Sunday, June 28, 2009

seriously, catch up... again. :)

So we will start resent and go backwards. Last week, and remaining, my little sis and E man are in town. So we went up to Powder Ridge for a night. We went on a beautiful hike, and enjoyed the evening. Followed by a 'kick Amys trash' game of scrabble, and movie. It was a lot of fun.

Then we spent the next day swimming, no pictures, cause I was, well, swimming, and retrieving jumpers from the diving board. :) Then another day of going to the movies, and my mom sending me out for a couple hours to get a pedicure and my hair done. Isn't she wonderful! It is always a party when Kristy comes to town. We have more fun planned tomorrow before she heads home. Coming soon....
The previous weekend, Trent ran in the RAGNAR RELAY. He says it was a lot of fun. I want to do it at some point. Maybe next year, or maybe the next. :) The kids and I went to Liberty where his first run began and we cheered him off and supported him a couple times during his run. Then we went to a movie (Up), and out to my moms house. The next morning we got up really early, and headed to Midway to see his last leg. The kids and I were so proud of him. We would get a ways a head of him, and all jump out of the car and cheer him on, offering water and High 5's. Even cache had a good, go daddy, go daddy, chant going on.
The arrival of the team. They did a great job, and had an even better time. We will be a great support again for next year! Way to go guys!
This is just a random picture... Does anyone else ever wake up to random night visitors in their bed? Sometimes 1, 2, 3 or even 4. It gets a little crowded sometimes.:)
Happy fathers day daddy oh. To the best dad in the world. We got him a hammock and some running clothes for his race. Trent really is the best. He spends a lot of time with the kids and makes memories they will cherish forever. He really is super dad!
We got Trents mom a sewing machine for Christmas and the first product has rolled off. A darling summer dress for Reese. I think I am going to stop buying clothes and have MB step up the production. :) j/k, but Reese does LOVE her new dress.
Lagoon, Lagoon, Lagoon. What is a summer without a trip to Lagoon. Porter is also big enough now that he can go on some for the bigger rides and he was all over that. He dragged me to the colossus (fire dragon). He LOVED it. He acted sad as we slowed down, and I thought he hated it, but he was sad it was over. So we ran around and did it one more time. This is him on our way up the first big hill. Wahoo!!!
Rattle Snake Rapids... Prior to getting soaked. I totally ditched reese at the waterfall part and she got soaked. I think it was the fight or flight animal in me. Where did my motherly protection go? She was a trooper though.
And last but not least. I gave the kids ice cream at my moms and sent them outside. Within about 5 minutes Reese was back in the house looking like this, and crying, and chatting something. So I calmed her down, and she finally got out that Tyro, the dog, had gotten her ice cream cone. Well Reese, at least you put up a good fight. She got a new one of course, and stayed inside. But I have been laughing at this picture for a week. I love it!


Heather said...

What fun you guys always have! And way to go TRENT! That's quite the accomplishment.

Natty said...

Your kids are getting so big! It sounds like you have been having fun with the fam. Moms really are the best at giving you a break! Hope you are feeling well.

Lindsay Heitz said...

You are such a good mom Amy. Your kids always look so happy and like they are having the greatest time. Do you hire out? I could use some help on how to raise better kids. :)