Showing posts with label lamb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lamb. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter Wishes and Hopes for a Beautiful Day...

Happy Easter Wishes from this big eyed lamb and from me at if you celebrate Easter; regardless I hope you have a beautiful day today...

"Found Lamb" Original Painting, Open Edition 8"x10" Giclee Prints, & Limited Edition Giclee ACEO Prints Here

Bunny girl may have to wait a bit, I've been distracted by another painting...  So many paintings that I'd like to paint...  I'm also a bit behind in visiting, I'll try to get caught up tomorrow hopefully.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Original Found Lamb Sheep Painting + Art Prints & ACEO Prints! Pip & Pop at the Corey Helford Gallery II...

"Found Lamb" Original 8"x10" Painting on Panel Here

This week my featured painting is "Found Lamb".  She's had some time to adventure, but I think she has been safely found by Little Bo Peep and is ready to rejoin the flock.  The original big eye sheep painting is available for purchase on my website as are art prints and LE ACEO prints!  

Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, on the first Tuesday of the month, I like to put some art prints and LE ACEO prints on ebay at a lower promotional rate for the duration of the auctions...  This month, my theme is hearts; you may see them here.

I am linking this post with Inspire Me Monday


Pip & Pop Part II 
"The Rainbow Gang" Installation at the Corey Helford Gallery
Closed Show

I found this art installation absolutely adorable.  "Here Comes Sunshine" is the debut U.S. Installation of artist Pip & Pop.  I was at the Corey Helford Gallery to see another show, but found the installation as well as the available pieces of "The Rainbow Gang" utterly charming.  They also had a video of Australian artist Tanya Schultz discussing and creating some of her fascinating works.  With sugar and assorted materials, she aims to create an earthly utopia.

Part I, the "Here Comes Sunshine" Installation is here.

This is part II of II of the Pip & Pop art focused on the "The Rainbow Gang."  They were so cute, I really wanted to take one home with me!  The show is closed, but the gallery may have some of the pieces available.

Artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Members of "The Rainbow Gang" by artist Pip & Pop aka Tanya Schultz

Whilst I have continued to sketch daily, I spent my time getting this ready and haven't had a chance to prep my sketches yet.  I'll try to get caught up on posting my daily sketches on Friday.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Original Found Lamb Sheep Painting! 1st Tuesday Art Prints & ACEO Prints! April Sketches...

"Found Lamb" Original 8"x10" Painting on Panel Here

This week my featured painting is "Found Lamb".  I think she's perfect for Easter or anytime of year with her flufffy cuteness.  She has been safely found by Little Bo Peep and is ready to rejoin the flock.  The original big eye sheep painting is available for purchase on my website as are art prints and LE ACEO prints!  

Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, on the first Tuesday of the month, I like to put some art prints and LE ACEO prints on ebay at a lower promotional rate for the duration of the auctions...  This month, my theme is spring and includes a selection of my flowers as well as some bunny rabbits in addition to the lamb; you may see them here.   I've also added in "Lilac Rosebud."

Featured Image "Found Lamb"
8"x10" Open Edition print on Sale here
ACEO 2.5"x3.5" Limited Edition LE 1st of 25 on Sale here

I am linking this post with Inspire Me Monday


Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  She has a wistful expression as she looks to one side and her bangs have a distinctive cut...  I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a goddess or a mermaid.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.  

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in April.  This is day 4.

This is a rough sketch.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Original Found Lamb Sheep Painting! 1st Tuesday Art Prints & ACEO Prints! August Sketches...

"Found Lamb" Original 8"x10" Painting on Panel Here

This week my featured painting is "Found Lamb".  I have been working on this sweet lamb for a while, I think she has been safely found by Little Bo Peep and is ready to rejoin the flock.  The original big eye sheep painting is available for purchase on my website as are art prints and LE ACEO prints!  

On the 1st Tuesday of the month I am listing some prints at a sale rate for 30 days  The theme this month is cute and fluffy...  Some of my animal art pieces are available as open edition giclee art and LE ACEO prints here.  Little Bo Peep is also there to keep an eye on them...

Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, I like to put some art on ebay at a lower promotional rate for the duration of the auctions... I have been updating my website. It's an ongoing project, but there is now an excellent selection of art available!

Featured Image "Found Lamb"
8"x10" Open Edition print on Sale here
ACEO 2.5"x3.5" Limited Edition LE 1st of 25 on Sale here

I am linking this post with Inspire Me Monday

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  I think she looks a bit haunted.  It was her hair and a quality in her eyes that called to me to sketch her.  I think she is most likely a fairy angel, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in August.  This is day 2.  

This is a rough sketch.  

Friday, July 29, 2016

WIP Lamb Animal Art Original Painting Work in Progress + July Sketches, Sketch 29, Angel...

In this original acrylic work in progress WIP painting of a lamb, I've been working on the background.  It has been a while since I've posted a progress view of this little sheep.  I need to work a bit more on the background, especially below the lamb, so that he does not look like he is hovering.  After that he needs a little more shading, I am hoping to have him finished for Tuesday...

I'm debating between "Lost Sheep" and "Found Sheep" for the title, to tie in with a painting I did of Little Bo Peep a while back.  Any opinions?

This is a work in progress, but I also usually post at least one finished piece on Tuesdays if you'd like to come to visit!  You also may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  She has a wistful expression and is wearing her hair in pigtails.  I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in July.  This is day 29.  

This is a rough sketch.

Friday, June 24, 2016

WIP Lamb Animal Art Original Painting Work in Progress + June Sketches, Sketch 23 & 24, Fairy & Mermaid...

In this original acrylic work in progress WIP painting of a lamb, I've been working on the lamb.  I think I need to do some more work on the background though.  The colors showing here aren't right, but beyond that there are some issues that need to be addressed.  I don't have a title for this one yet, I've been calling it "Lamby" or "Za Fluffy," but I need to come up with a better title than either of those for the piece when completed...

This is a work in progress, but I also usually post at least one finished piece on Tuesdays if you'd like to come to visit!  You also may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  I think she has a caring glance that's full of compassion.  I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in June.  This was from day 23.  I didn't get a chance to post it yesterday due to an appointment.

This is a rough sketch.

Here is a sketch of a big eyed  maiden.  I've given her a shell necklace and her hair is flowing around her.  I think she is most likely a mermaid, although she could also be an angel fairy or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in June.  This is day 24.

This is a rough sketch.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

WIP Lamb Animal Art Original Painting Work in Progress + June Sketches, Sketch 12, Fairy...

In this original acrylic work in progress WIP painting of a lamb, I've been working the lamb's fur.  It's pretty much blocked in, but I still need to finesse the details a bit.  When I finish this piece, I'll try to take a photograph of it in the hopes of getting an image that reflects the true colors of the background better.  This is an 8"x10" painting on panel.  

This is a work in progress, but I also usually post at least one finished piece on Tuesdays if you'd like to come to visit!  You also may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  I think she has a wild woodland quality to her.  I think she is most likely a fairy angel, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in June.  This is day 12.

This is a rough sketch.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Friday, June 3, 2016

WIP Lamb Animal Art Original Painting Work in Progress + June Sketches, Sketch 1-3, Angel Fairies & a Sea Dragon...

In this original acrylic work in progress WIP painting of a lamb, I've started working on his fluffy fur, I still have quite a ways to go.  It isn't showing its true colors in the scan.  When I finish this piece, I'll try to take a photograph of it in the hopes of getting an image that reflects the true colors of the background better.  This is an 8"x10" painting on panel.

This is a work in progress, but I also usually post at least one finished piece on Tuesdays if you'd like to come to visit!  You also may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Edit:  Although not a kitty, lamby is joining Feline Art Friday this week...

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  She has her hair up and a ribbons and feathers in her hair.  I think she is most likely a fairy angel, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in June.  Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to post until today.  This was day 1.  

This is a rough sketch.

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  She seems intent on what she is glancing at.  I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in June.  Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to post until today.  This was day 2.  

This is a rough sketch.

Here is a sketch of a sea dragon.  Seadragons are related to seahorses.  I love his leafy extrusions.  I'm pretty sure I don't have the patience to paint this beautiful ocean animal, but I enjoyed sketching him.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in June.  This is day 3.   

This is a rough sketch.

Friday, May 27, 2016

WIP Lamb Animal Art Original Painting Work in Progress + May Sketches, Sketch 27, Mermaid...

In this original acrylic work in progress WIP painting of a lamb, I've changed the background.  It is now warmer than it was, however it isn't showing its true colors in the scan.  I still have quite a ways to go with this painting, I've blocked in the lambs fur, but I have lots of shading and details to add.  The eye that is showing is pretty much done though.  When I finish this piece, I'll try to take a photograph of it in the hopes of getting an image that reflects the true colors of the background better.  This is an 8"x10" painting on panel.  I'm still working on "Pandora" from last week, I'm hoping to have her done for Tuesday, although that may be the last time I list an original on ebay for a while.

This is a work in progress, but I also usually post at least one finished piece on Tuesdays if you'd like to come to visit!  You also may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  Her long hair is flowing around her.  I think she is most likely a mermaid, although she could also be an angel fairy or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in May.  This is day 27.

This is a rough sketch.

Friday, May 13, 2016

WIP Lamb Animal Art Original Painting Work in Progress + May Sketches, Sketch 13, Fairy Angel...

In this original acrylic work in progress WIP lamb painting, I've started work on the background.  This is my second layer, but definitely not my last.  I sort of like what's going on on the top portion of the background, but I want it to be a little warmer, to better compliment the lamb.  One of the lovely things about acrylics is how quickly it's possible to make changes...  This is an 8"x10" painting on panel. 

This is a work in progress, but I also usually post at least one finished piece on Tuesdays if you'd like to come to visit!  You also may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  She seems to be staring at something with great interest.  I loved her cute hair style...  I think she is most likely a fairy angel, although she could also be an mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in May.  This is day 13.

This is a rough sketch.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Big Eye Gothic Fantasy Angel Fairy Original Art Painting! Art Prints & ACEO Prints! March Sketches...

This Week "Twilight Angel" Original 8"x10" Painting here
8"x10" Open Edition print here
ACEO 2.5"x3.5" Limited Edition LE 1st of 25 here

I am listing "Twilight Angel," an original angel fairy painting.  She has big blue eyes and soft blue hair and a heart shaped necklace adorning her neck.  The art has a soft lowbrow surreal feel...

I also have additional giclee art and ACEO prints here this week from Tuesday to Tuesday with a theme of angel fairies.  With Easter just around the corner, I decided to share some of my favorite angels...

Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, I like to put some art on ebay at a lower promotional start rate for the duration of the auctions...  I have been updating my website.  It's an ongoing project, but there is now an excellent selection of art available!

After the auction, "Twilight Angel" will be available on my website here.

Here is a sketch of a sweet little lamb.  It is my second sketch of him, I think I am closer to having my lineart right, but I'm not sure.  I definitely want to paint this little guy, but getting my rough sketch to the point where it's my best possible sketch first is very important to me...

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in March.  This is day 22.

This is a rough sketch.

I am linking this post with Inspire Me Monday

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Art Sketches of Lambs Baby Sheep, March 6 Daily Sketch...

Here are two lamb sketches.  I've decided that I'm most likely going to paint the lamb I sketched yesterday as my next animal painting, but I think I'd like to paint the lamb with the flowers that I've sketched here at another time...

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in March.  This is day 6, I decided to do two sketches to get a better feeling for my subject.  

This is a rough sketch.  You may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

I am also participating in Sunday Sketches.  To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Art Sketch of a Lamb Baby Sheep, March 5 Daily Sketch...

Here is a sketch of a lamb.  This baby sheep is quite the cutie.  Usually around this time of year, I'm painting a bunny, but I'm thinking about painting a lamb this year  I've never drawn a baby sheep before though, so I'd like to do some additional sketches before I decide what direction to go in.  I'm hoping to get more than one done today as I'd like to get started on the painting as soon as possible.  I spent some time on my cherry blossoms yesterday, they are coming along, and I think I'm getting closer on a sketch for my next Gothic fairy angel painting...

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in March.  This is sketch 5.  

This is a rough sketch.  You may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.