Thursday, November 22, 2007


Ten years ago I entered the Provo MTC for my mission to England and initiated the most significant experiences of my life. It is difficult to blog about this subject because I really have no words to describe my feelings and experiences. I remember after coming home people would ask me "How was your misssion?" I never knew how to answer this question. My real response was much too profound and thoughtful to provide some casual small talker. So I usually would say simply, "It was amazing." I was re-reading my journal from 10 years ago and I noticed two things, one I was such an immature 19 year old and two I WAS SUCH AN IMMATURE 19 YEAR OLD!

11-29-07 Journal excerpt
Sorry I 've been bad about writing lately. But things have been great. Thanksgiving here was really good. There were some awesome talks, all the MTC presidency spoke. then I went to more talks on the apsotasy and restoration. I learned so much! I took like 6 pages of notes! Then we did laundry and I lost my wallet which included temple recommend, $40, drivers license. Why am I so prone to losing things? Well I prayed really hard to find it and a friend of mine from high school found it and returned it to the front desk. hurray!

How the Lord did anything with me back then I'll never know. But I suppose it is a testimony to how much the He does with punk kids and how those punks can change so much in a few years. Regardless I can say that on my mission I came to know God and myself. I was forced into a situation where I had to give up and rely wholly upon a higher power. In that giving up I found peace and freedom. Sitting here typing a decade later so much has changed. My mission experiences haunt me in a way. I feel that I will live the remainder of my life working to live up to the principles and truths that embraced me there.

Here is to another 10 years... I'll keep you posted on my progression.

PS-I lost my wallet yesterday and I am still praying...


heidi said...

I found your wallet.

Thanks for being such a hard working missionary!

kate said...

So, the the 10 years difference means your WIFE not your high school buddy finds your wallet? :)

Travis, I've always thought you were pretty great, but I saw your mission bring out the best parts in you. I'm so impressed that you haven't simply put all you learned in a metaphorical box a lot of other missionaries do. Also, your mission served an amazing purpose for our whole family. I'm no longer cynical when families talk about how they're blessed with a missionary in the field because I experienced those blessings first hand...and saw the impact on Mom and Dad.

By the way, if you're ever feeling down about yourself, talk to your FAN CLUB: Grandma and Tracey. If I didn't have this pregnancy excitement, they would have only talked about YOU! :)

phillip said...

Kate's so right about the family blessings from your mission. The biggest personal blessing I received from you mission is that we became much closer friends over its course.

We were able to share experiences and perspectives such as the lessons learned from the Little Prince. The mission gave us a great chance to tame each other--a process that continues to this day.

Anonymous said...


Here is a recent journal entry of my own...

Dear diary Travis, Heidi and Luke are the coolest. I wish they still lived in California I wonder if Lynard Skynard will ever tour again Until tomorrow diary...

Marc said...

10 years ago... you're old my friend... and this year doesn't look like it's going to be kind to you: