Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who looks like who?

  It seems like everyone can look at my kids and say, 'he/she looks like...'  But I can't see it when I look at them.  It is easier for me to see it in pictures.  So Who does Cache look most like?  These are all the kids at about 2 months.  It is fun to line them up and see how much they really do look alike.  Cache went in for his 2 month appointment today.  He Weighed 12.4 lb.'s and is now 23 inches long.  The doc says 'perfect growth and handsome, as always.'  He only screamed when they were putting the 4 shots in, and he swallowed the oral one like a champ.  Now he has just been sleepy baby all afternoon.  Sleepin' off the pain.  What a sweetheart. 


Sara said...

Wow! When you pull out the baby pictures they really do look alike. I can't believe how fast they grow...if only they could stay this way for a couple years at least and then grow up :)

missy said...

Hey Amy! It's Missy Couser. How are you? I have been checking out your blog and your kids are adorable! And you definitely win the most fun mom award for the St. Patrick's Day post! It looks like you guys are doing great. I just wanted to say hi!

The Quist Family said...

Cache is so cute! I kind of think he looks like Reese? Maybe? They really do look alike. Okay, I thought I did an okay job on St. Patty's with the green pancakes in the morning and shamrock sugar cookies that we decorated in the afternoon. I really need to step it up for next year :)

Ben & Carly said...

Ok I officially win the award for lousiest mom, my kids didn't find out about st. patricks day until Ben came home from school in his Green scrubs and pinched them and asked me why they weren't wearing green. my response "well at least we did something for valentines day doesn't that count?" You are a cute mom and a good example!!

Kristy said...

It's hard for me to tell. I can see they all look alike in different ways. Cute, cute kiddos!

Lindsay Heitz said...

I have the hardest time telling who my kids look like too. The 3rd pic (I think it's Porter) is a total Nilsson. They are so darling!

Brianne said...

I have the hardest time telling who looks like who...but I can tell that those are all some DARLING babies! Good job you guys!