Hi everyone! You might remember that, a few weeks ago, I was wondering about what kind of dog I am. Well, my Mama read about this site called What's My Puppy? Its all for mutts like me! You upload your picture to the site, and put a few choices about what you might be. Then, people can vote! Registered people or shelters get points for participating in discussions, inviting others to the site (even if they don't come) and more. Then, every three months, the shelter with the most points gets 15% of the advertising revenue from the site If a person has the most points, they get to choose a shelter to donate the 15% to. So, a shelter is helped every three months!
Nobody has voted yet, so I am eagerly waiting to see what you think!
5 friendly visitors:
I voted!
Hope to see you at our Valentine's Weekend Blog Party!
You are a beautiful blonde and what could be more important than that?
We voted!!! And no matter what breed or mix, you are absolutely adorable in our book!
OkeyDokie....we went and voted too. I tink you is very purrty no matter what's inside of you or what you is mixed wit!
My mom and I voted! What a neat idea, my mom is going to check this website out for the shelter she volunteers at. Thanks for sharing this!
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