor when Tyler came around the corner so she got him going down the escalator and my reaction. She then asked a random man to go and film us while we were standing talking. Its funny because at the time we didn't know, but this guy was seriously standing about a foot away from us. At one point in the video, Tyler looks right at him and says "Does anyone know that guy? I think he is filming us." haha Thanks Bridge for being so crazy! That was an experience I'll never forget.

Tyler called me the next day just like he said he would. He came over to my house and I showed him around since we moved while he was gone. He gave me my first hug and kiss that day :) I had been waiting a VERY long time for that. We went to a movie with his family and he held my hand. I was freaking out and didn't watch any of that movie. It might not seem like that big of a deal, but I had NO idea how he was going to be towards me. But it really was like he had never left. Here are some fun pictures of our summer together! The one up above is from his homecoming. I remember after his homecoming we were in his backyard eating. One of his cousins asked if he had a girl. I was a few feet away but I saw him point at me and say that's her right there. It made my whole day!

Real game

Going to church

A barbecue with my family

The fireworks

The cabin in Bear Lake

Alan and Tiff's wedding

The last 5 pictures are some of the fun dates we went on!


Our Story

Tyler and I met in 9th grade Spanish Class. We dated on and off all thru high school. We were best friends and we were inseparable. We started dating a little more seriously after we graduated. We dated for a year and half before Tyler left on his mission. Tyler left on August 1st, 2007 to Moscow Russia to serve for 2 years. Although those 2 years were the longest of my life, I had a blast while I waited! Here are some photos to show what happened during those 2 years!

Tyler had tons of amazing experiences in Russia and Belarus. He created some memories he will never forget! I got to go to New York twice, St George twice, and to Moab! I also moved to Logan for a semester and that was an absolute BLAST! We both grew up so much and it really was the best 2 years for both of us!