Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bring on the baby!

The final days have arrived, and I am so ready. I am excited to find out if we get another little girl or boy. I will get the news out soon; until then, heres to a healthy baby!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The infamous “velour comfy suite” and motherhood maternity sales clerk fiasco

Lately, Amy has provided some subtle hints about her existing maternity clothes. Like they are ugly and the jeans are too short. Ok she didn’t say the ugly part, but she did say the jeans are short and that she doesn’t like the bellyband style on the jeans. I being the wonderful husband that I am picked up on the hints and decided to purchase her some new clothes. I figured this gesture would help her make the remaining six weeks of the pregnancy, a sort of boost to cross the finish line.

Last night the boys and I went into the mall to get our lady some sweet stuff. We did. We stopped at motherhood maternity (I will not give them the respect of proper title case) and lots of cute new clothes. She loved the clothes (side note: She looks hot).

Amy likes to find deals. So today she had some other returns to make and found the same velour comfy suite at Kohl’s for a great deal. Thinking it was a better deal than what I found at motherhood maternity she purchased it with the idea of returning the other suite to motherhood maternity. She tried. The gal behind the counter wouldn’t allow it. Amy asked for an exchange of the same item but in a different color. The gal said she would not do the exchange either because the computer will not allow it.

Frustrated, Amy leaves and calls me and explains her rejection.

The manager the night before gave me two receipts, a normal one, and a gift receipt. She said if your wife wants to return or exchange anything have her use the gift receipt it will be easier. Because, the manager noticed Amy wasn’t with me to pick out the clothes. She realized there could be a potential for returns and was making me aware on how to make the process easy for Amy.

Its now my turn 30 minutes later to try and exchange the velour suite with the gal and the naughty computer who doesn’t like normal consumer interactions. I didn’t even dare ask for a full return, but started with a simple exchange query. The same gal tells me the same thing she told Amy, “ The computer won’t allow me too.””

I said, “you are going to place reason and customer service in jeopardy all because of a computer?”

She answered, “Yes”.

‘Then I would like to talk to your manager”, I said.

She responded, “I am the manager.”

She then explained the return policy and retrying to prove to me why I couldn’t trade the suite for a different color.

I listened and said, “are you really serious!”

I then dropped the suite on the counter, and said, “I will exchange the suite myself.”

I walked over to the goods picked out the same suite just in red, placed it in my same motherhood maternity bag and walked out of the store. The gal was so furious her lip was twitching.

Amy was still in the Mall when this all went down. I left and went back to work. Amy finished her shopping and was headed to the van. A Logan police officer stops her and asks if she was Amy Cragun.

“Yes”, She responds.

He then goes on to tell her that I have committed a crime and that he needs to contact me immediately. She hesitates.

He then says, “If you don’t want to give me his contact information, then I will charge you with obstruction justice and place a warrant out for your husbands arrest.”

He also told her the conversation was being recorded and that she should cooperate.

Amy has three of the four kids, pregnant and is in need of much needed food. She is on the verge of tears and really upset. She gives the officer her cell phone in place of mine and also gives our old address. They part ways.

Amy calls me and tells me what happened. I didn’t believe her and thought she was playing a joke. She convinces me she is serious. I laugh and tell her not to worry about it. She reminds me how pressing the police officer was and that it’s serious.

Just then I get a call from the officer. He asked me if I was aware of the incident that happened down at the mall. I asked him to explain what he means by an incident. I begin to tell him our side, and he cuts me off and threatens me by saying I have committed a crime. I said really what crime? I then said please listen first before you assume. I told him the story. He then wanted to meet me and asked me where we wanted to meet.

I said, “how about my house.”

“I’m on my way”, he said.

He calls me back and says he isn’t going to come after me. He called the gal at the store and she said she wasn’t the manager (so she lied to me), but that she called the REAL manager who sold me the suite the night before and confirmed my story of allowing Amy to return the stuff. But, the officer did state he would still turn in some type of form to the city attorney with the details of the “comfy suite” and also one on Amy for providing misleading information. I shared with him that Amy is pregnant and that he put her in an unfamiliar situation and that restraint on his part was in order. He didn’t respond.

For the record, the velour suite was on sale when I bought it, and was as good a deal as Amy’s Kohl’s deal! Also, I did not break any law because I have a legal receipt for all goods removed from the store. And I didn’t break any motherhood return policy, unless there is a policy against customers taking things into their own hands and helping overcome belligerent computers and unreasonable sales clerk.

Happy shopping this holiday season!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We are alive

This is just a post to reassure that we are alive. I can't believe that it has been since July that I have posted. CRAZY. I will get a post up soon. We are enjoying the fall and looking forward to the upcoming holidays!!! Happy Halloween all.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Official Baby news

So we are having baby number 5. Due in December. We are all really excited. The kids would really like another girl, but we have convinced them that what we really want is a healthy baby, whatever it is. I go in this week for the big ultrasound, I always love to have that over with, it is a big sigh of relief. However we will not be finding out the gender. We are going to have another surprise on d-day. Some days, I still can't believe we are going to have 5 kids, and the oldest is 6. Yet, I am so grateful for how close they are because they play well together, most of the time, and they will always have each other as friends and be involved in each others lives. They truly are my greatest joy. That includes the ups and the downs. Parenting really is a very difficult job, and yet so rewarding as you see positive results and humbling as you see ways you can improve. I am grateful for each of my kids and the dynamic they bring to our family. We are very blessed, and look forward to another addition. I will keep you up to date as things progress.

4th of July weekend

We spent the 4th of July weekend at my parents place in Midway. We love to go up there for a great retreat, in a beautiful valley. We had a water fight, good game of soccer, rode 4 wheelers, swam, went fishing, art show, Zermatt breakfast, and petting zoo, rode bikes, played games, movies, coloring, lots of good food, and just relaxed. We are so grateful to enjoy these times with family. It was a fun weekend.

Baseball Season

Our little Baseball man. Baseball season was a riot this year. I love to go to the games and watch how Porter has improved. He is doing so well, and all the practice is paying off. He really enjoys it. A little side story about his personality we went to one game and he had forgotten his hat. You would have thought it was the end of the world. It wasn't at the park near our house either, so I knew by the time we went home to get it that game would be about over. So I had to work and work and walk back to the car, and almost leave before he finally agreed to play. Then he played catcher the entire game so he had the helmet on and didn't have to be the only one in the field without his cap on. What a thinker.

Kristy's in town

Kristy came into town for a bit and we had a great time. We spent a night at Powder Ridge, then swam at the country club, which he kids love because of the diving board. Then we spent another day in SL at Wheeler farm and another fun center that the kids thought was mini lagoon. It was great. We love it when she comes it is a lot of partying, and the kids love to have Ethan around. Can't wait till next time!!!

Reese turns 3

Beginning the day with traditional waffles with a candle in them, Reese began her day as a 3 year old. We just played most of the day, then met Grammy and Papa for Dinner at Maddox, wonderful surprise. We ate yummy dinner and then had her yummy cake that she had sams club make.
Then we went home and played the candy bar game. The kids usually pick pinata or candy bar game and reese chose candy bar game this year. Then we did a water balloon fight and sparklers, then finished the night with presents. What a fun day.
Then we planned a sunday dinner to celebrate Reese and Blake since they share a birthday, so we went to my parents and had a big Barbecue, and played with all the cousins and she got more gifts. 2 days of celebrating, what a lucky girl. It was a lot of fun. We sure love our sissy! She is such a sweetheart! Happy Birthday Reesey pie! Thanks everyone for making her day special!

Missing something

Porter lost his first tooth. (with a little help from daddy). It has been wiggly for weeks, but finally gave up. Port was so excited and is completely loving the idea of the tooth fairy, it's like making money in your sleep.

24th of July

We did the parade, the park and all the festivities offered on the 24th, then came home for lunch and I pulled out the 50 feet of paint plastic and turned it into a slip and slide. I think the kids played on it for 3 straight hours, they loved it, and it was the highlight of the day. If I had only known plastic could bring so much fun earlier. Then we did fireworks, and the kids slept like babies, worn out from a long day of fun.

Days of 47

My parents had VIP passes and Shute seats for the Days of 47 rodeo. Who can pass that up? We saw the Budweiser horses, they were beautiful. Then of course all the Rodeo stuff, the horses, bulls, cowboys, and great entertainment. They had some motorcycle stunts at the end as well as firecrackers. I think that was the hit of the night for the kids. They thought the motorcycles were AWESOME! Great times!

George Strait

We went to the George Strait concert with my parents, Sara and Randall, and Blake and Holly. We had a great time. We wish Kristy and Paul could have come, however, Paul didn't even know who King George was. WHAT? I know, it is embarrassing, good thing he has a Yale degree to back him up. The music was awesome, it is not often that you can listen to 2 straight hours of #1 hits. Thanks mom and dad, it was a GREAT date night!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hikin' with daddy.

I know I have mentioned it before, but Trent really is an amazing husband and father. He can recognize my exhaustion level and jumps in to the rescue. He had been at Youth conference the past 2 days, and came home to tired me and kids, and dropped the yard work and planned a hike with the kids. Oh, not just any hike. a 3.2 miler (round trip). They hiked up to the Wind caves. They saw 2 snakes and 2 chipmunks, so I am told. Cache and I stayed home in the quiet, clean house and rested. Reese hiked the entire way up on her own. The boy did too, of course, they were troopers. They came home absolutely exhausted. What a great way to end a saturday.

seriously, catch up... again. :)

So we will start resent and go backwards. Last week, and remaining, my little sis and E man are in town. So we went up to Powder Ridge for a night. We went on a beautiful hike, and enjoyed the evening. Followed by a 'kick Amys trash' game of scrabble, and movie. It was a lot of fun.

Then we spent the next day swimming, no pictures, cause I was, well, swimming, and retrieving jumpers from the diving board. :) Then another day of going to the movies, and my mom sending me out for a couple hours to get a pedicure and my hair done. Isn't she wonderful! It is always a party when Kristy comes to town. We have more fun planned tomorrow before she heads home. Coming soon....
The previous weekend, Trent ran in the RAGNAR RELAY. He says it was a lot of fun. I want to do it at some point. Maybe next year, or maybe the next. :) The kids and I went to Liberty where his first run began and we cheered him off and supported him a couple times during his run. Then we went to a movie (Up), and out to my moms house. The next morning we got up really early, and headed to Midway to see his last leg. The kids and I were so proud of him. We would get a ways a head of him, and all jump out of the car and cheer him on, offering water and High 5's. Even cache had a good, go daddy, go daddy, chant going on.
The arrival of the team. They did a great job, and had an even better time. We will be a great support again for next year! Way to go guys!
This is just a random picture... Does anyone else ever wake up to random night visitors in their bed? Sometimes 1, 2, 3 or even 4. It gets a little crowded sometimes.:)
Happy fathers day daddy oh. To the best dad in the world. We got him a hammock and some running clothes for his race. Trent really is the best. He spends a lot of time with the kids and makes memories they will cherish forever. He really is super dad!
We got Trents mom a sewing machine for Christmas and the first product has rolled off. A darling summer dress for Reese. I think I am going to stop buying clothes and have MB step up the production. :) j/k, but Reese does LOVE her new dress.
Lagoon, Lagoon, Lagoon. What is a summer without a trip to Lagoon. Porter is also big enough now that he can go on some for the bigger rides and he was all over that. He dragged me to the colossus (fire dragon). He LOVED it. He acted sad as we slowed down, and I thought he hated it, but he was sad it was over. So we ran around and did it one more time. This is him on our way up the first big hill. Wahoo!!!
Rattle Snake Rapids... Prior to getting soaked. I totally ditched reese at the waterfall part and she got soaked. I think it was the fight or flight animal in me. Where did my motherly protection go? She was a trooper though.
And last but not least. I gave the kids ice cream at my moms and sent them outside. Within about 5 minutes Reese was back in the house looking like this, and crying, and chatting something. So I calmed her down, and she finally got out that Tyro, the dog, had gotten her ice cream cone. Well Reese, at least you put up a good fight. She got a new one of course, and stayed inside. But I have been laughing at this picture for a week. I love it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Love my readers!

I have to admit, I am reluctant to do so, but feel like if I am going to throw a fit about getting our picture taken, with all our names by it for the ward directory, that I guess I better protect us on the open internet too.  However, I do think that part of the fit has to do with actually getting the picture taken.  After church, really, not a pretty sight.  Survival man ring a bell?   Anyhow, I would love ANY and ALL readers to send me e mails so I can do invites.  Which by the way, I have no clue how to do the  whole private thing yet, so I will have to figure that out... but in the meantime, I guess I need your emails, so I can invite you when I do figure it out.    

This is a test

 Are you a detail person or not?

Grandpa the Great turns 80

Aren't they great!  My grandparents are  wonderful examples to me of how I want to be when I get older.  You would NEVER guess that grandpa was 80.  They golf, go on walks, they play games together, and are healthy as ever.  I am glad that my kids get to know them so well, and make their own special memories with these two.  They are very special to us!  We love you Gramps.  Happy birthday!

My dad and mom, and his 2 sisters put together a party for Grandpa.  Famous Dave's catered, and it was a wonderful day at the park.  They had several of their wonderful lifelong friends join them at the party.  What special bonds they all share.  Amongst docs, it was cute to see them admit to saving each others lives at different times.  Then of course all of the family was there.  Along with Grandpas brothers, son, and family, as well as one of Grandma's brothers and wife.  Then all of the kids, grandkids and great grandkids were there too.  I love these sort of gatherings, family is what life is all about, and we are all such great friends it is so good to get together and just catch up with each other.  

Then of course, leave it to aunt terri to prepare 2 coolers full of water balloons for water balloon volleyball.  We started  playing with the kids, but it quickly escalated to a full  blown water fight.  She probably expected such an event and also planned bingo, with  fabulous prizes.  The kids had a great time and will always remember how much fun grandpas birthday party was.  Thank you everyone! xoxoxox