Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter 2008

We had a Great Easter weekend.  Thursday night, Rhett, Becky and the kids came up and spent the night.  Then on Friday we all went up to Beaver Mountain for a day of skiing.  It was a lot of fun.  Then Saturday I ran around in the morning and came home to a clean house!!!  It was great!  Then Sunday we got up and the kids found empty easter baskets on the couch, with a note, and candy all around on the floor.  The note talked about Christ and the reason we celebrate Easter.  It then directed them to another room in the house where they each found an egg full of candy, and another note about Christ, along with an Easter Picture, ie...  Mary at the tomb with Christ, or Christ with the children.  Then At the end, Trent and I were able to share a quick testimony with them and lead them to the final room.  Where they got their full easter baskets, new p.j's, crafts, new books, and a few other things.  At least I hope they understand WHY we celebrate Easter, and that it is not all about the candy and the Easter Bunny.  Then we had a nice big breakfast, and got ready for church.  Right after church we headed down to my parents, and Trents mom came out, as well as Roger, Patti, Andrea, and G'ma Green, oh, and Uncle Blake.  We had a fabulous dinner, Prime rib and Salmon and a bunch of other stuff too.  There seems to always be enough food for an army.  Then Grammy and Papa had an Easter egg hunt.  They put change in their eggs, and the kids love it!  We add all of it up and the kids have been asking all week, to go to the store and buy a toy, so I think I will finally get to that tomorrow.  They will be thrilled.  What a great weekend.  We love to spend time with our family; and celebrate this wonderful Easter holiday.  I am grateful for the Savior, and his sacrifice in our behalf, and his miraculous resurrection.  I can't help but rewind 9 years ago, when I was in Israel sitting at the  Garden tomb, and imagine the events that took place in that sacred garden so many years ago.  I know he lives and loves each one of us.  Happy Easter to all!

Proud Sister

I wanted to post a Proud sister post, so here goes;  Paul we are so proud of you for all your hard work and getting to where you are today.  A soon to be YALE MEDICAL SCHOOL Graduate and on to Residency at one of the top schools in the nation for your specialty!  Way to go, we couldn't be happier for you.  Also, way to go Kristy for being a wonderful supportive wife.  Working, moving, encouraging, quizzing, loving and now mothering on top of everything else.  You are an amazing woman.  You teach me a lot, including most recently, how to cook spinach.  It was great by the way.  We love you guys, and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!  Oh ya, and we are so Proud of baby Ethan for being so cute!  


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who looks like who?

  It seems like everyone can look at my kids and say, 'he/she looks like...'  But I can't see it when I look at them.  It is easier for me to see it in pictures.  So Who does Cache look most like?  These are all the kids at about 2 months.  It is fun to line them up and see how much they really do look alike.  Cache went in for his 2 month appointment today.  He Weighed 12.4 lb.'s and is now 23 inches long.  The doc says 'perfect growth and handsome, as always.'  He only screamed when they were putting the 4 shots in, and he swallowed the oral one like a champ.  Now he has just been sleepy baby all afternoon.  Sleepin' off the pain.  What a sweetheart. 

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's day

What do...
Green eggs and ham, 
Irish Spring soap,
Green bath towels,
Shamrock donuts, and the following picture have in common?

Lots and lots of Green.  I let the kids choose my outfit today.  We ate green pancakes, eggs and ham, for breakfast along with reading the book.  Then scrubbed wtih Irish spring soap in the shower so the Leprechauns couldn't smell us coming, went to the store and bought shamrock donuts, and marshmellows.  Then we made green rice krispy treats and sent the boys to the Jazz game in all their green glory!  The kids are so funny, they came up with the idea to put out bait for the leprechauns.  They set out various types of cereal, and they were amazed that it was being eaten by leprechauns.  (or tricky mommy).  However, Porter realized that maybe they were taking it to their house to eat it, and that is why he couldn't see them.  So he decided that a piece of bread would be too big to carry and they would have to stay there and eat it.  They left for the Jazz game around 5:00, so I was put on Leprechaun watching duty.  Porter REALLY wanted their gold.  But no luck this year, maybe next year will be our year!  Happy St. Patricks Day!

Monday, March 10, 2008

wuv, tweww wuv


Thats right, 8 wonderful, growing, stressful, painful, eventful, grateful, loving years. 
 We have moved 8 times, added 4 beautiful children to our family, strengthened relationships,  
 laughed a lot, and cried some too.  I am so grateful to a wonderful husband that loves and 
supports me in all I do.  I am so grateful for the  knowledge of eternity, since I couldn't bare to 
ever be apart from my better half!  I love you .  Happy Anniversary.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Family Fun

We spent the weekend at my parents Condo up by Park City.  We had a great weekend.  Trent debated coming, since he had been sick, but it was good to get of of the valley since we supposedly have the worst air in the nation right now.  We did a little swimming... as scary as it was for me to strap on the ol' swimming suit, motherly love took over when all three kids came downstairs dressed in their swimming suits.  Along with cousins Tanner and Haley.  You wouldn't believe that amount of snow they have up there.  As you can see you can walk right on to the roof.  We also spent time over at the clubhouse.  We played kickball, dodgeball, and basketball.  Trent, dad and Blake, had a mean game of 21.  And since Trent doesn't post, I have to brag for him that he actually beat my dad at around the world, a feat never before accomplished by another human being.  However dad did win at 21.  It was a lot of fun, as always.  Thanks mom and dad for everything!   And thank you blake for putting on dads shoes and walking out in the snow, and providing me with a good laugh!

Eagle Court of Honor

My Nephew Davis received his Eagle on Sunday.  We are so proud of him.  We learned a little Trivia that proves he is SUPER.  Did you know that in Utah, only 6 out of 100 scouts receive their Eagle, and on the national scale that ratio drops to only 2 out of 100 scouts.  Way to go Davis!  
This is a picture of Davis and all his uncles that were there. 


So we have been in our house for almost a year now, and I am finally getting around to decorating.  Mostly, thanks to my MIL.  She closed her wonderful 'boutique' shop in Pleasant View, called Grandmas Closet.  We all miss the perks.  However this has left her with some free time; part of which she is generously using to aid in my decorating projects!  I have a hard time going to a store and imagining what I need.  So, in the past, I just chose to do nothing instead of something.  But my MIL is teaching me that doing something is better than doing nothing, and to not be afraid to try stuff, and move it around, and live with it for a bit, then change it up.   So, we started with my empty space above my cabinets.  Here is what we have so far, I am living with it, and we are working on the mantle!  Isn't she great!  Thanks mom!