Monday, March 3, 2008

Family Fun

We spent the weekend at my parents Condo up by Park City.  We had a great weekend.  Trent debated coming, since he had been sick, but it was good to get of of the valley since we supposedly have the worst air in the nation right now.  We did a little swimming... as scary as it was for me to strap on the ol' swimming suit, motherly love took over when all three kids came downstairs dressed in their swimming suits.  Along with cousins Tanner and Haley.  You wouldn't believe that amount of snow they have up there.  As you can see you can walk right on to the roof.  We also spent time over at the clubhouse.  We played kickball, dodgeball, and basketball.  Trent, dad and Blake, had a mean game of 21.  And since Trent doesn't post, I have to brag for him that he actually beat my dad at around the world, a feat never before accomplished by another human being.  However dad did win at 21.  It was a lot of fun, as always.  Thanks mom and dad for everything!   And thank you blake for putting on dads shoes and walking out in the snow, and providing me with a good laugh!


Denise said...

Amy-it's your old neighbor Denise! You mentioned that you had a blog so I searched for it and found it! I almost didn't recognize Trent with his shaved head! It looks rather tough. Nathan decided to "let go of the hair" awhile ago because he was starting to have a lot less hair on top! Your kitchen looks good!

Brianne said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! What a good mommy to swim with the kids!

Kristy said...

It is times like these that I really miss living close to all of you! It looks like you all had a really fun weekend.

Scroll down to take a tour of this cabin. said...

Lindsay says....How fun! I didn't know your dad was such a great b-ball player. Blake is so cute! Is he dating anyone? I feel like we need to get together and play catch-up on life. You and Trent should join us for a weekend at Bear Lake since its not to far from your home. And by the way...if I have 4 kids and look as good as you, I will wear my swim suit to the grocery store. OK maybe not. But you do look REALLY good!

TeamDall said...

That looks like so much fun. I love it when you get to hang out with all the cousins. Cute, cute.