Leikkasin spaattelista ikkunaluukun keskiosan ja listasta kehykset. Veistin listojen takaosiin pienet lovet saranoille. Saranat leikkasin pullometallista metallileikkurilla ja taivutin muistuttamaan saranoita. Liimasin kaikki osat vanerille. Saranat eivät ole toimivat! Lakkasin luukut kolmeen kertaan.
Lopuksi liimasin pienet tukilistat luukkujen ja seinän väliin. Näin luukut pysyvät tukevasti paikoillaan. Luukut on siis liimattu ikkunalistaan ja noihin tukipaloihin.
The materials of the shutters are spatulas, strip wood, very thin veneer plywood and metal from bottle caps and collars.
I cut the middle part of the shutter from the spatulas. From the strip wood I made the frames. I cut small parts off the frames so there are paces for the hinges. The hinges I made from the bottle metal. I glued all those parts on veneer plywood. Hinges don't work! I lacquered the shutters three times.
I glued support parts from wood between the shutter and the wall. Only after that the shutters were firmly on their surfaces. The shutters detached when they were glued only on the window mouldings.