Showing posts with label Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Two main goals is to get this burn pile burned now that it has had time to dry out.  No worries on location, it's an optical illusion/camera angle and is not near the barns or the trees, ha.  Not sure it will all burn up in the first try but we'll see.

And I want to get this fence line and corner cleaned up because it's starting to merge into the yard and become one, LOL.  Of course mow again as well.  Our forecast is for potential flooding rains ALL of next week, which means next weekend might be mud and water again...heavy sigh.

Friday, March 20, 2015


On this first day Spring, I thought I'd share this quote.  When I get the garden up and running this season, I'd love to put this on a sign somewhere:

"Gardening is one part science,
one part art,
and one part Peace Corps..."
                    - author unknown

More later this afternoon/evening!
(and 2nd Man will log on and reply to your birthday wishes)

Monday, November 3, 2014


This post will have to be quick, got in from the farm late in the day yesterday and had dinner and crashed.  Didn't get a longer post up so I thought I'd hit some of the highlights.

Got to the farm and the house was cold inside.  But that's fine, it was gorgeous and perfect weather.  The plus side is there was no evidence of 'creature activity' in the house.  None.  Zilch.  Nada.  Zero.  No droppings, no chewed things, etc.  The traps were all clear, the beds were good and the couches were clear (we take the pillows and cushions off every time to check for mouse activity).  We've removed the large trap and we've got our fingers crossed.  So with that off the list this weekend, it was time for other things.

There were sugar pumpkins (pie pumpkins) that were dealt with...

While mowing on the Zen Machine, snake skin was discovered (OUTside, thankfully) but no actual snake was spotted (not sure if that's good or bad).  This skin was almost as big around as my wrist.  Not sure I care to SEE the actual snake that shed it, that would not be a very 'zen' moment, but hey, every day on the mower is a good day...

Speaking of the zen machine, it got a good washing after mowing.  Now it's sparkly clean like a new car.  It was put up and covered for what will probably be its last mission until the Spring grass returns again...

There was more...the garden got worked on, plants got planted, trees came down (on purpose) new trails were made, things were cleaned, cows visited, a horse came to visit as well as dogs, cats, 2nd Family, cardinals and other birds...everyone and everything stopped by.  It was just a good weekend. 

When I started working on a post last night, I realized that the time change here in the US had thrown me off.  We set our clocks back an hour.  I'm glad we gained back the hour but now I'm all screwed up on my internal clock.

More in upcoming posts...

What did you do exciting this weekend?

Friday, October 24, 2014


John Deere Zen Machine
Whenever I go to the farm and say I'm spending time on the zen machine, this is what I'm talking about.  I call it that because it's the most relaxing time I have out there.  It's just me, the John Deere X320, and the property...oh, and some headphones with streaming music.  It gives me time to think...

The path behind think about what spaces I still need to clear and mow.  Then I look back and see what is behind, those are the moments I realize how much we've done.

The path ahead
...and sometimes when it looks like this, and I see the trails I've cleared and the perfect picture in front of me, I don't even think about anything in particular.  Instead, my mind just drifts away to another time in the future and the minutes pass by like seconds, fleeting moments that seem like images from a dream...

These are the moments that 2nd Man and I look at each other and say, 
"Do we really own this?"  "Is this ours?"  

Sure it still needs work, there are 11 acres to work with after all, but this is what makes it all worthwhile...and it's why I enjoy my zen machine time.

Update to post:  It's Saturday...we're at the farm, hopefully do some more of the above.  Hope you are off to a great start to the weekend.  When we left the house it was in the upper 50's.  Should be a glorious day!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


This picture is from last weekend when it was beautiful and cool.  Today it's still kind of cool after yesterday's rain...

Back yard at the farm
Our fingers are crossed that the bathroom is clear this weekend.  The doors have been shut all week and the opening behind the sink has been sealed up.  We do not want a repeat of the EPIC BATTLE!

The good thing is that today I am going to get time on the Zen Machine (for those new followers, it's my John Deere mower).  It will most likely be the last mowing until next Spring (that seems so far away).

More later when we get back into town.  Unfortunately we can't spend the night since it's Sunday and we have to be at work bright and early Monday morning. However, after last weekend, 2nd Man might not be so keen on spending the night at this time...maybe we'll wait a few weekends until we know for sure we are snake/mouse free.  

Hope your weekend is going well!

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Thorny weed
I thought this was a crazy set of pictures.

It's a weed of some sort, covered in thorns.  From a distance, it is oddly beautiful...but up close, OMG, it's insanely scary!

All purple and pink and blue and covered in white, tooth like thorns ready to snap if you stuck your hand in there.  I swear, up close it looks like some sort of alien creature from a bad Sci-Fi/horror movie!  

Crazy monster plant
Today it's off to the farm.  On today's list is to check the garden of course, first thing.  I'm hoping the scaled back watering is working (I set it to every other day, at least while it's not the blazing heat of Summer, YET anyway).  Then I need to dig holes.  Holes for more trees.  Holes for some bushes.  The plan is to dig the holes (the hard part) in the cool of the morning and while the ground is still damp and then on Sunday, take a load of plants and bushes out there and get them in the ground.  Then I'll spend the afternoon on the zen machine doing the mowing that I haven't done in two weeks.

More this afternoon, including a really neat new item we found.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


We were exploring the property one day and came across this.  The neighbor had cut down a mesquite tree that was growing on his property.  I guess he left this  behind as a novelty.

The tree had grown up and around the barbed wire.  It came back together on the other side of the wire and kept growing so it ran right through the middle of it!  Pretty neat.  Nature always finds a way!  

Off to the farm today, more planting, digging holes for some decorative trees along the driveway, spreading some mulch on the raised beds, mowing,'s an ever evolving and ongoing process for sure.  Hope you have a good weekend and as always, there will be updates later!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Mesquite tree leafing out
This is Spring!  

I noticed that the mesquite trees are starting to leaf out...and greens are appearing everywhere (not to mention the fact that I spend three hours mowing on Saturday).  Fingers crossed that Spring is REALLY here, and not just fooling us until another freeze happen next week.

How about your part of the world?  Any sign of the seasonal changes coming?  Changes for the better of course.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Come, sit a spell on the porch with us...

It might be the middle of "Polar Vortex" season, er, Winter, but let's time travel back to some warmer weather pictures to remind us of those warmer days.
I was sitting in the rocker, enjoying the breeze one Fall day, when I decided to take some pictures from where I was sitting to share the view...

This is the view turning to the right and looking at one end of the porch and the mudroom door...

Then here it is, looking off the porch in the same general direction.  A little bit beyond that clump of trees is where the future barn and chicken area will be...

This is looking straight ahead from where I was sitting toward the driveway and beyond the tree (that I now notice needs to be trimmed now that Spring is around the corner, ha) is 2nd Family's back pasture...

This is turning to the left somewhat, where you can see the garden area (and our usual parking spot).  You can also see the edge of the front porch stairs...

And then this is looking completely to the left, total opposite of the first picture, in the direction of the other end of the porch and the side set of stairs leading toward Barnabas.  The front door to the foyer area is to the left, just out of the view of the picture.

Thanks for stopping by!
Come back soon!

Friday, January 31, 2014


A view from the porch
Took this picture at the farm last weekend and just loved playing around with the camera settings to create something pretty.  Enjoy!

Off to the farm way of the lumber yard to get the last of the wood for the last of the raised beds.  There is rain in our forecast for "Superbowl Sunday", so I may only have Saturday as the window of opportunity for any outdoor work.  Then cold again next week.  Sigh.

Anyone else have big plans?  Whatever you end up doing, we hope you have a wonderful weekend...updates as things warrant.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways...LOL!

I spent about 3 hours in Home Depot today, roaming around and planning things, and of course purchasing things for the farm.  My goal was to start getting some of the wood for the rest of the raised beds.  I've been planning the garden area, and have a list of things to get.  Of course, they were out of the wood that I needed (must be others getting ready too) so I decided to roam around for awhile.  Big mistake, ha.

We are lucky, the store near our house in town is one of largest in Texas, in fact I think it might be one of the largest in the country.

I could roam around in there for hours (is it a guy thing?).  And I did.
I just went up and down the aisles looking at stuff and planning (and of course tossing things in the cart).  I love looking at something and thinking about how we might could use it.  Or having an end project in mind and figuring out how to get there.  I started in the lumber section, worked my way to the garden center and saw pretty much everything in between.  It reminded me of things we still have to do at the farm, so I created a list of even more future projects. 

So tomorrow (or today if you are reading this Sunday), we at the farm, 2nd Man will be cleaning and I'll be starting on the outside projects.

Hope you are having a good weekend!

Home Depot
*This is not a paid endorsement for Home Depot, it's just one of my favorite stores and since I spent most of the afternoon there, I thought I'd share.

And in all fairness, I DO love Lowe's as well!  I just ran out of money before I made it there, LOL!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


There are many new followers, or 'Friends of the Farm' as we like to think of you, and with the new year upon us now, I thought it was the perfect time to give everyone an update on our journey, our progress and the plans for those who are curious.

Recently, we've had some new friends ask about before/after pictures.  The answer to that is that for awhile, I couldn't find where I stored them (new computer since then) but good news, I've found the original "before" pictures and will soon use those to take some "after" pictures thanks to my new camera and create a post of those.  Then a very dear follower from almost the beginning recently asked if we ever spent the night or entertained at the farm.  Yes, one or both of us are out there every single weekend (except during cold/flu season, ha) and we spend the night out there at least once a month, several times a month during the really nice weather.  We haven't entertained though, for example having a dinner party, since we still have some things to fix to make it comfortable for guests, but we've had friends out to see the progress many times.

Farmhouse after we had cleaned it up a bit
We bought the farmhouse and land in the Spring of 2011.  The land, other than the yard immediately around the house, was overgrown.  The house had been lived in but not updated for a long time.  We had to decide what we could do and what we'd hire to be done.  We found a contractor who was awesome and he and his crew helped us update the inside, painting, re-staining the floors, patching up some walls, and making some other minor modifications.

Then we needed to buy stuff for the inside.  Mainly furniture.  Decor.  Beds.  Sheets.  Towels.  Rugs.  You know, the things you need to make a house livable.  Then there was some electrical work to be done.  And some plumbing.  And clearing the land.  And working on the outside of the house.  And, well, the list goes on (and on and on, ha).  We aren't in ANY hurry though, much as I often seem to think we are.  We sometimes worry because some little something doesn't get finished quickly enough or we didn't get to it before bad weather.

What we are doing at the farm is building the place we will eventually retire to.  For now though, it's our weekend getaway.  It's also our 'bug out' location in case some terrible disaster befalls Houston (major hurricane, tornado, zombies,  asteroids, etc).  And in the not too distant future, it will be a place to bring friends and family together to create awesome new memories for all of us.

So, we came up with a multi year plan to help put things into focus, give us goals, and of course keep our budget dollar$ in line.  Since we bought the house in the Spring of 2011, and started work later that Summer, we use that as our starting point.  We make our calendar year from July to July (more or less, ha).  The year dates below are pretty much July of one year to July of the next:

2011-2012: Inside of house and its infrastructure
(paint, sheetrock, floors, electrical, plumbing)
DONE, with a few minor tweaks needed

2012-2013: Furnishing the house, decorating it, making it livable
(beds, couches, dining table and chairs, pictures, appliances, etc)
DONE, technically but decorating is always a work in progress

2013-2014: Property infrastructure
(clearing areas on the property, raised garden beds with fence, irrigation, planting fruit trees, landscaping, barn with fence)
WORK IN PROGRESS, we're still six months to our goal deadline for 2014 but some of these have already been done and the rest are coming soon

2014-2015: Outside of house and its infrastructure
(painting the house, railings, porch ceiling, gutters, new roof, etc)
PLANNING, this is underway now, and with our hot summers, we may go ahead and start some of these this Spring instead of waiting until Summer, and then finish them in the Fall

2015 and onward:  Enjoy it, ourselves of course, and start hosting wonderful parties and get-togethers with family and friends.  The plan is Fall of 2015.

BUT..of course, some of these are always ever expanding projects:

I'm always clearing a new area for something new and we seem to find something that we want to change up a bit after it's done. 

And then some things are constant and ongoing; I will always be planting trees and flowers and plants.  That never ends (and it's my favorite part).

 And then we have the bonus things that we can do at any time but have on our bucket list.  Beehives, chicken coop (and chickens), a pond, the walkways and paths, etc.  We'll try to do those when we have a random pocket of time or the opportunity to do it.

So as you can see, we are pretty much on track to getting things done.  Now this doesn't mean we won't have friends out.  We're planning a dewberry picking party this Spring (if the dewberry season is good).  And we're thinking of a 4th of July ice cream making party as well.  We just might even host a small Thanksgiving dinner next Fall, once we have the outside house work done.

We've done a lot, but we have a lot to go.  Still, not bad considering we're doing this as we work it into our schedules.  This year, I plan to go out there during the week, at least once or twice a week after work, to make sure the garden is growing so that we can start getting a return, in food anyway, on our investment of time and energy.

While our year ended, sadly, on a couple of down notes, here's to hoping for a great new year full of wonderful and productive things!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Based on your suggestions when I asked about heating options for the farm, we made some purchases.  First, we decided on these oil filled radiator heaters.  We bought two for now.  I did my research and found that these by DeLonghi were the best reviewed.  

DeLonghi radiator heaters
The unique thing about this particular model are these unusual vertical thermal tunnels which allow more heat out into the room.
DeLonghi radiator heater with vertical thermal vents
And wow, did they work great!

We only took one out this weekend (in case I needed to send them back).  It was cold and damp on arrival.  The temperature in the house was 56 degrees.  Outside temp had been in the low 30's overnight and was about 44 degrees when we got there.  So the house does stay warmish even without heat.

Anyway, I put it in the bedroom (where we'd want to make sure it was warm when we stay overnight) turned it on and closed the curtain door I blogged about here.  In one hour it had warmed to 65 degrees.  When we got ready to leave, it had warmed to 70 degrees!  Holy cow!

Then we got one of these:

Beautyrest heated mattress pad
I debated between an electric blanket or the heated mattress pad but after some research, I found that the mattress pad was a much more efficient way of keeping you warm.  This is because heat radiates upward and around your body, whereas the electric blanket loses more than 50% of its heat because it's on top of you and that heat radiates up and away from where you want it, on your body.  Now we haven't slept on it yet but will soon and I'm sure a warm nights sleep will be wonderfully relaxing.

I'm going to look at the bubble wrap on the windows next.

Baby steps, right?

Monday, December 16, 2013


It was a gloomy Saturday at the farm.  Having been sick for the better part of the last three weeks, and of course dealing with my Grandfather's passing, we have not been to the farm in three weekends now.

Cold Winter day
The weather was damp and gray and cold...

Garlic and shallots in the raised bed
But the garlic and shallots are growing...

Yellow kitchen hutch
I found these cute metal signs last week and looked for a place to hang them.
I finally decided to put them on the hutch in the kitchen...

Three dead mice
Unfortunately, there were three 'dispatched' mice in traps.  We have ten traps down, a couple in each room, and there were three 'sprung' traps this time.  They are instant kill traps and you don't see them, they are contained inside a container that you dispose of.  I hate the mouse problem we have but it is what it is I suppose.  All drawers, beds, couches, and closets were clear so at least there's that.  They are only making it to the traps so they are doing the job.

Gloomy Winter day
We did a few more things I'll share in upcoming posts.  When we left, it was colder and getting windier, but you know what?  It was still so refreshing and rejuvenating out there, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Even a cold gloomy day out there is relaxing than being in town.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I was working in the garden and about to put my camera down on the fence when I saw this.  It's amazing how fast your mind processes things and runs through the list of possible outcomes.  Scorpion?  Giant spider?  Something from the next SyFY channel movie?

Nah, it's the shell of a crawfish, or depending on where you are from, crayfish, mudbug or crawdad. My guess is a bird snatched one up from a puddle somewhere and sat here to dine on it.  You'd think they could clean up after they're done!  It would certainly be better for my heart rate the next time.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Blue farm sky
Saturday was such a great day, cool, no humidity, a breeze blowing and hardly a cloud in the sky.  Just big, beautiful blue Texas sky.

Breeze blowing
So of course, we opened the windows in the house and let the breeze blow through.  When you open them on opposite sides of the house, it gets such a great cross breeze.  The house has pretty much been sealed up all Summer because it was just so hot outside, we kept the windows closed.  So it's always nice this time of year to open things up and let it air out.

Windows open
You could hear birds chirping, the new wind chime I hung on the porch and the sound of the breeze coming through the screens...and a nap may have occurred here, I'm just sayin'. 

Here's a funny story.  When we would go visit my Grandparents, I would always take a nap right after we got there (even though I'm sure, were he here, my Dad would say that I was asleep the entire drive up there, but I digress).  My Grandmother had a couple of chenille bedspreads with these giant peacocks on them.  You know those old chenille ones with large ridges in the design?
I'd wake up with impressions and ridges on my face.  It was still a great nap.
I inherited those bedspreads when my Mom passed, they will make an appearance someday at the farm, in all their garish beauty.

Do you like opening windows on a pretty day?  We have friends in town that say "Oh, I NEVER open my windows".  Maybe it's a country thing?