Showing posts with label Peaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peaches. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


So here is the part two of putting up the peaches we got from a coworker.  Click HERE to see the post.

Ripe peaches
We wish you could smell these, there is nothing like the scent of ripe peaches.  The bag trick worked great, they were soft and ripe and when I sliced them and gave them a quick twist, they just came apart.

Peach halves with pit
I cut them all into sections.  We left the skin on because we are OK with skin on peaches.  Some people will blanch them and peel but we are fine with it on, in a cobbler or pie or smoothie, they will just cook/blend in.

Peach slices on tray
I put the slices on a sheet pan lined with parchment to keep them from sticking to the pan and then...

Peach slices in the freezer
...I popped them into the freezer overnight.  This freezes them individually.

Frozen peach slices
Here they are 24 hours later, each slice is frozen solid.  I picked up the parchment and they all fell off.  I poured them all into a freezer bag...

Vacuum sealed frozen peaches
...and vacuum sealed them.  Being individually frozen like this means when they pull together in the bag from the vacuum sealing process, they won't smash together and end up as peach pulp.  When we use them in a recipe, they'll still be nice, intact peach slices.

We ended up with about 4 cups in total (they were smallish peaches) but that should be just enough for a nice peach cobbler in the middle of Winter when we are craving the taste of Summer! If they still have some the next time she goes out, she will bring us some more.

We can't wait to have our own peaches someday but for now, this is good practice.  Now, we just need to work on a good cobbler recipe, ha.