Today at Berria English:
‘Egan’ on the Internet too
The ‘Literatur Aldizkarien Gordailua’ is offering the chance to consult and print the works of Koldo Mitxelena, Gabriel Aresti, Jon Mirande, Piarres Lartzabal and of many other well-known authors
Juan Luis Zabala – DONOSTIA (San Sebastian)
The web site of the Literatur Aldizkarien Gordailua (archive of literary journals which forms part of the Ibiñagabeitia project) created by the Susa publishing house has put facsimiles of 74 issues of the Egan journal covering the period between 1948 and 1987 on the Internet ( Thanks to this, it is possible to read numerous texts of Juan San Martin, Koldo Mitxelena, Gabriel Aresti, Antonio Maria Labaien, Toribio Etxebarria, Aingeru Irigarai, Antonio Arrue and Jon Etxaide, among others. There are also single works like those of Jokin Zaitegi, Jon Mirande, Txillardegi, Salbatore Mitxelena, Frederico Krutwig, Nemesio Etxaniz and Piarres Lartzabal. It is possible not only to consult and read the facsimiled pages, but also to print them.
The initially bilingual Egan including texts in both Basque and Spanish was created in 1948 as a bulletin of the Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea and published four issues a year. During the dark days of the post-Spanish Civil War era the Basque Country’s most well-known writers who had not gone into exile used to write in Egan : Emeterio Arrese, Salbatore Mitxelena, Jose Artetxe, Gabriel Celaya, Jose Miguel Azaola, Mariano Zirikain, among others.
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