Showing posts with label concerts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concerts. Show all posts


Oh Allred

I love you :)


Lovey Love

Tyler Katie and I went to a concert last weekend in Salt Lake. The 2 openings bands were Allred and He is We, who we are IN LOVE with. We were so excited they were at the same concert. And the headlining band Rocket Summer is another band we really like. 
The concert started at 8 and Tyler didn't get off work til 7 so we knew we would be cutting it close. Tyler dropped us off to get in line while he found a parking spot. The line was RIDICULOUSLY long. As we were walking by, I saw one of Tyler's mission friends right at the front of the line. We lucked out and he let us cut in line. If he wouldn't have let us, we wouldn't have gotten in.

When we first walked in, we saw Allred sitting on a chair preparing for the show. Katie and I were too scared to ask him if we could get a picture with him so we made Tyler do it. I love that he isn't shy or scared to talk to anyone.


Allred does this amazing thing where he sings into his guitar so it has this awesome echo then he records it and uses it during the rest of his song! Love him!

He is We

I looked over and Trevor and Rachel were right next to us in the crowd! The yellow beanie is Rachel!

The Rocket Summer

He was playing a harmonica


One Year Ago Today....

This cute boy was on his way home from Russia for the first time in 2 years. I had no idea what time his plane was coming in. I randomly (thanks Jeni) had the day off so I planned to go to the pool. As I was leaving my phone started ringing and it was Tyler's sister Heather. She told me Tyler's plane was coming in around 9 that night and that I could meet them all at the airport if I wanted. After I went to the pool I went home and got ready. It only took me about 3 hours haha it was worse than getting ready for prom. I was SO nervous! Bridget drove me to the airport and we were freaking out because we were getting off the exit as Tyler's plane was supposed to be landing. She dropped me off and I ran to the baggage claim. When I got there I didn't see any of his family. When I finally found all of his family, I was coughing so bad from running. I had been so sick after my vacation to New Jersey the week before. I didn't even have a voice. My eyes wouldn't stop watering. I was a mess. Finally after waiting about 30 minutes (which felt like a lifetime) this handsome boy walked around the corner and made his way down the escalator. My heart stopped. I remember thinking that he was even more handsome then I remembered. It was so amazing to finally have him in front of me instead of having a letter or an email. He hugged all his family, then finally made his way over to me. We had "the handshake" and after both going red, we sat and talked. This was SUCH a happy moment for me. I tried not to stare at him but I couldn't help it. I knew right as he was coming down the escalator that I was going to marry him.

I can't believe he has already been home a year! Time goes by so fast! Last summer was such an amazing time! I am so lucky he fell in love with me and things went so well for us!

To celebrate him being home a year, we went to the secondhand serenade concert! It was at Thanksgiving Point and we met a few of his mission buddies down there! As we were walking in I saw this huge building I liked and went to take a picture of it and this is how it turned out. I kind of like it!

This is the field where the concert is. It is SO big. We were just hanging out during the first 2 bands trying to pass the time.

My hot husband. He didn't know I was taking this he he :)
We finally found Tyler's mission buddies. They were doing all kinds of hilarious things to keep us entertained. I was laughing so hard. These boys are awesome!

Such a fun night! I love being with my husband! Happy one year of being home!!


He is We

On July 1st we drove down to Kilby Court in Salt Lake and saw He is We! They were so good! We love them so much we were way stoked to go! Can't wait til they come again!