Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Grandpa the Great turns 80

Aren't they great!  My grandparents are  wonderful examples to me of how I want to be when I get older.  You would NEVER guess that grandpa was 80.  They golf, go on walks, they play games together, and are healthy as ever.  I am glad that my kids get to know them so well, and make their own special memories with these two.  They are very special to us!  We love you Gramps.  Happy birthday!

My dad and mom, and his 2 sisters put together a party for Grandpa.  Famous Dave's catered, and it was a wonderful day at the park.  They had several of their wonderful lifelong friends join them at the party.  What special bonds they all share.  Amongst docs, it was cute to see them admit to saving each others lives at different times.  Then of course all of the family was there.  Along with Grandpas brothers, son, and family, as well as one of Grandma's brothers and wife.  Then all of the kids, grandkids and great grandkids were there too.  I love these sort of gatherings, family is what life is all about, and we are all such great friends it is so good to get together and just catch up with each other.  

Then of course, leave it to aunt terri to prepare 2 coolers full of water balloons for water balloon volleyball.  We started  playing with the kids, but it quickly escalated to a full  blown water fight.  She probably expected such an event and also planned bingo, with  fabulous prizes.  The kids had a great time and will always remember how much fun grandpas birthday party was.  Thank you everyone! xoxoxox

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